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This story is a sequel to Perfect Days

Applejack goes flying.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is injured at Sweet Apple Acres and is unable to fly home or to head up her storm team. A leaky roof puts Applejack's guest room out of commission. When these two friends share a bed, friendship slowly becomes more. But what will their friends and family think?

Cancelled, see this blog post.

Scene change markers were scaled down from here.

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash had grown used to hiding her feelings for her friend until one dream shakes her to the core. Now she is up all hours of the night, unable to eat, sleep or even fly right. However, her pain is nothing compared to the oncoming threat to Ponyville. A griphon regime is rising, vengeance of years of oppression in their eyes. An AppleDash story with a side of chaos.

Chapters (13)

After Rainbow Dash accidently crashes through the library window and interrupts Twilight's newest spell, she is split into six ponies, each representing a part of her personality. These ponies will be sure to have their fun, much to Ponyville and Rainbow's friends dismay.

Cover art made by me. Here it is on Deviantart

Edited by Crowscrowcrow (thanks again, mate)

Featured! Here's a picture, thank you to all those who liked and faved! (9/8/14 - 12/8/14)
Featured! A second time! Here's the pic, thanks y'all (23/8/14)

Chapters (5)

(A practice story to clear my writer's block)
WARNING : Contains saucy AppleDash :D

Its late. Zap apple season is over. AJ is in the barn finishing up some work, when a knock on the door is heard.
Who could it be at this hour?
It's Rainbow.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has always dreamed of being a wonderbolt— that's all she ever wanted. Ever since she was a little filly she could have never imagined a future without the wonderbolts.

So what happens when she gets fired from the only future she sees with absolutely no way of returning? What happens when she still can't see her future any less than being a wonderbolt the rest of her life?

Simple, it crumbles down.

And Applejack is determined to fix it.

P. S. The "Dream" here is not the "Dream" you have when you sleep.

Also, I felt compelled to write this because as a frequent visitor of the Appledash group, I noticed that the number of stories (631 by the time I'm writing this) have not gone up in awhile. So I wanted to contribute my fair share because to at the very least bump the number up. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

I feel it whenever I see her. Whenever I look into her emerald eyes. I've never felt this way about anypony before. I can't explain it... Am I falling in love?

Chapters (1)

Applejack has had it up to here with Rainbow Dash's sleepflying. Rarity attempts to lend a hoof.

Chapters (1)