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A few weeks after Twilight's coronation, Rara visits Applejack to get help with her upcoming concert. The visit becomes a point of contention for Rainbow Dash, who experiences a new range of emotions during that time. Will Rainbow Dash come to terms with the fact that she feels, and may have always felt, a different kind of love for Applejack?

The truth to that question will set Rainbow Dash free. But first, she must admit it to herself.

Be ready for a lot of fluff with a dash of angst. This is a light-hearted Appledash fanfic, and I hope it becomes one of your go-to comfort reads. And this is my first Appledash fic, so please be kind :)

Chapters (19)

Hearth's Warming Eve. A day meant for spending time with those closest to you. For Applejack, that means her friends, one of which she has had her eye on for quite some time. Considering an old Hearth's Warming tradition, she decides that now is the time to make her move.

[A/N: Christmas AppleDash time! Much like last year's A Hearth's Warming to Remember, this is just meant to be a fluffy one shot. See y'all in the comments!]


Chapters (1)

Applejack is an awesome, hard-working and totally cute friend, and that's cool. But she's also totally oblivious to Rainbow Dash's advances. With just one more day before Hearth's Warming, the pegasus is determined to get through to her crush... whatever it takes!

Chapters (2)

This is a story of Applejack and Rainbow getting caught engaged in some personal activity, to say the least, by the rest of mane 6, and everything that led up to it. Sex implied.

Chapters (5)

There's a meaning behind every tease— behind every prank or mischief. However, Rainbow Dash didn't expect to be on the receiving end of Applejack's antics.

In other words: Rainbow Dash gives a notebook to Applejack.

My entry to the AppleDash Warm and Fuzzy Feelings Event

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Fruit Falls

Applejack gets taken on a sudden flight and realizes how much she and Rainbow Dash feel for each other at a deeper level than simple love.

I spent an hour and a half writing this so no editing or whatever, just breaking the wall.

Happy Father's Day!

Chapters (1)

After receiving an invitation to go out drinking from Rainbow Dash, Princess Cadence knows that she'll be working late tonight.

A great reading, check it out!

Chapters (2)

The name's Applejack. Canterlot, the capital of our kingdom was beset by a plague of changelings durin' a weddin'. Had it not been for Cadence and Shining sendin' them packin', we might all be changelings by now. Not long after, Princess Celestia ordered a stallion from every house to enlist for the counterattack against them. He served his kingdom, as did countless other colts, and he came back without a scratch on him. Or, so Ah thought...

Chapters (1)

Twilight, Luna, Applejack and Rainbow Dash go on a camping trip together while Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are away in Manehattan, but what adventures lie for them on the way? Will they make it in one piece? Exactly what are Applejack's feelings for Rainbow Dash? And who does Twilight like?

Chapters (21)

Winning a race together during the Hearth's and Hooves Day, Rainbow Dash and Applejack receive a prize; riding a cruise ship.

But an unexpected event happens- it is about somepony yelling, "The boat is sinking!"

Entry for the fourth AppleDash contest: AppleDash: With A Little Twist of Lemon

With the categories: "A Life Changing Event" and "A Special Event".

Chapters (4)