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Spike and Pinkie have been spending more time together, it doesn't help the party pony who been trying to stop being on one way street. Since she loves him and knows he wouldn't return her feelings, That changes when he get bought to the rock farm to meet her sisters.

Until she comes up with the best idea, The Choosing Rock will be working for the long weekend and their parent are off in Canterlot for the Rock Awards to see what with piece of stone and rocks will win. Pinkie brings Spike to help, seeing him hitting off with her sisters well, Pinkie decides to have them all dating him in a nice harem.

Spike is in for a long weekend.

Now Edited by: Base Anonymous

Chapters (4)

A different story each, drive into a tale about Spike with a different member of the mane six in a different chapter. In this series of one-shots

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Tales of Love Two: Attack of The Shipping

Tales of Love is back and so, is Spike. The young dragon is in for a hard time winning over each mare in a series of One-Shots, with a ex-villain, ex-Wonderbolt and much more. Can Spike survive having all these different types of mares in the third version of Tales of Love.

Spike's about the same size as a grown stallion.

Cover Art Done by:
OmniWriter (FIMFiction)
OmniWriter (Deviantart)

Edited By:
Base Anonymous

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Tales of Love

Spike is back in another series of one shots with seven different mares, including Cheerilee, Spitfire, Gabby, Ember, Screwball and Octavia. Join Spike in the Tales of Love 2: Attack of The Shipping.

Chapter's Descriptions:

Teacher Loving: (Cheerilee x Spike)

When the school holidays finally come around, the fillies and colts couldn't be more happier. Even Cheerilee is pleased, finally having time to relax and spend time to herself. Until her plans get ruin and Spike there to cheer her up.

Dragon Code: (Ember x Spike)

Ember tells her children on how she fell in love with their father; Spike.

Chaotic Lovin' (Screwball x Spike)

Screwball have been causing too much disorder, which is a bad thing. Well thanks to Princess Celestia and her goody two shoes father, she now has to be reformed by Ponyville's town dragon; Spike.

Lending A Helping Claw: (Gabby x Spike)

A love story told through letters.

Star Struck: (Spitfire x Spike)

Hearth's Warming Eve is nearing, Spitfire wants Spike to share the holiday with her in her hometown of Cloudsdale.

Musical Taste: (Octavia x Spike)

Spike and Octavia have been together for awhile now, it started out great. But then it turn into the two arguing over every little thing either of the two do, either it be music, which place they would go to for a date.

Bonus Chapters:

Sky High: (Cloudchaser & Flitter x Spike)

Not been having to much luck in love, Spike decides to ask the two mares he fell in love with on the same day. Hoping for one to say yes, not both of them.

Chapters (8)

Featured: 3/5/2018 at 10:28 AM.

Fifteen years ago, in the Year of the Dragon, Spike Draco was blessed with a rare gift — the Dragonfire. But at the age of five, he lost it, with his memories.

Ten years later, it has returned and Spike must be ready to defend his homes – Earth and Equestria – with the friends and the families from both worlds.

2/17/18: Rated T for some risqué scenarios, along with violent fight scenes that may be too graphic, and fan service.

6/8/18: Rated Crossover for a mixture of Them's Fightin' Herds, and other references.

Readers' discretion is advised.

Edit: The original cover image, should you be interested in Momlestia and Spike, can be found here.

Co-Author: alphasteel
Editor: DGJabberwocky
Pre-Reader: Beraxus

Chapters (114)

With the mundane amount of space in the world around earth, a man named Craig is ripped from his reality and thrown into a new. As he ascends to the soil of equestria he is magically gifted by an unknown source to create or replicate anything from his worlds entertainment system on a whim. Grasping the reality that is now his home, he lives and follows his new found friends into endless adventures.

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to Daughter of Discord

The long-awaited sequel to "Bride of Discord" and "Daughter of Discord."

Now that Prince Mothball has gotten used to living with the Discord family, he thinks he is ready to take the next step with Screwball. However, their plans are put on hold when the changelings return and want Mothball to be their king.

Cover Image by Inkheart7

Chapters (19)

Twilight is a brilliant student who's never had the time nor reason to make friends. That all changed at the beginning of the year when she stumbles upon a mysterious super computer and activates it. It's here that she finds three things that'll change her life forever. A super intelligent and life like AI named Fluttershy, a virtual world called Lyoko, and a sentient computer virus named XANA who has desires to take over the human world.

With the help of her fellow classmates Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie, Twilight must engage the evil computer virus, save Fluttershy, and one day shut down the super computer once and for all. But why does something like Lyoko even exist, and who made it?

Now with TV Trope Page!!!

This story is rated Teen for violence, language, suggestive themes, and tense situations.

Chapters (35)

Twenty-five moons ago, an accident unleashed billions of nanoscopic machines called Nanites, which spread to every corner of the globe and infected every living thing.

Most of the Nanites are inactive. A lot of them aren't.

When Nanites go active, their host organisms mutate unpredictably, becoming dangerous creatures called EVOs. Some EVOs have control over their powers. Some remain intelligent. Some even just want to be left alone.

Some have more sinister goals.

And then there's the outsider. One teenage girl who is, in reality, a unicorn exiled from another dimension. Having turned her back on Equestria and fled through the mirror at almost the exact same time as the Event, Sunset Shimmer has become the most extraordinary, unusual EVO of all...

...and she has the power to cure EVOs.

But will a self-centered, power-hungry, arrogant former unicorn really save a human race she doesn't care anything about?

Adapted from Generator Rex by Man of Action.

(Cover art is temporary; permanent cover art coming later...)

Chapters (2)

While the boundaries of between dimensions were being torn during the Friendship Games, an unexpected repercussion occurred. The Digital world discovered their world. How will the Humane 7 when they get mixed in to the digital mayhem about to arise.
Thankfully, a hero in training is there to help them.

Chapters (4)