• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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This story was remade in 2023. Find it here: Defect: Rewired

After many years of trial and error, Twilight Sparkle believes she can finally fulfil the promise she made to her best friend on that day...

But then it all fails on her, and Twilight has to cope with being forced to break that promise in return of a project that could never see true completion.

Chapters (1)

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

Key words: Human in Equestria, Human to Pony(but it's basically the start point), Transgender

Chapters (187)

A guy named Dante gets Administrator privileges on a Minecraft server and discovers a broken plugin while doing server development. The next day he wakes up in a curious new world with all his admin abilities. Will he make friends, or will the ponies fear his power? His appearance will change history. Whether the change is good or bad is up to him to decide.

Edited by the fantastic: Doggyshakespeare

I am going to do my best to implement some reader driven content, as non intrusively as possible.

If you DISLIKE the story please let me know why. Just a thumbs down doesn't help me improve my writing!

Chapters (11)

The war is finally over. We ponies have lost. Our plan to convert humanity into ponies has failed. Hundreds of thousands are dead. Homes destroyed. Our nation is shattered and near annihilation. All because we underestimated humanity and their refusal to become like us.

I alone now hold the fate of my people in my hooves against the humans who want nothing more than to destroy us for the so called atrocities we have committed against them. I've lost my friends one way or another. My family. My fellow Princesses.

I have but one duty and that is, reluctantly, to see that we are shown mercy.

I'm just afraid of the cost. Or what I will learn from this.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-Read by bahatumay and Chaotic Note

Edited by Biker_Dash and wlam and Bemmo

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

Upon her defeat at the hands of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer makes a hasty getaway while the perfect pony princess was monologuing about friendship or whatever. Her situation compromised, she decides that it would be best to move along.
Accept friendship? What a silly idea. This is not the way it was before. Things won't be quite the same.

Chapters (2)

Fed up with being the bridesmaid but never the bride, Spitfire confronts Soarin about his lack of proposals.

Cover by ZantyARZ on DeviantArt.

Chapters (1)

Discord is wanting to settle down with Fluttershy and stay with her full time, but as the god of Chaos he'll cease to be if he acts to normal and it becomes clear that no normal creature can stand chaos 24/7 and he seeks a replacement, he ends up landing on Spike for the job.
Spike is missing all the time he and Twilight use to spend together, even if it was mostly work, and ends up using his powers so he can earn her respect as an equal instead of being seen as a lowly assistant.
While planning his first move he ends up enlisting the Cutie Mark Crusaders aid so none of the other mane 6 feel left out of the fun.
Featured (Apparently) - 8,28,21 - 11,19,22 - 02,19,23
- This Story takes place after Season 8 but before Season 9 -

This Story was Inspired by Kaliann25 Story Spike lord of Disharmony and Chaos and it's Sequel I recommend them both Highly

Cover art by : Little Tigress

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to The Runaway Bodyguard

Now includes AU sequel starting with Ch 31: Starlight and the Persistent Princess. Starlight Glimmer's magic is self-taught. To fix the holes in her education, she won entrance to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. She has secrets, however, a past she wants to forget, and she knows how to fight very well. Despite her assumed name, certain facts are discovered—fortunately not by Celestia. She really wants to attend the school, and must compromise with ponies who want her as their tool. Sometimes it sucks being popular!

[Ratings are weird. I suspect instant downvoting. PM to discuss.]

The Enforcer and Her Blackmailers is the original story in the Enforcerverse. It was originally a standalone one-shot, and I’ve tried to preserve that feel. (The characters demanded I write more after the fact, including the prequel.) Remastering it added and corrected it with details from the prequel, carrying forward threads written four years subsequently. It is still standalone and can be read that way.

Carrying forward the threads from The Runaway Bodyguard implied a possible fulfillment of Celestia’s plans and Starlight’s education, experience, and uniquely fungible ethics—if I were to allow the one action by Celestia that prevents Starlight from becoming the canon “Our Town” Starlight in the show. I’ve added those chapters and they are clearly marked as an AU ending.

I've added the [Sex] and [Violence] tags. Nothing particularly graphic, but Starlight does talk from her experience, and some fighting has to be described. Starlight tells her story with brutal disregard for what ponies think about her. She is not shy.

Image (c)2016 by Riakoh-Illust, commissioned for this story. (Click source to see final artwork.) Titling by me.

Thank you to Javarod, the pre-reader for this story.

Chapters (40)

Sunset has decided to return home... wherever that may be.

The orphanage where she was left?

The castle where the princess had emotionally abandoned her?

She walks the foreign but familiar world, hoping to find something to make her life worthwhile.

Will she find somewhere, or someone, to call home?

[Cover by Mirrored Sea]

Commission for Barbarity!

Want a story for yourself? Then check out my commissions page!

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna is asked by Loona the Hellhound to help her remember why she became an orphan. Once the awful truth is discovered, Luna offers hard-won advice to the young wolf-girl.

Rated Teen for Loona's filthy mouth. (Tsk. Teenagers!)
Loona is from Helluva Boss

Chapters (1)