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Ever wonder how the mane six found their special someponies in A Day in Ponyville, well this is how Rainbow Dash had found Big Macintosh.

There will be six of these in total, with this being story number one. A side story to A Day in Ponyville, enjoy! One-shot.

UPDATE: Added AU because the show decided to give Mac a canon marefriend. *Shrugs* Fair enough, not gonna stop me shipping what I wanna ship though.

Chapters (1)

Big Macintosh has been in a relationship with his marefriend, Rainbow Dash, for a few months now, and the two are very close with one another. Mac knows that Rainbow does like to have space every once in a while, but when after almost an entire week goes by without any word from his marefriend, he begins to get worried.

Heading over to her house, Big Macintosh finds Rainbow terribly sick, and he knows that he has to be by her side until she gets better again.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has lost a bet with Applejack, she now need to do a months worth of work on the farm.

What can go wrong ... or right? A whole month stuck with the Apple's might not be as much fun as you think it will be. Follow Rainbow as she find out, just what farm life is like, in her case anyway.

Entry for: A disagreement of sorts.

*I was given permission to use this cover image by Yetioner*

Chapters (1)

Another day, another crash. Hey, being the best means taking some risks, but this time Rainbow dash is ground bound for three whole days! What does she do? Stay at Sweet Apple Acres until she recovers, of course! One thing though, AJ's out of town.

Ok, so this was only supposed to be a one chapter practice piece, but it spiraled out of control. There are now something like 15 completed chapters and a complete side story with an additional 15 chapters. I can't believe I did this. Rated teen for a fight and some misunderstandings, but I'm really just playing it safe. (I don't want to be banned on my first upload!)

First person(pony?) View, alternating between Rainbow and Mac.

Artwork (c) me, Just some stuff I slapped together. I'll give each fiction a proper piece of art later.

Also, if I get 3,000+ views, I'll make a piece of art for every chapter.

Chapters (17)

A hard, long day leads Dash to her best friend, Applejack's home, There she finds her friend in a very similar pickle. Both sit down and have a little heart to heart talk with one another; something neither prefeed doing on a normal bases. Both discus what tired them out, and how one is meant to overcome this.

The amazing cover art and inspiration for this little fic was by Jamescorck

Chapters (1)

After three unsuccessful years of beating her own, single-day apple bucking record, Applejack decides that today is the day she'll beat it. Luckily for her, Rainbow Dash shows up to help. Unluckily for her, Rainbow Dash shows up to help. Why is she getting so distracted?

Cover: Done by me :)
Extra special thanks to Krickis for proof reading and helping me make an updated version!

Chapters (1)

When a freak science experiment at Twilight's library zaps Rainbow Dash with temporary aphasia, it's up to Applejack to get her a cure.

Chapters (1)

Life is full of moments, and treasures, but how could she get Applejack the greatest gift of all?

Preread by Krazy and The Red Parade, and applezombi.
Many thanks. <3

Coverart: https://derpicdn.net/img/download/2019/10/22/2176021.png

Chapters (1)

"It's no secret that Applejack and I are really cool friends, but nopony really knows how I feel about her. Her awesome blonde hair, those powerful legs that won't quit, that amazing smile, all wrapped up underneath her trademark cowpony hat.

Urgh! I've had it! I've just gotta tell her how she makes me feel!

I just hope she takes me seriously for once..."
Holy cow, this totally got featured! Apparently you people really like Appledash and scenes with Rainbow letting her guard down. Thank you all for reading, rating, commenting, or all of the above!

Chapters (1)

Applejack accidentally makes the best apple pie in existence (well, according to Rainbow, anyway). She just needs to know what it was she friggin' added in it.

Chapters (4)