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Chaotic is a popular card game known world wide. People of all ages play and have fun together. The same could be said for of Canterlot High, and our seven main characters. See what happends when they see that it's not a normal game. With a little help of a new friend.
Read and Review. But no flames be cool.
If you don't like don't read.

Chapters (5)

Sequel to Digital Dustin - Magic and Music

The Friendship Games are coming! As the Wondercolts prepare to take on the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts, something seems amiss… Twilight Sparkle's in the games! As Sunset Shimmer tries to figure things out, Dustin has a problem of his own as something prevents him from using the Digitrix. To make things even more wild, a young boy named Salazar also appears, who seems to have something unique about him. Who will reign victorious, what is up with Twilight and Salazar, and will our heroes be able to handle the trouble that will ensue? Only one way to find out everyone. Buy your tickets, grab your kiddies and be sure to bring some refreshments to enjoy the Friendship Games.

This story is proofread by GoldenHeartofMorioh.

View the Digitrix here

View Dustin's transformation roster here.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Equestrian Adventure!

Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, and Frank have taken over Equestria, sending it into complete and utter chaos and disharmony. With the Elements of Harmony hidden away where no pony will ever find them, alongside the element bearers being captured and forced to do their evil biddings, and the princesses lost in another dimension with seemingly no hope of rescue, not much hope is shining for the ponies of Equestria to grab hold of.

But the heroes will rise and save the day, they just don't know it's their time yet. Or are even aware that they are the heroes of this story. Weird coincidence.


Sex tag for some jokes that I aim to be made very obvious of what they're joking about, along with some very suggestive scenes that may or may not include some screaming half naked people. Don't murder me over it. That last bit is a joke. Mostly.

Chapters (9)

There are many worlds out there, each different from our and the same applies to them as well. But they all share the same sky, the same destiny. Though this is a tale of a young man with a different loft of life until he is mysterious thrown into another world... one like his but at the same time vastly different.

In this new land, Christopher Cornelius Corona, explores a world filled of wonder and delight with magic at every turn that is inhabitable by ponies, but not just normal ponies! A world filled with technicolor anthropomorphic ponies. And what new adventure is without friends? Upon his arrival in this strange new world he is greeted and befriended by the most magical set of friends, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and the lovable Pinkie Pie who quickly take him in and become his closest friends at the start.

Though underneath all the magic and wonders of friendship, there is always something lurking in the shadows. Who brought him to this world of Equestria? Why him? And along the way as he becomes a citizen of this new world perhaps more than friendship will bloom between him and his friends? Perhaps... true love? And what's this... YOU'RE ALLOWED MORE THAN ONE SPOUSE IF YOU CHOOSE TO? A Harem, a Herd? Oh dear... life has turned upside for the young lad with plenty of ecchiness as well. How will he survive the beautiful bountiful vixens that are all around him as well as the mysterious of this world... and maybe his world as well?

- Human x Anthro Pony Harem Story

Author's Notes: Just a few details I like to share with you all, first and foremost:

- There will be no swearing or cussing in the story (though mild swearing I might allowed)
- There will be NO alcohol in the story though playful references and jabs will be in place, like with the doughnut scene with Spike in the Season 1 finale
- There will be some Japanese Otaku Ecchiness involved, but nothing too crazy
- No Same Sex Pairing, everyone is Straight in this story so don't expect any romance between the same sex at all. No offense to fans of it or people who are into that sort of thing, but I've seen it done to death so many times and in a lot of romance stores here on Fimfiction I've grown a little tired of it
- NO HEAT CYCLE like a good portion of other Anthro Pony stories I've read, though unless there's demand of it I might make a spin-off one-shot of it
- Like with no heat cycle there is no Clop (or Lemon) in this story, though if people are interested I might do a side-story that focuses on it but no promises
- All the characters, dialogue, and violence will be closely matched the same as the show so don't expect blood or gore at all in this story (maybe a few scrapping, but that's it)

That is all and I hope you enjoy this new tale of mine!

Chapters (2)

In the world of Equestria there lives creatures like ponies and other magical creatures, filled with adventures with Twilight and her friends. Until one day a strange creature from another world falls into the world of Equestria, a creature called a human! The young boy who has never learned about friendship might finally get the chance! A HiE fanfic, OCx?/Light Harem.

Chapters (4)

Join Zach, as he is sent to Equestria when he is randomly pulled through a portal. What will happen you may ask? Lots could happen, but it doesn't.


Note: Yes it is self-insert, sorry for that, but not sorry:trollestia:


Special thanks to:

Super57s, for being a great support to this story, and for proofreading it to the best of his abilities.

Nightmare Jerremy, for being awesome and having a great imagination, and just being a cool dude to talk to.

Lunasmobiletechservice, for putting a lot of funny pictures in the comments, you made me laugh and made my day a few times!

I wish you all good times in your future, and I hope all of you readers have a good time as well!

Chapters (22)

A new disease. Some sort of radiation poisoning, and at the same time, not. The doctors can't help me, not just yet. Into the tube I go. I'll see you in five years, my wonderful Sarah. I love you.

One last ship. A single set of coordinates. I have no idea where they will take me, but there isn't anything else left for me here. Although, the 'Magic of Friendship' is a strange name for a space ship. I'm changing that to the 'Millennium Falcon' the first chance I get!
(As before, rated teen and gore, due to the fact I swear. A lot. You know, in case you didn't notice! And gore, because I'm not even sure where I'm going with this one!)

New tag! Yeah, not sure if it counts, but chapter 14 gets a bit more descriptive than I usually do.

Also, there is an alternate chapter to a later one/ one shot as a separate story.

Now with a sequel!

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Five years of Ice, A thousand years of Flame

Seven years ago, something hit Equestria. It was an accident. The ship that crashed held a single occupant, and proved to the world that they were not alone. Once informed of the dangers the universe presented, they were quite content to forget about it all, even choosing to ignore where the male alicorn came from.

And now there are two more. And they are a pain in the flank.

Sequel to Five Years Of Ice. (I'm also going to try and keep this one clean-ish.)

Chapters (18)

The fires, dragons... the Sun. Imprisoned, undead, hollow. Under these walls of stone the Sun has not touched us, hope is lost.

The suns glory should rightly be brought back! Even if I am in a body of not my own, I shall bring it! Solare of Astoria shall bring the Glorious Sunlight to these walls!

(Displaced, Dark Souls.)

Chapters (4)

So, I don't know how to begin a story. Maybe something like this. You probably don't know who I am but lets just say my life is weird and bizarre. One moment I'm packing stuff in my backpack. Next, I'm transported in this world full of technicolor ponies. Let the madness begin as weird and crazy things start to happen around me. Maybe I'll learn more about myself in this world.

Chapters (17)