Read It Later 7517 stories
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Celestia is dying. Or at least it seems so. Afflicted with a curse that is destroying her very nature, she sets a plan in action.
The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony will take the throne in her wake... Not that they know that yet...

(Takes place as an Alternate Season 3)

Chapters (33)

Rainbow Dash asked Twilight Sparkle out on a date. On the first of April.

When one pony plays a prank, and the other lays out their heart for all to see, disaster is bound to follow. A prank is by definition dishonest, but you don't need to lie to pull a prank.

I hate doing descriptions...
Happy April Fool's day! I felt guilty for not doing a Valentines day special so you get a special for a minor holiday instead!

Cover art generously provided by the wonderful Angelic Flight over on DA. Go check her out!

Chapters (1)

Equestria stands on the brink of ruin. A necromancer has raised an army of the dead and is poised to plunge the world into darkness. Monsters and brigands roam freely across the land, preying upon the innocent.

Only one hope remains. Armed with swords, spells, snacks, and a bag of dice, five heroes band together to defeat the forces of evil… if their rolls are good enough.

Welcome to gaming night in Ponyville.

Dramatic reading by Goombasa.

Cover image by Elosande used with permission.

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash has an unusual way of learning, and Twilight’s determined to take advantage of it. Before she knows it, Rainbow’s worst fears become reality and her life unravels before her eyes as she becomes the smartest pony alive.

The dark tag is for the implications of the story.

An entry for the April 2015 write-off event, with the prompt “Great Expectations.”

Chapters (1)

Hearth's Warming has always been a time for family and friends. A time when the ponies of Equis remember the frigid days before the rise of Modern Equestria, and bask in the warmth and comfort of their loved ones.

But for one particular holiday season, strange things are happening in Ponyville that can’t be easily explained. Least of all by Scootaloo, who is having her own share of troubles during this normally festive time of year.

When the mirth and whimsy of Hearth’s Warming starts to take on a more dour and icy edge, things take a turn for the stranger when out of the blue, the enigmatic “Doctor Clockwork” appears.

Join the Hourglass Stallion as he takes it upon himself, his temporary companion Spike, and the newly-conscripted Scootaloo to save Hearth’s Warming before the holidays are ruined forever!

Chapters (6)

Deep in the Royal Library is a book. A terrible book that is said to send whoever reads it mad. A book so dangerous that it has to be hidden away and secured with chains to prevent it from ever being opened.

A book which has just been accidently checked out by Spike on behalf of Twilight Sparkle.

The Star In Yellow is rising once more, and only Rainbow Dash and Spike can save Twilight before it's too late. Ideas live forever. Ponies do not.

This fic is loosely inspired by the 19th century story 'The King In Yellow'.

Chapters (5)

Ditzy Doo has gone through a lot over the years. She's been a planeswalker, a wife, a mother, a savior of worlds, a postal worker, and more besides. But a routine delivery route is about to lead to a very novel experience for her.

Not enjoyable, no, but definitely novel.

This story is in the same continuity as Elementals of Harmony, but reading that isn't necessary to understand this.

Written for Estee's Swift Selections contest. Graciously edited by themaskedferret. Rated Teen for unpleasant things happening to minds, bodies, and souls.

Image credits: Ditzy's mark | Equal Four marks | Starlight's mark | Colorless mana symbol

Chapters (1)

Letters. Everyone writes them, and they're not just for ponies. Be they carriers of serious news, friendly correspondence between pen pals, or declarations of heart and heartbreak, each one is written with a clear purpose or goal in mind.

Celestia uses them to try and keep her faithful student and friends in line, and try to keep an unbalanced world on the straight and narrow.

This is much harder than it sounds.


Now with an audio reading by Lady Tenkage!

Side Stories:

Old-Fashioned Bar Hoppers, featuring Celestia, Mayor Mare, and Granny Smith shenanigans.
Journal of an Adolescent Clone, featuring Sunny and Moony shenanigans since Season 5.

Chapters (246)

Celestia has ruled over Equestria for centuries since Luna's banishment. Solitary rule has compelled her to place the country's needs above her own. With no end to the monotony that is her life, she gets stuck in a bout of apathy.

One evening, she finds herself looking after a newborn on the verge of death. In saving the filly, Celestia is thrust into a role she never expected to fill in her entire life: motherhood. Will this foal be able to move Celestia's tired, cold heart?

Special thanks to B_25 for encouraging me to write.

Warnings: death of a redmane, implied infanticide.

Chapters (4)

A patchwork story about a somewhat different Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, who learn what it means to be in a relationship, to work, and to live together. Finally complete.

Chapters (23)