• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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I got dragged to Equestria by pure accident due to an experiment gone 'wrong', roughly forty years before Nightmare Moons' arrival.
No matter what I do, as a pony-changeling hybrid, something will change with Equestria. I just hope I don't doom the country before Nightmare Moon even arrives... Or worse.

This is the first story I ever tried to write professionally, so there WILL be errors, for that, I apologize in advance.
I'm editing and proofreading it on my own because I literally suck when it comes to using this site competently.
Lastly, I am a slow writer due to IRL getting in the way but I will try my hardest to settle the story down whether it's popular or not.

Fair warning, there may be spoilers in the comments.

Thank you to Little Tigress for the fantastic cover art.

Chapters (64)

When Twilight attempts to expand her repertoire of magic, she gets more than she bargained for when she ends up switching Spike and Princess Cadence's minds, with serious repercussions should anypony find out. Between helping the Crystal Empire, helping the Magic Of Friendship spread through Equestria, and keeping Shining Armour and Flurry Heart happy, and finding a way to reverse the spell, the trio has more to worry about than ever before thanks to Twilight's recklessness.

Wish them luck.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Like Clockwork

It has been approximately three years since Cozy Glow passed into the tender loving care of Paul the human and she has, in spite of these dire circumstances, done quite well for herself. Indeed, it may be fair to say she has thrived, becoming if not a wholly normal teenager then at least a more well-rounded and settled one. She is happy.

By contrast Paul has, if anything, regressed. The man who felt his life had not amounted to much and what little remained would amount to even less has instead thrown himself - in his own way - wholeheartedly into trying to set up Cozy for her own life, with very little thought given to what is left of his own. While she moves forward, he has slipped backwards, and the gulf widens or so Cozy fears.

The situation is untenable, both sides have the best of intentions, and mistakes are made.

Pretty hilariously stupid mistakes.

(Also the only story of mine ever to have been pre-read (in places) beforehand by someone else. How exotic!)

Chapters (12)

[Transformation, mind alteration]

Courage Fire is an ambitious alchemist, called upon by Celestia to revive the comatose Changelings left behind after the Canterlot invasion. The solution lies within a mysterious book found in the archives, but will Courage take things too far in her quest for recognition?

Like what I do? Support me on patreon.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Griffon's Gang

Griffonstone is almost back to its former glory. They no longer need the Idol of Boreas, instead, they have a new leader; Queen Gilda. However, their new queen isn't feeling too confident about her new role and she's not the only one as Glynn and Gadget, two griffons who were a part of a gang that shouldn't be named, are concerned about being parents to Gallus.

Chapters (6)

When a thousand years has passed, Luna was supposed to return.

But when Nightmare Moon returns dead, Celestia is flabbergasted and shocked.

Then she sees Luna, who claims to have killed Nightmare Moon.

She is very confused.

Written by iAmSiNnEr. Not to be taken seriously

Helped by Chris the Cynic, who gave me a paragraph to work on.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Blueblood Papers: Royal Blood

The Heartlands Campaign has begun. As Equestria launches an all-out offensive to finally end the war in the Badlands, Commissar Prince Blueblood is captured by the enemy. Believing he has avoided the carnage, he awaits the end of the war in the safety of a Changeling prison camp. If only his fellow prisoners would stop trying to help him escape.

Soon, he finds himself drawn into a plot that could spell defeat for Equestria.

Proofread and edited by Setokaiva

Cover art by jamescorck

Chapters (22)

Twilight Sparkle's coronation as the sole ruler of Equestria is right around the corner. To not disappoint her, Sunset Shimmer decides to come back to Equestria for the first time since her theft of the Princess's crown to attend.

Said Princess's student, Starlight, is there to greet her, but the two of them are surprised to find that Sunset is a princess herself - or at least an alicorn, and her arrival may have unintended consequences for a trio of recently imprisoned villains.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Rage of a Queen, wrath of a Mother

After King Sombra escaped his captivity, he dropped off the radar again and nobody knew where to find him. Meanwhile, his mother has by all appearances started to reform and is allowed limited mobility within Canterlot Castle.

Then suddenly, after many months, the king himself returns and gives Private Iceland and his friends a rather odd offer; convince him to retire from his evil ways. Naturally, everybody is on guard, wondering what Sombra is up to and if he's being genuine about this offer.

Meanwhile, Princess Celestia must also contend with a mysterious accident that has delivered a very familiar pony to her kingdom.

Special disclaimer This story features mild bisexuality topics.

This story is part of The Equestria Tales series

The final story in the "Return of the Dark Ponies" story arc.
Story edited by Hail King Sombra.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Playing with Fire

How does one recover from falling below rock bottom?

That’s what the former queen bee of Canterlot High will have to answer, ever since the events of her Junior year Fall Formal. In under an hour, Sunset Shimmer had fallen from the most feared girl in school to the most reviled. Now, nobody is afraid of her, and they’re going to let her know every day till they graduate.

Sunset however seems, surprisingly, regretful of who she was, and she’s desperate to make up for everything she did. It’d too bad no one will ever giver her the light of day, especially after she turned into a demon. How does one live that down?

And these girls, the ones who caused all of this in the first place, why are they making the effort to reach out to her? She broke apart their friendship. She bullied them all relentlessly. She nearly killed them.
They should hate her the most!

Yet... they provide her with something she’s desperately lacking: hope.

Chapters (7)