• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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This story is a sequel to Off The Mark

Prince Mark Wells may now be an alicorn and the coruler of Equestria along with Twilight Sparkle and his wife, Trixie Lulamoon, but that doesn't mean that his life has gotten boring. Something always comes up, whether he wants it or not! Good or bad, as an immortal, he knows he'll be stuck with these incidents for a very long time.

This is a series of short stories that are sequels to "Off The Mark". Chapters may be published out of sequence but placed in the correct timeline.

Written in collaboration with Airy Words.

Cover art by Foxenawolf.

Chapters (32)

Princess Celestia's best student, Sunset Shimmer loves to read books. She thinks of friends as a waste of time. She tells Celestia exactly that when the Princess Of The Sun tells her to make some friends.

She says she's already got a friend and that's enough for her....

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to A Changeling Goes to the Market

After the strange event at the market, Ponyville is on edge. Some ponies call for the capture of the strange bug-pony and others are simply too scared to go and talk to it. Twilight decides to head into the Everfree to find the bug-pony and talking pebble. She learns some strange things about them in the process.

(Featured on 2021-12-02 and marked as hot on 2021-12-03. Thank you.)
(Both this story and its prequel is on the featured feed on 2021-12-03. That is seriously high praise and I am so happy you enjoyed these two stories.)

Chapters (1)

Many years ago, when Equestria was still young, was a young princess, who struggled living in the shadow of her older sister.

History will tell us about Nightmare Moon rebelling against her sister, and threw Equestria into what she wanted to be eternal night. History will note the captain of the Luna guard standing by his mistress's side, until she was defeated and exiled to the moon. Then he fled, forever in exile, and dishonor.

Now, with the return of princess Luna, and the defeat of the shadowy entity known as Nightmare Moon, we learn that history, was wrong.

At least in one BIG detail..

Inspired by: NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE | Tangled The Series

Editor/Old Equish language expert: Mornings Dew

Coverart made by/belongs to: TheDracoJayProduct

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Dash of Humanity 2: A New Dawn

My time in Equestria has been eventful: I woke up trapped in Dash's head and sharing her body. I saved the world from Discord, adapted to life as a pony, and survived a love triangle between Dash, Soarin, and myself. Just when I thought I could finally relax and enjoy my new relationship, Equestria had one more surprise to throw at me.

I'm trapped in a time loop, cast by some unknown jerk, reliving the same day over and over. Twilight's out of town so I don't get to pull my favorite move: the ask a Princess to fix it for you card. As the only pony who can remember the time loop, it's up to me to fix it. I'll have to get help from the few unicorns left in town: Rarity, Lyra, and my new neighbor Minuette. Could this day get any worse?

Editor: TheEighthDayofNight
Updates: Wednesday and Saturday
A Re-Write of Dash of Humanity 3, focused on the Comedy HiE aspects that made the first two stories a success.

Chapters (22)

When their mother brings home an abandoned purple hatchling, and introduces him as Spike, the newest member of their family, both Garble and Smolder are more than thrilled. Garble even vows to be the best big brother he can be for Spike, no matter what he does or fails to do.

Does he really need to act like a pony?

An alternate universe where Spike is raised by Garble's family.

Featured on 2/26/2020! Thank you everyone!

Edited by VoxAdam

Cover art drawn by Doodle-Mark

Old cover art Cover Art drawn by boskocomicartist for SpikeSmolder fan, used with the commissioner's permission.

Chapters (30)

For millennia, a mysterious figure of terrifying power has persisted across the plains of hell, bringing with him death and distruction. A beacon of good, of light, and of cold revenge. He is known by many names across the cosmos, the destroyer, the slayer, The doom marine. His original name has long since been forgotten, he is known to most simply as the Doomslayer. He once saved the earth from the demonic clutches of hell, this mysterious being now finds himself on a very different version of earth, with its own invaders...

(A Doom Eternal/ Conversion bureau crossover)

Chapters (7)

A new hero has risen in Canterlot, protecting poor and rich, innocent and guilty, and even the Princesses. Known only as the Blue Knight, this courageous pony faces off against evildoers with a smile and a quirky comment. Nopony knows who he is, only that he must be the most noble stallion in the world.

Meanwhile, Blueblood, one of the few ponies born without Celestia's mental block on violence, is struggling. Ever since he was a colt, he's pushed everypony away in an attempt to keep them safe from the harm he might do them. Now, with his rise to the Hero of Canterlot, he struggles against keeping those he protects safe from evil, while also keeping them away from him.

In the large city of Baltimare, a stallion is growing his power. Born without any form of violence block, he embraces his killer side, using it to hoard power and money. When he chances upon twins with the same blessing as he, a scheme to usurp Equestria's throne begins to form.

This story is part of the HoE storyline.

Extra tags include drama and mystery. Sex tag for implied intentions.
Other characters: Mane 6
Princess Cadance
Shining Armor

Chapters (18)

After her mother abounded her, thousand of miles away from home, and no way of getting back, Dash gets put into an uncaring orphanage. She keeps hope that her parents will come looking for her. While she stays at said orphanage, she is tasked with things a filly of her age shouldn't be. Will she be able to manage it on her own, or will she break before she can find a way out?

Tags will be added as the story progresses. Base tags are already added, and they will mot be removed.
As of right now, Stolen Childhood (SC) is On Haitus until further notice

Chapters (6)

We all know that, when Celestia and Luna handed over the throne to Twilight, she accepted it. But what if that hadn't happened like this? What if Celestia was keeping a secret behind all of this?

When Celestia announces her intention to make Twilight the ruler of Equestria, her young student doesn't take it as well as she hoped, causing a rift in the friendship between the two alicorns.

Unfortunately, this incident happens with the arrival of a dangerous villain, who forces Twilight to flee her home, leaving her friends behind. Luckily, the princess of friendship will have the help of Tempest Shadow in this journey. On her side, Celestia teams up with Spike and the Elements of Harmony to find her student.

On this adventure, Twilight, Tempest and Celestia will have to face their insecurities and their pasts. And Twilight will discover the real reason why her teacher wanted to give her the throne. But the further they advance, the closer they get to the dark forces... and they are waiting for them.

This is my first adventure fic! Any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated!

My gratitude to Tim Ribbert and Phantom-Dragon for their advice. And to my friend from Youtube Mr Soarin for making me the image for this story.

Chapters (6)