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This story is a sequel to Super Equestria Ninja Steel Rangers

The Power Rangers arrive in New York City, but they're confronted by other heroes, the Ninja Turtles, Rainbooms, and Allies, but an old enemy from the past has been resurrected and wants revenge. Can these heroes find a way to work together and save the world from evil.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) x Equestria Girls x Mighty Morphin Power Rangers crossover.

Primarily based on Boom Studios’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. If anyone has never read the crossover comic book mini-series, I would highly recommend you do. Otherwise, you won't be able to.

The shared TMNT/MLP universe is created by Wildcard25

This story is edited, proofreaded, and approved by Wildcard25 and jebens1

Quotes created by me, Darth Wrex, and jebens1

Disclaimer: Neither Jeb, Darth Wrex, or I own Equestria Girls, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) or Power Rangers.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Girls of My Life 2: Old Flames and New Flames

See Spike Drake and the Canterlot Cuties in their childhood days, and how Spike got to know each of the girls and vice versa.

Recommend reading The Girls of My Life, and The Girls of My Life 2 Old Flames and New Flames before this, in this exact order.

Chapters (9)

(First displace story crossover of Kuja from Final Fantasy 9.)

I should've expect when I got separated from my brother at a big convention.

After purchasing my favorite Kuja costume and bonus materials I got from the weird merchant outfit man, I suddenly blacked out and woke up in another world as young Kuja in front of a young Anthro lavender mare... Twilight Sparkle? Apparently, I'm a large room with all ponies just staring at me funny.

My arrival of being a displaced Kuja can slightly change Equestria's timeline. At least I won't have to damper up anything and just enjoy of being Kuja the good/bad guy, chill, strongest, and patient mage from final fantasy 9.

Chapters (1)

Life at Canterlot High has been going pretty well for Sunset Shimmer ever since the Fall Formal... well, as well as it can when most students are still giving her side ways glances and expecting her to break bad any second. Still though life seemed relatively normal, that is until her friends start noticing changes in how she looks and acts, that only seem to be getting worse. Now Sunset must venture back to Equestria and beyond in order to find the parents she never knew in order to find the answers to exactly who or what she is.

Coverart made by Xan-gelx check them out on DeviantArt

Chapters (21)

A young colt named Blazing Blitz loves to play duel monsters goes to Ponyville to asks the main 6 to help him figure out the secrets of his Millennium puzzle. But his older sister gets kidnapped and a pony named Dueling Striker and he forces Blaze to go to his tournament to save his sister.

Chapters (8)

Duel Monsters.

A card game that has taken the world by storm. Ever since its creation, players of the game, known as duelists, compete worldwide to determine who is the best. As popularity grew, so has the format. What started as tabletop games transitioned to holograms, then AR, and now they've taken over the virtual realm known as Link Vrains.

However, the digital realm has secrets best left untouched. And when they are threatened to be unraveled, the guardians, the Ignis, seek out partners to help protect them. Fate led them to find the Rainbooms and a few others that they found themselves compatible with. With AI and human allied together, they must face the evil that lurks beneath the surface of the virtual world and reality.

It is time to link together and face the future! Deck set! Into the Vrains!

A crossover series combining My Little Pony Equestria Girls and Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains. The series uses elements from Vrains, but I have taken some liberties to make its own world. Links are prevalent, but other summoning methods like Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Pendulum will be included. There will also be different master rules used depending on the format.

This story was inspired by countless Yu-Gi-Oh! fics on and off this site. They include:

Monty Eggman's My Little Pony: Friendship is Numerous

Banchee531's Yu-Gi-Oh! Stories

Drakey C's Yu-Gi-Oh! stories

Brony-wan-kenobi's Yu-Gi-Oh! Stories

Night-Quill's Equestria Girls: Duel Monsters

RitsuD95's Regenesis, A Duelist Story

Darthvalgaav's Dueling Around Canterlot

And additional Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains fics like Hidden Memories

Special thanks to Monty Eggman and Banshee531 for their help in making this story a reality.

Chapters (2)

Jason Tyrell, an aspiring professional duelist, is a young man in school, who plays with old bits of machinery in his spare time. When he starts having repeating nightmares regarding the destruction of our world at the hands of terrifying forces, he starts to suspect that something is not quite as it seems. It isn't long before he finds out he is right, and him and his friends are pulled into a battle for the very Earth, with the power of the ancient gods at their fingertips.

Meanwhile, in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle is extremely agitated. After some routine research into divination under the orders of Celestia, she forsees the destruction of Equestria at the hands of otherworldly forces, and a game of dark and terrible power. How will she be able to stop the end of the world, and how do these "shadow games" relate to it?

These two worlds will be linked during a seemingly innocent duel between Jason, and his rival, Chris, and the lives of the inhabitants of the two planets will never be the same again.

Chapters (7)

In just of couple of days, Flash Sentry loses everything important to him. Now, he must step his dueling game up to right the wrongs, keep his world safe, protect his loved ones, and fulfill his dreams. To find out how he goes about it, you'll have to enter this new age of dueling.

Chapters (19)

Celestia and Luna have ruled in Equestria for over a thousand years. Their age along with the unbelievable power that they wield to move the sun and moon has caused most ponies to see them as gods.

But as powerful as they are, gods they are not. For the being that has arrived in Equestria has powers that can rival and surpass their own. He is a deity millennia of years old, a deity who commands the thunder and lightning with an incredible might and a hammer that can shatter the sun and moon.

And Celestia and Luna will learn that they are not all powerful. That they are not as mighty as they believed. They are not gods.

They are not Thor.

Chapters (36)

Being framed by a Mystable user and hated by everyone, Sunset Shimmer runs off back into her apartment. Her door bumps into something half way and discovers an unknown chest, along with the card decks inside as well. Unbeknownst to her however, the first deck Sunset picked up have somehow chosen her of being the new Dark Signer leader as she uses the other decks to find more people to join her side and figure out on what to do next. Perhaps seek revenge on those who've wronged her or maybe something else.

Chapters (1)