• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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How many times must I be called monster, beast, or foul chimera?
How many times must they hunt me down?
What did I do?
What do they see?
Am I a monster?
Do they want a monster?

Featured 12/23/2021 first time I got a story featured :)
edited by:
DarthBall - Fimfiction
UnamusedWaffle - Fimfiction
prereader - 0fficerZ0mbie#0569

image source
Zlayd-oodles: https://www.deviantart.com/zlayd-oodles

Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to Blueblood: Hero of Equestria

Prince Blueblood has escaped the misery of the Changeling War when he is sent to Canterlot to recuperate. He knows this cannot last, for it won't be long before he is called upon once again to risk life and limb for Princess and Country. As Equestrian forces march into the Changeling heartlands, Blueblood must rely on his instincts of self-preservation, deception, and sheer blind luck to survive.

Proofread and edited by Setokaiva

Cover art by jamescorck

Chapters (27)

Equus... peace and prosperity, the advent of a new era, one whose effects would last eons on end. And yet amidst it all, amidst an entire world's known history and apparent approach to its golden age, out there in the stars there are beings with ambition born out of ingenuity.

Once creation themselves, humans have become creators of entire galaxies, of entire lives. Defining and building up entire worlds who, like them, built nations and empires under their care. Gods they are not, creators they most certainly are.

But like gods who look down on their creation, so too did humans look down on them, whether it be to observe what their own creation had done, and maybe, just maybe... even learn from them.

All of these events happened before Twilight’s ascension as Ruler of Equestria, sometime after the defeat of the Legion of Doom.

Like my other story, I am doing this on my own and for fun, this was an older story I had written a while back, might improve on it, plus I'll do minuscule edits from time to time.

Edit 1: Did a bit of cleaning up for the short and long descriptions, hopefully, It doesn't look clustered now (IMO).

Chapters (11)

When Humanity is on its last stand from the power of chaos. One man will rise up and defend his people, to whatever end.

Chapters (9)

Discord enlists the help of a long forgotten friend with a grudge against the princesses. This is the story of how old actions have consequences and can lead to true Regret.
The Elements, The Princesses maybe even Discord Himself will learn that when you give a Human magic and Happiness that they will do anything to hold on to it
Or at least it's memory.

(starts during the season 2 opener)
rating is subject to change

Chapters (2)

When Equestria was attacked by the forces of the Nightmare, the kingdom was thrown into despair. The ponies couldn't do anything to save their land, and only survived by staying within the magical protection of the princesses. Is there anyway to stop the nightmare, or will Equestria be lost forever?

Chapters (7)

Sunset flees Equestria through a magic mirror, but not before altering the spell matrix in charge of determining the destination coordinates.

Now a new world lies before her, brimming with potential.

And danger.

This was an experimental project written to test a few new writing approaches and specific setups. See the opening author's note for more. Not related to any of my other works, though technically in the same setting.

Light editing passes only, as this was experimental (again, see note). But hey, if you like what you see, check my other stuff. It's more polished.

Crossover with Gears of War.
Updates daily until complete. Merry Christmas folks!

Chapters (24)

Time waits for no pony, and Rainbow Dash has accepted that with age come limitations. But experience also brings new opportunities, and as head trainer for the Wonderbolts, she’s found new passion in passing her skills on to the next generation of ace fliers.

Then, Fluttersy comes with a request. A sick filly wants to see Dash pull off her signature trick one last time. The odds are stacked against her, but Dash will do whatever it takes. She isn’t about to let anypony down.


Cover art by MidnightSix3

Featured on Equestria Daily on Jan. 4, 2022.

Chapters (7)

All Luna wanted to do was spend time with her son. Being Princess of Equestria, she has very little time to do so, and the only way she can is through brief openings. She's finally found one: at the supermarket!

If only the demon sent by the IRS didn't ruin her day.

The Luna in this story is completely AU to fit the universe. In short: she never went to the moon for 1,000 years and is much more upbeat than her canon self. Hints of canon Luna will be sprinkled throughout because I still have to address the change in character.

Chapters (1)

Wallflower tries repeatedly to murder Sunset. She doesn't expect Sunset to flirt back.

You get to choose the ending!

Written for The Sleepless Beholder as part of Hearthswriting 2021.

Original prompt:

Wallflower, as a cliche horror killer, tries to kill Sunset Shimmer for all the bullying she suffered during her time as queen b**** of CHS, but her mission becomes immensely difficult when Sunset, instead of being remotely scared, flirts with her in every encounter.

Thank you to Bicyclette, Sunlight Rays, iAmSiNnEr, and daOtterGuy for prereading. daOtterGuy also deserves thanks for the title as it was a fantastic suggestion.

Chapters (4)