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When Twilight Sparkle accidentally casts a spell on Applejack that forces her to voice all of her thoughts, Applejack realizes that she is in danger of revealing her feelings for Rainbow Dash to the entire world. At least Rainbow Dash isn't around to hear her.


Cover art by the amazing and talented Multiversecruise!!! Love this dude!!!
Entry for the Appledash contest.

Featured on August 24, 2017!

Chapters (1)

With Twilight now reigning over Equestria, her trusty Friendship Council at her side, the world should be settling into an era of peace and prosperity like nothing ever seen before. And yet, Dash is convinced that everything's gone wrong.

Fortunately, Applejack's there for her.

Applejack's always there for her.

The original version of this story took 4th place in the 124th Writeoff contest, "Rot."

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash was born as the daughter to a Duke of Canterlot, who denies her her freedom and keeps her confined to her tower at almost all times. Applejack is a poor apple farmer from Ponyville who goes into Canterlot to sell her wares. When the two ponies meet during the Summer Sun Celebration, they fall in love. But with an Equestrian class struggle threatening to boil over, their fledgling love will face the ultimate test. AppleDash AU ship.

Pre-reading/Editing done by the ridiculously cool and devastatingly good-looking Eldorado.

Chapters (8)

Rainbow Dash catches Applejack with her feathers and demands an explanation. Applejack refuses, making Rainbow Dash mad, which makes Applejack upset, and fluff follows.

Chapters (1)

When Rainbow's house is destroyed by a drunken pegasus, her whole past begins to unravel before her, dredging up memories she would rather keep forgotten.

It's up to Applejack and her friends to make sure that she gets through the ordeal, but things turn from bad to worse when an unwelcome visitor arrives to stir up trouble.

Whether she wants it or not, Rainbow's life is about to change dramatically... and it doesn't look like it'll be for the better.

Teen for more adult-ish themes and mild violence.

Chapters (10)

A particularly strong gust blows Applejack's hat away. What follows is a chaotic chase across all of Equestria to retrieve it.

The AppleDash group is celebrating the 200th Prompt Tag Entry by organizing another multi-author fic. Each chapter is 500 to 1500 words, written in up to 3 days by a different author without an outline or even a plan. Every author picks up where the previous one left off. What ensues is a wild, but fun ride.

List of authors included:
Skeeter The Lurker
Knight Of Cerebus
The Yaoi Mistress
Pearple Prose
Brony Eagle Scout

Chapters (23)

...not that Rainbow Dash and Applejack know who Paul Bunyan is...

The Grim Reaper also ships AppleDash, apparently.

It's... a long story.

An entry into the "AppleDash: Second Chances contest"

The cover art, if you must know, is from the show. I messed with it a bit to make the blacks even darker, so all that could be seen is AJ and RD.

Chapters (2)

When Rainbow Dash has to choose between her fillyhood dream of flying with the Wonder Bolts and her marefriend, romantic fluff ensues.

Cover Art- http://dark-pangolin.deviantart.com/art/Let-your-hair-down-Take-off-your-hat-341743129

Chapters (1)

The two bearers of the Elements of Harmony have done a good job keeping their relationship hidden for a while, after discovering the feelings they mutually shared. Rainbow Dash couldn't be happier, and sometimes she can't believe how lucky she is to love and be loved by the breath-taking mare Applejack is, physically and emotionally. She is convinced the same goes for her lover, but one night she comes to terms with the upsetting truth, realizing how much her past can still influence her present.

This is the very first story I publish on FIMFiction, so I probably messed up with tags and genres - forgive my inexperience, and please tell me how to correct the mistakes I might have made... Anyway, I hope you enjoy this first completed arc of mine dedicated to my beloved OTP :heart:

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash had hoped that when Applejack came home, it would be a warm and happy reunion between the two lovers after AJ returned from the latest Apple Family Reunion. However, Rainbow Dash learns that AJ and her immediate family are no longer Apples. They are now clanless and it's all because of her.

Yet sometimes, true family lies not in blood, but in love.

(An old fic I made a long time ago but never got around to posting it, this was made before Apple Family Reunion )

Chapters (2)