• Member Since 21st Aug, 2019

Eternal Samson

In honor of the best pet one could ever have

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"My name is Lyra Heartstrings, and you will not remember me. You won't even remember this conversation. Just like with everypony else I've ever met, everything I do or say will be forgotten. Every letter I've written will appear blank; every piece of evidence I've left behind will end up missing. I'm stuck here in Ponyville because of the same curse that has made me so forgettable. Still, that doesn't stop me from doing the one thing that I love: making music. If my melodies find their way into your heart, then there is still hope for me. If I can't prove that I exist, I can at least prove that my love for each and every one of you exists. Please, listen to my story, my symphony, for it is me."

Cover pic by Spotlight: askspotlight.tumblr.com

Chapters (20)

Partially mirrored from The NP FanFiction Archive.

Half of all life in Equestria has vanished.

One year later, Twilight has finally discovered where she believes the source of the devastation can be found: the other side of the galaxy. So, as a last-ditch effort to understand the tragedy, Twilight, and her last remaining friends, go on a quest into deep space to answer one question: Why?

A crossover with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The setting, as well as most of the characters and original concepts, are the property of either Marvel Studios or Hasbro.

Cover image created with the help of PurpleSmartAI.

[CC BY-NC-SA] Twilight's Endgame is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Chapters (2)

A man stumbled into Equestria through means unknown. A year later Twilight Sparkle saw the worst his species had to offer and, in a paranoid fit, tried to have him killed.

Cast out by pony society, this man must find his place with the other Equestrian outcasts in order to survive. Fortunately, there are more of them than anypony else thought. And they aren't happy.

He may not like it, but he has little choice but to step into...

The Kingdom of Darkness.

Inspired by SaiyanUltima's "Seasons of Darkness".

Chapters (8)

Long ago Celestia imprisoned a powerful, dangerous entity. Too bad nobody seems to realize he's a harmless dope.

This story started out as a parody of the two stories Machinations in the Dark and Celestia's Prophet. You may wish to read them first to get some context for the first chapter.

Now has a tvtropes page!

Chapters (12)

Following his tumultuous defeat, King Sombra is flung across space and time to exit out a human's malfunctioning toaster. For weeks, Sombra monologues his revenge to destroy those that hurt him. But seven months later, when a route back to Equestria is found, does he not seem all that interested in returning.

Edited by spigo.

Prequel: The Roommate From Tartarus
Side Sequel: (Not My) Home Sweet Home

Update: labelled as complete. The last three chapters will remain as bonus chapters.

Chapters (19)

Days prior to the planned march on Rome, Benito Mussolini is anxious.

Oh yes, he has been given the go-ahead from the American ambassador and has thousands of blackshirts and some of the most avant-garde fascists behind him. However, this strength is deceptive, just like the confidence he made sure to wear in front of his fellow fascists; his own blackshirt commander told Il Duce that he would not act against the king if he resisted, and there is still the army loyal to the crown that is ready to fight on his word.

Doubt plaguing him, Benito is now at a crossroad: should he continue as planned or perhaps flee Italy altogether? He decides to take a night stroll to iron out his thoughts.

That is, until a freak earthquake hits Naples and changes history forever.

Proofreading done by NoMoreSanity, Demon Eyes Laharl, and Starman Ghost.

Also featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (9)

After thousands of years inside a pocket dimension, the Crystal Empire returned to the Frozen North. Mere moments after a purchase at comic con, a man was sent to a magical world of mythical creatures as Skeletor. After a short amount of time, the Displaced Skeletor stumbled his way towards the Empire. What happened next? Well, only time would tell.

(I don’t own squat except for the story.)
(Not part of the Displaced multiverse.)
(It is HIE Costume)
(We've got Fan art!)

Chapters (49)

The Well of Eternity a place lost to time, is the birthplace of Equestria's various deities. King, a mortal man from Earth slips between the cracks that separate worlds. Landing in the unforgiving badlands of greater Equestria, he aimlessly wanders through the unforgiving terrain. Eventually enslaved by diamond dogs, for ten long years he labors under their cruel whips, eventually escaping his captors only to become lost in the depths of Equestria's vast underworld. Dying of thirst, the man spies the Well of Eternity and drinks his fill. Its waters more than quench his thirst; a metamorphosis occurs and changes him, for good or ill none can tell. What fate shall befall this man, the Great Slave King?

Book one of four, book two can be found at The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King

TV Tropes Page: The Great Slave King: Special thanks goes to gentlereader Abstract Indigo

Cover art by PoisonSt.

Chapters (32)

Shining Armor will tell you that he suffered no long-term ill effects from his encounter with Queen Chrysalis.

Nor did he experience any lingering problems from his fights with King Sombra or Lord Tirek.

None whatsoever. Absolutely not. Everything in his life is perfect. Happily married to a beautiful mare (who happens to be a princess!), Prince Consort in his own right, a kingdom of his own to help run...there is absolutely nothing wrong at all.

Shining Armor is a liar.

A side story to my Four Princesses, Four Demons series, which began with Cadance the Unbroken. Readers of that series will notice a few connections, but this story is crafted to be enjoyed independently.

Featured from 06/23/21 to 06/26/21, peaking at #1. Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (3)

Anon is tired of the hectic day-to-day of living amongst the ponyfolk and decides to purchase some land in the Everfree to have some peace and quiet all by his lonesome. How much land you ask? All of it

Join me in watching as Anon sorts out the bits and bobs of his newfound assets. It is sure to be a ride, and definitely not a smooth one.

Join our Discord Server here if you want updates as soon as new chapters are posted and dank memes.

Takes place starting shortly after the conclusion of Slice of Life.

Featured for Nine Consecutive days from 6-20-21 to 6-29-21!

Check out the audiobook by Straighttothepoint!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhMoe4RfYz0

Chapters (7)