• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

More good reads 2285 stories
Found 1,403 stories in 96ms

Total Words: 99,516,038
Estimated Reading: 39 weeks



  • Featured 23555 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

The Hearth’s Warming Skate-a-thon is a family tradition. The event is run every year for ponies to enjoy. The Apple family is working full time to get the preparations done when disaster strikes. Pinkie Pie is sick! Now they need to work double time to get all the decorations done. It wouldn’t be too hard if Applejack could focus on her tasks and not this new pony from another world sent to help.

Written for Jinglemas as a present to Mokaevans! Hope you enjoy it!

Chapters (1)

Even if it's far from perfect, Applejack and Rarity have the life they've always wanted. But with continuous droughts and rising water prices, life on a farm planet is quickly becoming more than either of them bargained for. Stuck between a tightening water budget and raising their kids, when a sudden disaster throws their narrow but workable plans into the gutter they will have to make a choice to save their family, no matter the cost.

Entry for Bicyclette's Science Fiction Contest

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash has always dreamed of being a wonderbolt— that's all she ever wanted. Ever since she was a little filly she could have never imagined a future without the wonderbolts.

So what happens when she gets fired from the only future she sees with absolutely no way of returning? What happens when she still can't see her future any less than being a wonderbolt the rest of her life?

Simple, it crumbles down.

And Applejack is determined to fix it.

P. S. The "Dream" here is not the "Dream" you have when you sleep.

Also, I felt compelled to write this because as a frequent visitor of the Appledash group, I noticed that the number of stories (631 by the time I'm writing this) have not gone up in awhile. So I wanted to contribute my fair share because to at the very least bump the number up. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

Mix a New Years party with plenty of booze and a night so great you'll never remember it, and what you might just get is an unexpected surprise sharing your bed when you wake up.

Awesome cover art found here.

Chapters (2)

Hitch has always loved Sunny.

The circumstances never allowed him to say anything.

And now it's too late.

Chapters (1)

When Rainbow Dash is tasked to help Fluttershy trust others more, she finds herself struggling to help her friend understand the lessons. She finds herself struggling even more, however, when her life depends on Fluttershy coming to terms with them.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Dazzling Sleepover

The Human World is seen as the dumping grounds for Equestrian threats that are too much to handle. The biggest, most notable example of which was the Sirens who are now regular human girls trying to get by.

Thankfully, it wasn't that difficult.

After becoming more friendly with the other humans of this world, the Sirens are starting to comprehend strange new human traditions and values such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, as Equestria's magic starts to corrupt parts of the city, they have to weigh dealing with their own lives alongside defending against these threats.

Including anything else that just so happens to get left over from Equestrian conflict...

Landed on the Featured Tab on 3/7/2022, 3/17/2022, and 11/2/2022! Thanks everyone!

Chapters (231)

We all know how the Dazzlings treated everyone, but what if they wanted to make up for their actions by making new friends? Let's see just how they try to do that at Vinyl Scratch's party. That is, if they survive the night...

(Profanity because of Aria's mouth. :trollestia: )

Chapters (1)

The holidays are meant to be a time of holly jolly fun, spending time with friends and family, and celebrating the magic of friendship. You usually couldn't pay most ponies to take a work shift on Hearth's Warming. Redheart, of course, loves the Hearth's Warming shift. It's her favorite time of year, and she can spend it with the only friends and family she has: her patients.

But this particular Hearth's Warming might be different.

Written for NeirdaE for Jinglemas 2021

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is undeniably a prodigy and has the skill and knowledge of a unicorn five years her elder as well as the power of one as well. This knowledge and power has drawn Princess Celestia's attention, with the alicorn beginning to wonder if the young unicorn will be the one to fulfill an ancient prophecy that would save her sister. A prophecy that would have come to fruition, had the alicorn's own checkered past not come back to doom the filly to a life of fire and brimstone.

Go check out this story's sister story!
Updates twice a month!

Story So Far (Been awhile? Get up to speed by checking out this blog!)

Chapters (99)