• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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James Alvera, age 18, former Brony, and currently living alone on the second floor of an apartment complex. His life started smoothly when his parents enrolled him in private elementary school; with good grades and lots of friends. Along the road were a few road bumps, but James always climbed back up. Well, all of that changed just as soon as he graduated high school. After the big ceremony and family celebration, he was unfortunate to hear the news from his parents at the dinner table. They would have to leave him for their workplace.

Saddened and dejected, he struggles to find a job and sits all alone in his apartment; remembering he has until summer vacation to find a job for his college fees. But that all changed when a strange letter offering a quick salary arrived at night.

Quick money for one simple task? how hard can it be?

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Hinterlands

Two years ago, bounty hunter Bitterroot turned a lich and her necromancer apprentice over to the authorities. Now, that apprentice, Amanita, has been released on good behavior. She has no more interest in necromancy. In fact, she asked Bitterroot to turn her in all those moons ago and helped capture her master. With nowhere for Amanita to go, Bitterroot takes her in until she can get her hooves under herself.

But all isn’t well in Canterlot. A killer is stalking the streets, striking with impunity and leaving no trace. The Royal Guard is befuddled. Bitterroot’s investigations have yielded nothing. And night is turning into a time of dread. Something needs to be done. If only the dead could speak. If only there was a moral necromancer around.

Amanita doesn’t want to admit it, but the part of her past she hates the most might be the most useful part right now. Just because ponies are dying doesn’t mean they need to stay that way. What she buried needs to be dug up again.

Her demons are rearing their ugly heads. It’s time to face them.

Reading the preceding story will provide some context for this, but isn't required. Cover art is modified from this image. Other entries in this series:

Chapters (16)

My name is Austin Lancaster. 1st Leuitenant in the USMC.

The Year It happened was 2050, Through unknown means that elude me- I search for answers as to why a chance discovery and decision after a nuclear crisis has landed me two thousand years in the future; From once a wasteland life has miraculously bounced back in the form of many different diverse species- primary of which are ponies...

Were the decisions I made in the hot seat worth it? Are the Scars I bear now going to tell a story of an era long past? Or will these people be doomed to follow down a similar path as my own?

Please note that the story is being currently rewritten to fix many of the holes and shortcomings of the story and make it overall better; This process is already in effect. As it progresses this note will be removed and a blog post will be made to notify existing readers of the revisions made. Thank you!

Chapters (17)

Adagio Dazzle, the leader of the sirens, was defeated at the end of Rainbow Rocks. Now, her life a year later is much harder than it's ever been. Working at a night club, she's lost her connections with the only family she used to have, Sonata and Aria, and she's trying to make it through the world on her own by regaining her lost power. That is until Sunset Shimmer gives her advice that spins her view on the world upside down. Adagio tries to help her neighborhood and others to finally find the secret to happiness, but she finds that she needs to forgive herself before she can ever be happy. After giving Sunset Shimmer a gift, her heart starts to race, making her wonder what she was feeling. Did she finally forgive herself or was this love? Will Adagio let go of her hate for the world or let it grow? Can something more spark inside a siren's heart?


This story now has a sequel titled A Shimmering Heartbreak~! I hope everyone decides to check it out!

Special thanks to a good friend of mine for the new cover art for the story!

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to Bulletproof Heart

Rarity Belle arrives at the small Eastline town of Little Longhorn. It was supposed to be a quick visit: deliver a package, maybe stay the night, move on.

Instead she finds souls in desperate need. The soul of a mare. The soul of an entire community. Little Longhorn is plagued by the ghosts of heroes, the cinders of battle, and the ever-looming threat of retribution. Perhaps a visit from the Bulletproof Heart is exactly what this town needs.

She can start with the local teacher.

A re-introduction of the Bulletproof Heart, set half a year after the conclusion of the original story. While this does hint at some past events, it is intended to serve as a potential entry point for new readers. May serve as the beginning of a new series of tales in the BPH universe.

My thanks to all the pre-readers: Babroniedad, SorenPixels, Merc the Jerk, Ghost Mike, Wanderer D, and Soge

Cover art commissioned from bakki. Text by me.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Words of Advice from the many worlds of Twilight

Princess Luna had heard of Twilight's experiences in meeting other versions of her in various dimensions, but one of those experiences has utterly broken her older sister to the point that she shuts herself out from the world. Determined to help her sister, Luna goes to Celestia to learn what has happened. Princess Celestia, in turn, tells Luna of a world where another version of her brought nothing but death and suffering to not just their own people, but to so many others in an attempt to convert an entire world.

*A sequel to a chapter in Joe Toon's story Words of Advice from the many worlds of Twilight which I recommend reading. This is canon with the NegotationsVerse btw.*

Chapters (1)

This is a short story detailing the final moments of Equestria and its inhabitants before they were consumed by balefire. Although having never met, a teacher, a few factory workers, a stubborn scientist, a desperate mother and a lone operative will all share the same fate; a fate sealed by a big red button pressed in a far away land.

This story is a part of the Fallout: Equestria - Decadence universe.

Chapters (5)

Decadence - "decay in standards, morals, dignity, religious faith, honour, discipline, or skill at governing among the members of the elite of a very large social structure."

A Fallout: Equestria fanfic following the story of a Pegasus who, by a series of unfortunate events, founds himself exiled from the safety and warmth of his Stable and thrown into the harshness of the Equestrian Wasteland which seeks to corrupt him as it did so many others. Will he fight this corruption to achieve a greater good or will he give in, becoming yet another fallen hero in the sea of countless others?

The story is set some 50 years before the events of the Fallout: Equestria.

Chapters (2)

Mark Wells was a klutz, but even he could not imagine stumbling into a mirror that he had just bought at an antique store and ending up in a world of colorful equines, not to mention gaining hooves and wings at the same time. And whoever heard of green fur on a horse? Perhaps the great and powerful Princess that the guard was taking him to would have some answers because he sure didn't!

An alternative version of canon events with humorous twists. Written in collaboration with Airy Words.

Cover art by Mix-up and their DeviantArt account is Amalgamzaku.

Book One: Chapters 1–33
Book Two: "Further Off The Mark": Chapters 34–69
Book Three: "On The Mark": Chapters 70–100

Sex tag added as of chapter 32 but it's mostly due to talk. Actual sex takes place "off camera".

Chapters (100)

This story is a sequel to Mark My Words

One moment, Caleb was strolling in the cool evening air of the Las Vegas desert, then a rogue portal dumped him into an Equestrian desert and left him stranded in an unfamiliar universe. When attempts to return fail, he has to start his life anew. Willow Branch, a sympathetic earth pony mare, offers to help him learn the ways of his new world.

This story is a spin-off from "Mark My Words", chapter – "Unexpected Company".

Chapters (27)