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Rainbow Dash, best pony, fastest flier in Equestria, all around awesome mare, was called upon to help with the wedding of her friend's big brother. And hey, she never leaves her friends hanging! Of course, when it turned out some kind of bug thing had replaced the bride, Rainbow was more then ready to fight. Heck, even after it seemed all hope was lost, the pegasus refused to give up.

So when she saw Shining Armor charge up a final spell, she smirked.

But when that spell reached her and flung her against the wall, her smirk devolved into shock...

Cover art is a combination of Deception is Magic vector by Helios and Sonic Rainboom Version One by SkyRings.

Chapters (18)

Nightmare Moon returns and is hit once again with the Elements of Harmony rendering her a mischievous little filly.
Much to Nightmare Moon’s annoyance, Anon thinks she's cute as all hell and is the only one willing to put up with her antics and evil, so Celestia tasks him with reforming the bundle of misery and mischief.

Cover Image is by EvetsSteve, may he rest in peace.
Chapters 1-21 were converted into prose from my greentext stories with the help of Nav/WhatMustIDo

Chapters (103)

'I looked at the reflection, and the beast looked back.'

Viktoria had never seen the mirror before, now she wishes she had never examined it. With her body twisted into a strange and unsettling new shape she must become accustomed to her new equine form before finding a way home, and along the way also return her body to normal. Her body betrays her with each movement, muscle memory working against her. Will the newly encountered Flitter and Cloudchaser be able to help her?

Even with the new addition of wings to grant her flight and escape, Viktoria has never felt more confined.

'Others see me for what I am. I only wish for them to see me for who I am.'

( Thanks go to AkuOreo for such a lovely cover art! )

( Also, seems to have a Tv tropes page in the making! )

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle is the prized student of Princess Celestia, two-fold champion of Equestria, bearer of The Element of Magic, and general mare of renown. But we are all a product of our history and Twilight, along with the whole of Equestria, is no exception. When she is asked by Princess Celestia to look into an strange new field of magic, our studious heroine will get to learn first-hoof just how fickle history, and how important its quirks, can be.

I got this idea after cruising DA and seeing that there was a rather appalling lack of Solar Flare fan content. Since I'm about as talented at visual art as Stevie Wonder, I decided to go with the written word as my medium. Also credit to http://emeralddarkness.deviantart.com/ for the cover image

I'd really appreciate feedback on how I can keep improving, so feel free to point out any errors in the comments. I'm looking forward to continuing this story despite my poor work ethic, so updates might be a bit slow. Regardless, I hope you enjoy what i have so far.

And with that I proudly present, What Might Have Been

Chapters (17)

Our six heroes decide to settle down for the night with a few bottles of their choice beverage and a few hands of poker.

The night was going so well until Rarity decided to wager her virginity.

Now she's desperate to get it back.

(Formerly known as Rarity Loses Her Virginity in a Poker Game. The author's artistic integrity was long gone by the time of writing this.)

Special thanks to Blue_Paladin42.

Chapters (3)

It's late. So late, in fact, that it's early. The clock in the room reads well past one in the morning. There's also a storm hammering against this girl's home, trying to lull her to sleep. Stubbornly, she remains awake, drawing, surfing the internet, and basically procrastinating another night away.

So, what is it that makes this night any different from another one that she has lived through? What strange occurrence occurs that makes it stand out? That changes her life forever? That changes the course of- Oh you get the idea.

Have a look through "A Twilight Landing" and find out. Follow Twilight through her journey on Earth, her quest to return home, and the people that help her along the way.

Author's Note

This story runs parallel (as in it happens at the same time as) to the other stories in "The Madverse". Those stories are, So Many Wonders, My Little Marriage, Abhorsen, as well as The Mane Two : Contrail, started by Alex Nuage, and currently being written by Ludicrous Lycan. :pinkiesmile:

Art Work

A Game of Geometry by Balthasar999

Other Related and World Relevant Works
Bap : Being a Pony

Thanks from the Author

A special thanks to Everypony from the collab group, Alex Nuage, Cold Spike, Firebirdbtops, Stormy Weather and everyone else involved!

Chapters (32)

One month after the events of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, Sunset Shimmer finds her life in the human world crumbling around her. As a dangerous new enemy begins to show itself, in the form of a powerful terrorist organization known as the Chrysalis Syndicate, Sunset finds herself with no choice but to return to Equestria.

Upon prematurely crossing through the portal, Sunset is arrested for her past crimes and brought to the Princesses. She finds a new mentor in Princess Luna, is reunited with a long-lost family member, and is sent on a mission that would redeem herself in the eyes of the Princesses and the rest of Equestria.

But everything is not as it would seem. Even now when Sunset has come back to Equestria, she finds herself facing great danger, including a sinister villain involved in her past. Will Sunset and her new friends be able to confront this renewed, improved menace?

Table of Contents (For the reader's convenience):
Return to Equestria arc: Chapters 1-2
Mission to Fillydelphia arc: Chapters 3-22
The Weekend Off arc: Chapters 23-37
Vanhoover arc: Chapters 38-65
The Big Night arc: Chapters 66-80
Epilogue chapter: 81

Update: Now has a TV Tropes article, which can be found here. If you happen to be a Troper, please add any trope examples you find in this story to the article.

Current cover art by: mrs1989

Chapters (81)

Long hiatus. Unsure on when I will continue, although I am seriously considering re-writing due to the fact that I wrote this many years ago and the whole story could really use a good cleanup or reset. I will post updates once I get down to it but for now it'll stay in a hiatus.

It´s a snowy day in Ardennes; An American officer and his soldiers were keeping watch when a German attack commences. It´s the beginning of the 'Battle of the Bulge'. The battle goes on, he is soon taken out by a tank´s shot that fell close to his position. The moment he wakes up, the officer finds out that he is no longer in Ardennes anymore.... soon he learns something else... It is no longer Earth.

* * * * * *

A German soldier advances against the americans as soon as he hears the order of attack. Explosions engulf all around as a tank explodes, making him lose consciousness. When he finally wakes up, he finds an angry American officer pointing at him, the sun high up in the sky, and everything green all around. That´s when the question arises on his mind... Where is he???

**** **** **** ****

Edited by D4SH3R

I´m searching for pre-readers of my future chapters. If interested, please send me a PM

I´m working on music for the story. I´ll try ot make a song for each important event or chapter that happens on it. Here´s the main theme, if you guys are interested to listen to it:

"Main Theme"

Chapters (34)

Warning; This is not to be taken seriously, and the degree by which humans win (spoilers) has been amplified for the purpose of comedy.
Have you been reading a 'Human/Pony War' fic and been wondering how the ponies are putting up a fight with medieval level weapons and magic, while we have firearms, nuclear weapons, armies the size of their entire population and most importantly, years and years of perfecting the art of war. This is how an actual human/pony war would go.... with comedy.
9/11/14- FUGGIN A, I GOT FEATURED! Holy crap I go to sleep after sending it for submission, wake up, check it, pretty good support, I go to school, come back and I have hundreds of comments, favorites and 10 new people followed me
10/11/14- Christ, we're 3 likes away from 1,000.

Chapters (1)

After a promising breakthrough with an experimental spell backfires in the worst way possible, Twilight finds herself in a cubed world where she must learn how to use the world around her to survive.

This is Minecraft, placed blocks are locked in place, broken blocks shrink in size to be carried, and mass has no meaning. The monsters are real, rotting zombies, terrifying hairy black spiders, tall lanky creepers are everywhere, and death is not an option.

Will Twilight learn to survive, or will she become something more?

Wow! Featured 9/11/14! Thanks everyone!

How about that? Featured again on 10/9/14! More thanks!

Chapters (7)