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Hello, my name is Hit and I am a Hitman. I was known as Tim, but isn't much better than Hit. I am an assassin, though I wasn't always like this. I dressed up as Hit and went to Comic-Con, I made the mistake of purchasing Hit's Assignment Device, with it, I was sent to Equestria. After training in solitude I decided to become a Hitman, it's in my nature. One fateful day I get a mission by the Princess of the Sun, Princess Celestia Sol. Princess Celestia gives me a contract and I make the mistake of signing it. After completing the job, she forces me to learn to Magic of Friendship with Twilight Sparkle and her friends in Ponyville.

Oh boy...

Now open to crossovers.

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The ultimate surprise - Fimfiction

Chapters (13)

The events take place after the Main 6 defeated Discord, while the other side, Ash has just finished his adventures in Alola. The two worlds intertwine, making the Ash Ketchum and his partner Pikachu cross paths with Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

Chapters (1000)

Sometimes friends come in all shapes and sizes, and can come from the most of unlikely of places. but having friends from parallel worlds, well that's diffidently a new one. so what would happen when a Pokémon trainer on the way of winning a Pokémon league, gets teleported to Equestria, well I can tell you that things get weird, funny, and an adventure for the trainer to find his way home while helping his new friends deal with an invading wave of darkness and hunger.

now to give just a little context for you my readers, this fic takes place roughly a month or so after the start of Season 1 of MLP: FiM, but it will deviate in having story elements tweaked.

another bit of info I wish to give you is that while the Pokémon do have their 4 usual moves, in this fic, they will have some normal type moves for basic attacks. so something akin to Pokken Tournament. also Matt, the trainer will also take part in battles and fights (which honestly all trainers should have some level of skill in:ajbemused:)
-as for the team of Pokémon:

Camerupt (the Eruption Pokémon - Male)
Type: Fire/Ground.
Ability: Solid Rock – reduces damage from super-effective attacks.
Mega Ability: Sheer Force – removes added effects to increase move damage.
Moves: Eruption/Earth Power/Yawn/Lava Plume.

Lycanroc (the Wolf Pokémon/Midnight - Female)
Type: Rock.
Ability: No Guard – Ensures attacks by or against the Pokémon land.
Moves: Rock Slide/Counter/Payback/Play Rough.

Mienshao (the Martial Arts Pokémon - Female)
Type: Fighting.
Ability: Inner Focus – the Pokémon is protected from flinching.
Moves: Detect/Bounce/Blaze Kick/Force Palm.

Kingdra (the Dragon Pokémon - Male)
Type: Water/Dragon.
Ability: Sniper – powers up moves if they become critical hits.
Moves: Smokescreen/Hydro Pump/Twister/Icy Wind.

Probopass (the Compass Pokémon - Male)
Type: Rock/Steel.
Ability: Sturdy – it cannot be knocked out with one hit.
Moves: Lock-On/Zap Cannon/Magnet Bomb/Rock Tomb.

Alolan Ninetales (the Fox Pokémon - Female)
Type: Ice/Fairy.
Ability: Snow Cloak – Raises evasion in a hailstorm.
Moves: Ice Beam/Confuse Ray/Dazzling Gleam/Aurora Veil.

Chapters (20)

A young teen named Amethyst Majesty moves in to Canterlot with his sensei and along the way, he soon gains new friends, some enemies, and the growing relationship with a certain girl. However, Amethyst’s life will soon take a turn when he learns the mysteries of Equestrian magic surrounding him and his friends.

Amethyst Majesty & Rarity Series: 1.0

Chapters (2)

Two betrayed victims from the results of Canterlot Highschool and Union Academy. One who has wanted to be just like his heroes in Union Academy, but his dream was shattered when he became a target for the corrupted heroes because he had no abilities of semblance, sacred gear, aura, quirk, etc. The other, a pony from another world and being reformed to become a better friend than being a bully, but it instantly backfires when she's framed of being Anon-A-Miss by CHS and she felt alone again. Thus, these two decided to quit and go make something for themselves & finding new friends along the way. However, this'll be a tough dangerous road to walk through as they must work together against enemy forces, corruption, old wounds, heroes, villains, and so much more.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninja Girls: Spy Racers

The Turtles, Rainbooms, and Allies team up with Tony Toretto and his crew once again as they go to Brazil on an undercover mission to take down a new villain while finding Layla Gray, but also preventing potential world domination.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) x Equestria Girls x Fast and Furious: Spy Racers crossover.

In terms of the Fast and Furious animated show on Netflix, this takes place after Season 1. If anyone has never watched the new, animated Fast and Furious spin-off, you can find it on Netflix. And I would highly recommend you do. Otherwise, you won't be able to understand a lot that’s going to go down in regards to that series.

Cover Art created by me

This story is edited, proofreaded, and approved by Wildcard25 and Jebens1

Quotes created by me, Darth Wrex, and Jebens1

Disclaimer: Neither Jeb, Darth Wrex, or I own Equestria Girls, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) or Fast and Furious: Spy Racers.

Chapters (4)

Revered by their populace, the four immortal Alicorns have ruled Equestria with benevolence and kindness for five centuries, curating a meticulous balance that must not be disturbed. The Two-One system has survived everything that was thrown at it, and anything that threatens to disrupt that balance should be crushed at all costs.


DISCLAIMER: Sex tag ONLY for innuendo and jokes! Only a minor AU, VERY LITTLE has been changed from canon!
WARNING: Contains A LOT of profanity because I can't help myself
Fantastic cover art provided by Hoodwinked MCShelster on DeviantArt!
Proofread and edited by DarthBall, newbie, T0ucan, and Pen Dragon
Additional help provided by various members of the Changing Expectations discord server

The Ever Expanding List of Inspirations:
Anzel's Memoirs of a Royal Guard and Secrets of a Royal Guard
Bpkyle777's Past, Present, and Future
ChroniclerOfFantasies's King of Queens
Crensler's To Know Hell and Finding Artemis
DanishDash's At Your Service
Darkwing Dust's Crystal Soul
dj_neon_lights' A DJ in the Night
Hilord17's The Anomaly in a Mare’s World
Hiver's New Beginnings and all of its sequels
Ice Star's All That Lingers
Irrespective's The Harem Noses, No Nose Knows, and This Nose Knows
KKSlider's Changing Expectations
Kotushk Fier's Nocturnality and With a Shine in His Eyes
Krystl_Fae’s The Son of Infinity
kudzuhaiku's The Sun Also Surprises and The Perilous Romance of Swans
Lightning Ace's The Humble Prince
MisterEdd's Shattering a Heart of Darkness
Pen Dragon's Gems I: The Sun Princess and its sequel
PinkiePieFox's Shimmering Night
RadBunny's Timeless and A Brush With Fate
Scibe of the Nightwings' Interruption and Intervention and Admiration and Admission
SilverWind102's The New Guy
Tallfry's One Bolt, Many Questions
ThatWritingDragon's A Dusk’s New Dawn
The Boss's Coming out of it...
TheEighthDayofNight's The Centurion Project
Thule117's Guardian
Urimas Ebonheart's Warframe: Equestria
wishcometrue's With the Thought of Us
Zoshe's Return of the Ancient Mage

First Featured: 5/3/22

And again on 11/5/22:

And AGAIN on 1/18/23:

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Ultimate Spiders and Magic: Episode III "Genetic Conscription"

The annual Friendship Games are near, and everyone at Canterlot High is ready to take on their rivals at Crystal Prep. However, Peter Parker has his own issues, as his past resurfaces in the forms of his former principal, Abacus Cinch, and intellectual arch-rival, Twilight Sparkle. To make matters worse, magic seems to be running amok during the competition, and Sunset Shimmer finds herself amidst an existential crisis as she attempts to find her place in the world.

Life continues to have fun at your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’s expense.

Coverart done by edcom02

Special thanks to this group of editors and proofreaders! Regreme, Azu, Commander Stelios, Titan Commander Sebaste, and Marvelsoldier

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Ultimate Spiders and Magic: Episode II "Rainbow Rocks"

A student’s X-gene activates, sending Canterlot High into yet another whirlwind of chaos. To make matters worse, several parties seem interested in her abilities. Spider-Man wants to help Eris amidst the chaos, but he has to find out who is trustworthy between SHIELD's Nick Fury and the X-Men's Wolverine… all while trying not to be flattened by the Juggernaut and avoiding the stern gaze of one Doctor Strange.

Featured 3/27/2022 - 3/28/2022

Coverart done by jmkplover and edcom02

Special thanks to this group of editors and proofreaders! Regreme, Azu, Commander Stelios, Titan Commander Sebaste, and Marvelsoldier

Chapters (7)

Life for a superhero is tough, but life for a rookie superhero is the breaks. Peter Parker is only six months into his tenure as Spider-Man, and he has already screwed up so badly that he is transferred out of New York to Canterlot High by SHIELD director, Nick Fury, personally. With a damaged reputation, can Peter find new ground in his personal and heroic life while trying to keep a low profile? Highly unlikely.

Featured 10/30/2021 - 11/1/2021

Coverart done by jmkplover and edcom02

Special thanks to this group of editors and proofreaders! Regreme, Azu, Commander Stelios, Titan Commander Sebaste, and Marvelsoldier

Chapters (7)