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It's obvious to everypony, themselves included, that Applejack and Rainbow Dash have romantic feelings for one another. The only reason they're not together is that they're both convinced that a relationship between them could never work out. Rarity, on the other hoof, is convinced that it could, and Rainbow Dash agrees to a 'three date trial' to prove her wrong...

Many thanks to Ruhje for the amazing cover art!

Original (OLD) version here.

Chapters (6)

A beautiful autumn day. Rainbow Dash and Applejack decides to have a picnic on their own in Whitetail Wood, since the rest of the Mane 6 are occupied elsewhere. Perhaps this is the perfect chance for both of them to reveal their feelings for the other?
However, things takes a drastic turn of events as a raging thunder storm unpredictably breaks loose.

Chapters (7)

Applejack has brushed her mane, put a ribbon on her hat, and there's a sway in her step. Most ponies just want to know who the special pony is.

Rainbow Dash doesn't buy it. Love is mushy, and AJ isn't mushy. Love means liking somepony more than her friends, and AJ would never like another pony more than Dash. Love means missing a game of horseshoes to go tell a pony that she's in love with them, and if there is one thing Dash is sure of, it's that AJ is not going to miss that game... no matter what Applejack thinks about it.

Chapters (1)

Applejack bites Rainbow Dash's tail off.

Special Thanks to: Vimbert, Ponky, and Pilate

Chapters (1)

During a Wonderbolts exhibition at Mt. Aris, Rainbow Dash accidentally crashes at Sonic Rainboom speeds, nearly killing her. Her recovery is slow and painful, grounding her for months. While land-locked, she learns to appreciate life from the new perspective, as well as the pony caring for her.

At the same time, Applejack watches others form families of their own and starts to wonder if she’ll ever get a special-somepony for herself, or if she’ll end up alone. But she doesn't get any time to ponder that before she's suddenly thrust into a caretaker role for a badly wounded Pegasus...

(Found the cover on EQD, not sure who made it...)

Chapters (1)

Applejack is afraid to love. After what she went through when she lost her parents, she had decided not to get in a situation that would set her up for that pain again.

Rainbow Dash has always tried to be cool about her feelings. But she finds out that the old saying: Those who hesitate are lost is painfully true. Plus she will have to live with the ultimate shame; That of Rarity telling her "I told you so" for the rest of her life.

This is like the first story of my series  Bookends  in that it is a short (yes and rushed) story to see how it is received. That way I know if any sequels are to be attempted.

Chapters (6)

By a remarkable event of celestial intervention, Rainbow Dash is made homeless, and struggles with how to live her life.

Literally written to the prompt "A celestial object lands in Rainbow's backyard."
She doesn't have a backyard, sooo.... I made it work.

Chapters (3)

She screwed up, and she knows it. With the twelve year anniversary of Applejack's parents deaths fast approaching, Rainbow Dash managed to do the absolute worst thing one can do; she insulted them. And now she has to try and make it right. Whether Applejack is willing to allow her a chance to do so, however, is another matter entirely.

(A/N: Written for the AppleDash Contest where we had to pick two topics and write with them. My topics?
-Second Chances
-An Important or Memorable Date

Hope I can win)

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash finds herself terrified of one of her best friends without cause or reason. What follows is how she deals with the unlikely situation with the help of her friends.
Contains unrepentant Appledash, sex themes and implied and inferred violence. Nothing graphic, but probably worth a gore tag.

Chapters (1)

Shortly after the Running of the Leaves, Applejack's and Rainbow Dash's competitiveness was resolved. Though, this left Applejack with a little bit of a crush on the cyan pegasus.
Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash is awaiting the results of a test to finally see if she can become a Wonderbolt. What will she choose, Applejack or the Wonderbolts?

Credit for cover photo: luna77899 from deviantart.com.

Chapters (6)