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What happens when a certain griffin returns to seek revenge on the pegasus that abandoned her, and what lengths will a pony go to in order to save the mare she loves.

Chapters (9)

What was seemingly just a day to play, turned out into something so much more. An ordinary day turns extraordinary, when Applejack learns of her true love for her rainbow maned friend. Both realize this is what they want, and they prove it. A normal night in the barn becomes much more than anypony could have ever thought. Does this happen all by chance? Or does somepony influence it?

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Rainbow Dash have always been the best of friends, but can they take that friendship even further? How much will they go through to confess their love for each other? and who will be caught in the crossfire?

Chapters (7)

After a day on the farm, Rainbow Dash finds the opportunity to ask her long-time friend, Applejack, out on a date. The farmer, however, finds difficulty accepting the proposition, given her reserved social nature and unknown feelings on the matter. Given that the pegasus has been her friend for years, however, she accepts, deciding to see just what they can make of it. Can the two carry a relationship in the midst of personal worries? Can they find the courage to tell their friends?

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash is helping Applejack on apple bucking day, but they both get more than they signed up for as the day's events go from one embarrassing situation to another. Through it all, they may just learn a thing or two about each other.

Cover image by sunflowersbytheriver

Chapters (1)

A lone clone trooper finds himself waking up within the dark confined transportation bay of an L.A.A.T. he'd been riding on. He learns quickly that he's apparently the only surviver of a harsh crash landing, leaving the ship in heavy disrepair.

With nothing to gain by simply sitting there, the clone ventures out in an attempt to find civilization and hopefully make his way back to the Grand Republic, and the galaxy-wide war. However, he soon realizes that this task isn't gonna be an easy one, and this planet seems to host quite a few oddities and mysteries. From its population of colorful ponies, griffins, dragons, and tons more creatures, to its primitive technology and mystical ways of life.

But another factor is quick to present itself, for this entire planet and its inhabitants are blissfully unaware of the blazing war that's raging just beyond their skies. A war that could come raining down on them and destroy their peace in seconds...

Featured: 6/29/19, 7/5/19, and 7/19/19! Thank you all so much!

Chapters (47)

Rainbow finds herself in love with another mare, but is unable to confess her feelings. When, prodded on by a certain impetuous pink pony, she reveals them accidentally, she's sure she's lost both friendship and love. Circumstances conspire to keep the two going, until ... well, I guess we'll just have to find out!

Yup, it's another Appledash shipping. 'cuz Appledash shippings are the best. Clop-free, gore-free (yes, I have both a clopfic and a gorefic in my story list as well).

As an added quirk to keep things interesting, every chapter will start with this trite, hackneyed phrase: "She was lost again. Lost in those deep, green eyes." As is true with everyone, I've stolen lots of ideas from here and there and hopefully formed them, along with the stray original thought or two, into a story as I'd like to tell it.

Chapters (9)

After a journey to get a plant for Princess Celestia's herbal studies the friendship between Rainbow Dash and Applejack becomes uncomfortable for Rainbow. Applejack doesn't know why Rainbow is acting weird but she can tell there is something wrong.

She tries to talk to her friend but she seems not willing to explain herself.

What is wrong with Rainbow and why is she afraid to confront AJ about it?
Can Twilight help Rainbow talk to AJ about what ever it is or will she just keep her secrets, forever...

Romance story between Rainbow Dash and Applejack

Chapters (8)

Applejack and Rainbow Dash have been close friends for a long time and, for some reason Rainbow Dash has never been able to understand, it seems as if everyone she knows expects them to get together eventually. To Rainbow Dash's surprise, Applejack abruptly decides that their friends are right and asks her out on a date. To Applejack's surprise, Rainbow Dash immediately turns her down.

Unfortunately for Rainbow Dash, Applejack is nothing if not stubborn, and she declares that she won't give up until Rainbow Dash has agreed to go on a date with her, no matter what it takes.

Winner of the second AppleDash group contest.

Chapters (4)