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Every child has some sort dream, of some sort of adventure. Being small or big.

That was the dream of one human boy, to experience a grand adventure, having the powers of his favorite fandom, Dragon Ball. Like so many others, he had thought of himself as a Saiyan, practiced the Kamehameha, and pretended to go Super Saiyan. It was the only thing that let him escape his hard life with his foster family.

Then one day, on his tenth birthday, he is given a birthday wish from a friend.

He wishes to be a Saiyan, and be sent to a world of adventure. His wish is granted, and he gets more than he had imagined.

Like a mother, and friends.

Cover Art by FrostTheHobidon. Goten with his hair cut, made for a video series of the YouTuber MasakoX titled What if Raditz Turned Good? and its animated follow up, Dragon Ball R&R.

Chapters (11)

Princess Twilight has just ascended to her throne of friendship and is prepared to tackle her new duties, but Princess Celestia has something of grave importance for her to do first.

She wants her to meet her family.

Chapters (20)

In Ponyville, a new and unusual resident moved into town. He went on adventures, made friends, met the love of his life, had children, and lived happily ever after for many years.

This isn't his story, but the story of his firstborn.

Anonymous Junior isn't like most ponies. Her teeth are sharp, her gaze is unnerving, and her gait is predatory. The hot blood of humanity, the blood of her sire, pumps through her veins, and it's apparent to all who look. Even when empowered by such passion, the life of a young filly is still one filled with trials and tribulations.

A re-imagining of Anon Filly as the biological daughter of Anonymous.
A Second-Person story starring You as Anonymous Junior
Takes place in the Reversed Gender Role Equesria AU
Makes use of OCs that I do not own. They belong to their respective creators and my depictions should not be considered accurate.

Chapters (5)

You love to cuddle mares. Mares love to cuddle you. One batpony mare named Stella REALLY wants to cuddle with you. This is in no way negotiable and your night may or may not be ruined.

Base artwork by Ligerstorm, sourced to his DA.

FANTASTIC reading done by StraightToThePointStudio (Thanks again!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ojuquk9Md0

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash's morning was pretty much ruined.
She tripped getting out of bed and landed flat on her face, giving herself an aching muzzle.
She forgot to buy her favorite brand of hay flakes at the store yesterday and had to eat plain toast for breakfast.
She found out she had to pull double-duty today and tomorrow on the weather patrol.
Oh, and she found a nearly-dead foal, broken and bleeding at the edge of Ponyville.

The rest of her day became a whirlpool of stress and worry but the colt woke up, thank Celestia.
Something's not right, though. Nopony can find his parents, he's not in the registers, and there's an unsettling look in his eye...

YouTube reading by Fire Hearth

Chinese Translation by forgivenlove

Russian Translation by Likantrop

TV Tropes page, if you're interested in that sort of thing.

Chapters (15)

Anon decides to adopt a filly and record his experience as a Dad in a journal to do something with his life in Equestria. Except, being a father is hard work and comes at a great personal sacrifice. This is his quest to become a good father.

Chapters (8)

You wake up in a land where magic is real and sapient ponies have built a civilisation. Being from a different universe, you have no understanding of their language or laws, but you're happy to have found yourself in the friendliest town there is. Good luck building a new life as their favourite... monkey thing.

Chapters (53)

When the rebellious and power-hungry Sunset Shimmer steps through Canterlot's magic mirror, she enters a world that is more... unforgiving than the EQG-verse we are used to. One completely devoid of magic.
Very quickly, she is humbled by force, and eventually finds herself living on the streets, begging for scraps from unkind strangers, just as winter is around the corner.
That is, until she meets Anon.

Originally written in 2014 on /mlp/.

Chapters (15)

You wake up next to Pinkie Pie, only to find out that some hide away the tears with a smile.

Hidden thoughts away from public eyes, hidden talks behind closed doors.

A smile can mean many things, but understanding can save a life.

Art By Pony Echo.

Part of The Awoken Series.

Made Popular On 3/26/18

Featured On 3/26/18

Chapters (1)

It's been a long road for Sunset Shimmer. She was the student of Princess Celestia, but her hubris cost her the trust of her mentor. She devised a plan of revenge, only for it to go up in smoke. She suffered self-doubt in the face of uncertainty during the Battle of the Bands, but in the end finally proved herself.

Now that Sunset has been forgiven, she has to get used to her new status at Canterlot High...

Book One of Prelude to Anon-A-Miss.

Takes place shortly after Rainbow Rocks.

(Note: the Main 7 tag is there for simplicity, since Sci-Twi isn't in this story)

Part of "Not Just Any Old Continuity", which includes
Not Just Any Old Trilogy
The Crystal Prep Chronicles
TimberTwi Tales

Check out all of my stories here!

Chapters (7)