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Act 1 Plot

Luxerk, a Nobody who was the test subject of the Organization XIII's many weaponized experiments was imprisoned shortly after attacking his former master Xemnas. When the wielders of the Keyblade storm the Castle that Never Was, Xigbar, Organization Member Number II, secretly gives him back his ability to copy abilities of whoever he came into physical contact with over the course of his existence, including one Keyblade wielder named Roxas who was once a member of the organization. When Xigbar disappears, Luxerk takes the opportunity to escape. What he doesn't know is all of the Organization's weapon and ability data sleep inside him and over time, they will awaken thanks to a special stone given to him by Ansem the Wise. He escapes through a portal to a new world known as Canterlot and tries to adjust to the foreign customs and befriend some of the people. He will soon realize that friendship and the bonds he makes, fills in the hole of his soul, giving him a metaphorical heart and an answer to a riddle that is his existence. However, he can run only so far until his past eventually catches up with him.

Main Theme - Unbreakable Tie

Takes place after Rainbow Rocks. Later on, it will take place in Equestria in the second act.

This is a Kingdom Hearts + Equestria Girls + My Little Pony crossover.

Rated Teen for Language, Violence, Herding and Non-Lemon Sexual Themes .

Reader's Discretion is Advised.

Kingdom Hearts belongs to Square Enix. Equestria Girls and My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro.

Chapters (11)

I decided to watch an anime that had been a favorite of mine since I was a kid and later play the game if only for old times sake, but when I called it a night I woke up surrounded by guards as the main character with a certain sword and it's other pieces. Hopefully I didn't get his habit of being short on money with this transformation.

In celebration of Orphen's 25th anniversay and reboot this year, I loved this show and the game as a child (looking back the game was meh).

Taking place during season 3.

Highly recommended you watch the first series to avoid the heavy spoilers early in the story, or watch it's remake this year.

Title still a WIP. Was originally called "Outcasted Sorcerer".

Chapters (3)

I was once an Organization XIII member known as Xuku. One day I had a fight with a fellow Organisation member, when something went astray. I had gotten a memory of my past life. Specifically how I was turned into a nobody.

Now I'm planning on leaving the organisation. From here on, I have no idea what will happen. I just hope I can live a peaceful life in another world FAR from here...

Yeah right...

Authors Note: I don't own ANYTHING related to Kingdom Hearts or MLP, exept for my own oc and story plot. Also my oc:s name is pronounced like this (Zu-ku).

Also some of the red tags aren't going to show up until later in so don't worry. I'll try not to disappoint... much.

Chapters (6)

Morality. It's something that everyone knows, yet is subjective to each being. So, when ones way of life is threatened, their morality is put into question and they need to defend themselves, most would go to extreme methods. But what if the weapon that they make gets their own sense of morality? Forged through fire and blood, was a warrior, made to be the perfect fighter. However, he was left incomplete. He wanders, trying to find something that could make him whole.

Note: Sex is implied, though not detailed. Death and minor gore is prevalent from chapter to chapter, though nothing graphic.

Cover by Tyotheartist1 on twitter and instagram

First two chapters have been rewritten as of January 2023

Chapters (30)

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no fear; there is power.
I am the heart of the Force.
I am the revealing fire of light.
I am the mystery of darkness
In balance with chaos and harmony,
Immortal in the Force.

This is the Oath the Code of the Je'daii. This is what I believe this is what I will teach Equestria.

My name is Grand Master Socrates meaning knowledge and wisdom well it is now.You see I was just some ordinary guy that went to a con dressed as a force Wielder. Something happened now I am in Equestria but this is not the Equestria I know for the inhabitants are not ponies or anthro they are human.
Now that I am here I have all the knowledge and power of a Je'daii Master and I intend to teach the force sensitive of this world the ways of the Je'daii. But first I must find those who could help me, unfortunately, two of them happen to be named Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.
Please tell me why these two have to be force sensitive.

(Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Chrysalis are simi major characters they will appear in the story every now and then one at a time or all together, Zacora will also show up every now and again.)

Chapters (12)

"Hey guys settle down we're here to tell our story so the world can know,"
"Just how awesome we are am I right Chuan?"
"Yes San we are awesome as you say but I think our brother wished for use to tell how we came from the Elemental nations to our new home."
"Thank you Baygo you are always the most polite of us."
"Hey, Hotaru how come you get to tell the story?"
"That is simple San, I'm the oldest."
"Only by an hour Hotaru, we were all born the same day remember."
"True but he also drew the short straw as well Chuan."
"Oh yay, I forgot about that, forgive me please carry on."
You know what forget it lets just start the story I think all this talking kind of confused the readers for a bit.

Chuan is Chinese for great river Waterbending Master/Bloodbending/Water Healing
San is Korean for mountain peak Earthbending Master/Metalbending/Lavabending
Baygo is Filipino for strong storm Airbending Master/?bending
Hotaru is Japanese for firefly Firebending Master/Lightningbending /?bending

The CMC and Gabby are aged up to eighteen.

Sweetie Belle and Chuan
Apple Bloom and San
Gabby and Baygo
Scootaloo and Hotaru
And yes the sex rating is there because the four couples do get it on after all the guys are stuck there forever and the girls are old enough so why not.

Chapters (4)

After two decades of tyranny, the end of the Galactic Empire had come to pass. The Emperor Sheev Palpatine, also Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, was slain by his own apprentice, Darth Vader, in attempt to save his son's life. His life-support system heavily damaged in the process by Darth Sidious's Force lightning, Darth Vader did not survive and died in the hands of his son, on the board of Deathstar.

Yet that was not the end.

What nobody knew was that the prophecy of the Chosen One has never been truly fulfilled and that the defeat of the Sith was merely the beginning of all glorious things the Chosen One had been destinated to do.

Through the arcane power of The Force, Vader found himself resurrected and revitalised on a strange world, with a second chance to redeem himself for all the atrocities he had commited. In time, he may bring forth things that would change the very course of the Galaxy. Only The Force will tell.

P.S.- Big thanks to mrkillwolf666 for all support he gave me. May the Force be with you!

P.P.S.- Special thanks to Bringiton6611 for editing. Teh Furce is strung wit dat one!

Chapters (3)

Spike after moving away from his childhood home, comes back six years later and enrolls at Crystal Prep Academy only to discover his six female childhood friends are already students there. It would be a joy for Spike if it weren't for the fact his six friends had changed while he was away. Can he help the six remember the way they used to be before he left or are they too far gone to ever be who they once were?

Spike x Crystal Prep ShadowBolts. May be additional ones down the line.

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Freshman Blues

With the days of Freshman year behind him, Spike is set to have the best summer ever with his sister, her friends, and his school friends. What adventures and fun await them all this summer is for you to find out.
Sequel to Freshman Blues Read that before this.

Chapters (14)

Spike has just started his first year at Canterlot High where his older sister Twilight and her friends attend. With a new school and new friends to make, will this outcast survive his first year or be overwhelmed by the high school world. Humanized.

Chapters (22)