• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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Estimated Reading: 39 weeks



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The worst thing about Land Ponies is they’re always out of water. Always out of reach. Living close to the coastline is enough to drive a Sea Pony crazy with curiosity. But with grit, engineering, and the timely return of Magic to the world, she may make some friends yet.

(If the older comments referring to "Koi" are confusing, reference this blog post. Replacement cover art was provided by the very generous Ahobo.)

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots that I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every other Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (2)

It was a dark and stormy day when I began the next chapter of my latest book, which was concerning, given that it had been sunny just moments before.

Featured 1/13/2022 - 1/17/2022!

* Post-S7 finale.
* Edited by Double R Forrest.
* Cover art by the awesome KamDrawings.
* Live reading by Skijarama.

Chapters (1)

No pony knows how, but one day, the world froze... Petrochemical is the only unicorn born to a village of earth-ponies, living out in the frozen wasteland, and one day, Petrochemical goes out into the snowy wasteland to find something to save her tribe from the bitter cold and toxic snow.

(I wrote this story as a way to recycle old OCs, featuring characters I originally made for cancelled or unposted fics. Inspired by a mixture of Fallout Equestria, Half-Life, Stalker, and Frostpunk. PS. I have new Cover Art yey!)

Chapters (6)

There are 100 billion stars in the Milky Way, and humanity is determined to explore every one. We send probes, probes with the blueprints to reproduce human explorers upon arrival. Uninhabited worlds the galaxy over can be colonized and populated, until after many years they too can join the vast throng of interstellar civilization. But if a probe is very, very lucky, it will land on a populated world instead. Equestria is one such world.

Even so, it's far from perfect for colonization, not with an environment lethal to human life. But each probe is resourceful and armed with the greatest machine intelligence mankind has devised. If placing a human mind into a newly manufactured human body won't work, it will just have to get a little more creative.

This book has a Hardcover! If you want to pick it up, you can grab it here: https://starscribe.net/

This story was written at the behest of Canary In The Coal Mine, who is sponsoring it on my Patreon. As usual, cover by Zutcha. Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail.

Fantastic prereading help from: Chyre, Danger Noodle, Doctor Disco, and Doggyshakespeare (who also did the Esperanto translation). Thank you all for helping to make this story more readable and more consistent for everyone.

Chapters (89)

This story is a sequel to Message in a Bottle

For numberless eons, Equus hosted primitive civilizations, ignorant of the proud achievements of their ancient race. In their simple lives, ponies and other creatures could grow without fear of alerting any of the terrible forces that grew in the galaxy beyond. All civilization had been extinguished by forces beyond comprehension. If they made too much noise, Equestria would be next.

Then came James Irwin, with the truth the Harmony superintelligence that maintained the vast Niven Ring had already known: the galaxy was safe again, and probably had been for many centuries.

Once the truth was revealed, Equestria again longed for the stars. Surely they could not be the only survivors of that galactic Red Tide that had swallowed all intelligent life. Their searching bore fruit: radio signals from a nearby system.

Felicity was the Alicorn chosen to captain that mission of discovery. She would bring the pony gift of friendship to a fellow survivor somewhere out there. That was the plan, anyway.

Unfortunately for Equestria, intelligence does not imply friendliness.

A tale of understanding and discovery set in the world of Message in a Bottle. Reading that story first is highly recommended.

This story was written as a Patreon commission for Lithl over the course of over two years now. It comes to fimfiction now that it is nearly finished.

Editing by Two Bit, cover by Zutcha.

Updates Weekly on Wednesdays.

Chapters (41)

Equestria is a husk of what it was before.

Friendship never existed, the windigos took over the world completely.

All that remains are insane alicorns, gods, and monsters.

As the remaining ponies cower in fear and hide away from the constant battles, two alicorns clash once more only to experience something new.

Now, Midnight Sparkle and Nightmare Moon must work together to uncover what could have been. They start with the other alicorns.

C̷̨̦͖͙̭̤͙͕͊̾̅͗̅̄̓̔ͅe̸̤͉͉͔̲̟͕̒̇́͜ͅl̷̢̪͇̟̙͈͕͙̆͊̕e̵͖̝̲͈̒͐̕̚s̸̹̽t̷̢͍̖̭̙̄̆̂̆̓̚͝ỉ̴͉̎̈͑̚͝͠͝å̴̢̡̨̛͙̫̱̤͋͋̊̿̕͘Daybreaker. M̸̡̜̲̮̳̣͑̂̀͘í̸̢͈̙͆̑̓ ̶̛̳̣͓͂̀̈́́̚͠͝A̷̩̮̰͐̃̈́̔̇̓̈́̃͆͝ͅṃ̶̩̲̟̰̣͎̬͐̆̿ō̵͍̳̝̣̪͛̅r̶̡̖͈͕̜͇̤͙̠̾͋̄̑̆̅͗͘ȅ̶̝̜̘̙ ̷͙̠͂̔̔̏̂̒̑̍̀Ĉ̷̛̛̘̼͉̅̓̒͐̓̈͝a̷͈̟̦͑̄̇͐̔̎͋d̸̥̳͓̖̠͍͔̗͑e̶̻̬͈̳̺͈̳̖̣̣̓͋͑n̸̢̩̹̳̲̖̦̲͂̓́̉̑͜͝ͅz̶̢̤͈͔͙̪͚̜͐̑̏̊̚a̵̝͓̱̖̞͕̰̓̓͆͠Heartbreaker.

It wouldn't be easy. They didn't care.

An experimental AU. Set to be less than 20k words, and uploads will be as I write the chapters.

Romance will come in later chapters. You have been warned.

Chapters (9)

Discord knows many things, has powers that can make heads flip and worlds turn upside down with a snap of his fingers, but if he's turned to stone again if Twilight can break her friends free from his influence, he was going to need an heir. Before his secondary loss, which he knew would eventually be inevitable, he chooses someone from another world, a young man named Charles, to take his stead and be the next Lord of Chaos. But with a new life comes a new body, and it's hard to be a menacing, chaotic deity when you're turned into a young draconequus colt.

This is a story requested by LordOfChoas.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to And Hell Followed

A plague ravaged Equestria, turning all of the unicorns and alicorns into bloodthirsty monsters bent on killing all the other races in a genocidal rage. A small cadre lead by the Elements of Harmony survived and persisted in Ponyville, and even managed to reverse it all at the cost of their lives.

Now Equestria must rebuild.

In Manehattan, Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna must find a way to ease racial tensions while keeping the teetering nation safe and also rebuilding the lost trust of the little ponies of Equestria. Elsewhere, Cheerilee and Scootaloo must find their way in this new world.

There are only two options left. Rebuild Equestria stronger than ever, or be scattered to the winds of history.


Updates every Wednesday

Edited by Silver Mint

Cover art by MirAmore

Chapters (22)

Shining has secretly befriended a certain Queen of the Changelings.

Turns out she's just a harmless nerd.

Now if only his family and friends would put down the torches and pitchforks.

Featured 7/21/20, briefly #1 on said day! ~ Squee!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Causes the Demise of King Sombra

Discord has finally escaped his stone prison a year after Celestia and Luna thought he would. Explaining why, he gives an ultimatum to Celestia, Twilight and her friends.

But he offers a proposition. One that will either see him reformed or as the ruler of a Equestria dissolved into chaos. A very....explosive proposition.

This story is meant as a joke. Not to be taken seriously.

Context from prequels is not needed, although it would be more enjoyable if you read the previous three.

If you want to chat to me, we have a discord server here!

Chapters (1)