• Member Since 21st Aug, 2019

Eternal Samson

In honor of the best pet one could ever have

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Chrysalis has Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor cornered. This is her moment, to take the Crystal Empire! However, before she does, the two rulers have only one request.

A date with the Queen.

She can't say no to a pony's final request can she? Besides, it's just one date. One date, and that's it.

This is a commission. If you'd like your own commission, feel free to PM me, or support me on patreon.
Updates monthly.

Chapters (12)

With nothing happening, no world-conquering villains or Crystal Hearts being shattered and so on, Twilight is bored. She has nothing to do, plainly. But while in the middle of a drab reading session, she notices something doesn't feel right. Not to her, but in the night sky. She can't see it, but she can sense it. Something not from this world has entered her world, and it could be the first ever message from aliens.

And perhaps those aliens are trying to say hello.

(Btw, look up "Pioneer Probe Plaque" if you want the image described here. I can't post the actual thing because of mild nudity in it, but you can search it for context.)

(Review by PaulAsaran!)

Chapters (1)

In a botched attempt at creating large-scale wormholes, Twilight Sparkle finds herself in an extremely strange and hostile space.

Or rather, lack of a space. And she isn't alone.

(SCP-3001 is one of my favorites for just how depressing and disturbing it is, and I felt compelled to do something with it. SCP-3001 was written by "OZ Ouroboros". You can find the SCP itself here, and the SCP wiki here. Cover art was drawn by u/Hydronteu, which you can find here.)

(Now with a glorious audio reading by Skijaramaz/Tone Shift, which you can find here!)

(Reviewed by PresentPerfect!)

Chapters (2)

Most ponies see Princess Celestia as a pillar of wisdom and certainty, mistress of her own mind and confident in all actions.

Luna knows better and just wishes Tia would get to the point already.

Honorable Mention in the Everfree Northwest 2021 Iron Author contest, using the prompts “threshold,” “puzzle,” and “garden.”

Chapters (1)

Discord has something on his mind. Cadance isn’t completely sure how she can help but she’ll try her best to solve this puzzle.

The third place winner for the Iron Author speed writing contest at Everfree Northwest this year. I was honestly so shocked and honored when I heard. Everyone’s stories were so good! I can’t wait to see everyone post theirs soon.

Speaking of that, I want to edit this story more since I think I could smooth things out a little. But I don’t want to make everyone wait until then so here’s the unedited version submitted at the contest. I’ll leave the story complete but a second chapter that’s just a better edited version might be out soon.

Chapters (1)

The Tree of Harmony loomed large before Gilda.

This was her one shot.

Taking a deep breath, she began her case. "Harmony, I have come to bargain."

Featured 8/19/2021 - 08/23/2021!

Chapters (1)

Part of the Spiral of Fate universe.

Outpost 13...often considered the most unlucky posting to be given when you’re a Royal Guard. It holds no real tactical value, and was built long ago before the Unification Period of the Three Pony Tribes. It’s now more of a historical site, being the last-standing remnant of a bygone era. It’s useless, it’s remote, and it’s boring.

And it’s the perfect dumping ground for when you want to get rid of three of the Royal Guard’s worst soldiers ever.

Private Samwise Tater (the Thinker), Corporal Plucky Guess (the Cynic), and Private Prism Rain (the Sleeper) --- the three of them have been at Outpost 13 for one year now, all on their own. Once you’ve been there that long, you begin to develop a routine: wake up at 0600, eat, then stave off boredom for the next 18 hours before it’s time to go to bed. Usually by talking or planning ways to take over the world, or if nothing else, how to raid Princess Celestia’s cake stash without getting caught.

Today’s their one year anniversary, and they’re at their breaking point.

(Heavily inspired by Rooster Teeth’s Red Vs. Blue web-series.)

Featured: 2021/08/18 - 2021/08/23
*200 Likes! Thanks everyone!*

SPECIAL THANKS: Cover art by Hunternif (Sketch 41: “Early Morning”)

Chapters (1)

Please leave a message after the [squee]!

This was written for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group's "Write Something Terrible" Panic (though I did not, in fact, write terrible things.) We're on Discord here if you'd like to join us!

Chapters (1)

The world is the midst a technological boom.

New techniques are being discovered faster than the inventions can be build to harness them for the everyday creature. Power harnesses for the weak, flight kits for the grounded, steam drills for the clawless, and a slew of smaller, but practical appliances to ease the burdens of life.

Yet, as the river time rushes pass one family is spared from its deadly game- the Royal Family.

Unfazed by the world around them, they trot on as they have done so for centuries with little change to their lifestyle. Antiqued by modern standards, but that’s what makes a royal family royal right?

Coverart belongs to therealf1rebird

Chapters (2)

When strange ponies from another world suddenly pony-nap all her friends, Pinkie Pie must find a way to defeat their master all on her own. Blamed for the crime herself, she has no help from Celestia and just about every pony in Ponyville is convinced that she's finally cracked. Who can she possibly find to fill in for the other Elements of Harmony, and help her defeat the ancient evil behind it all?

This story occurs after Discord is defeated but prior to the rest of season 2. Story is featured on Equestria Daily and is now officially a 'six star' rated story! Full size image can also be found there.

Special thanks to my editor Florentine

TV Tropes entry is here.

Other images:
reference of what Blinkie and Inkie's cutie marks look like
The G1 team

This story was written for National Pony Writing Month 2011. I completed the required amount for PonyWriMo on 20th of September.

Also features: Inkie Pie, Blinkie Pie, Twilight (G1), Applejack (G1), Sparkler, Posey, Surprise, Firefly

Chapters (16)