• Member Since 21st Aug, 2019

Eternal Samson

In honor of the best pet one could ever have

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With the war raging, a Changeling, hidden in Equestria, is given an offer.

Part of the Equestria at War universe, and written for the Fourth Annual Equestria at War Writing Contest.

Chapters (1)

Dreck von Schlemmenschwimmer is a simple griff. He sees a way to survive, he'll take it. Perhaps others would ask for a boring life, one filled with the drudgery of going out every day, slinging muck at one another, and then returning home to sleep in a cold cot with one's own fresh turnip. However, Dreck is not stuck with a dull life. After all, every day yields new surprises from Katerin's mad princess. Who doesn't love the chance to lose their head once a week?

Set in the world of the Heart's of Iron IV mod, Equestria at war.

Written as an entry in Equestria at War's Fourth Annual Writing Competition.

Thanks once again to EverfreePony for editing.

Chapters (1)

The Great War was brutal, but thanks to the near inhospitable frozen lands of the north, the Crystal Empire was spared much of the Changeling's Wrath.

While Empress Nightmare Moon leads the battered armies of the Lunar Empire in the occupation of the former Changeling Hives, and reclamation efforts to the south, the Empire is left to its own devices.

Governess Rarity has ruled the Crystal Empire for the last two years since her appointment by the great Empress, Nightmare Moon. With the skills developed from running her fashion business, the Crystal Empire has flourished beyond the imaginations of anycreature.

This prosperity and her renown fairness has made these lands a bastion for anycreature (changeling included) looking for a chance to live in harmony- a true Equestria. But all good things must come to an end. The wars to the south are winding down, and without the need to lead her armies, Nightmare Moon is ready to assess the state of her Empire.

What better place to start than the jewel in the Equestrian Crown?

An idea I've been working before converting it for the Fourth annual Equestria at War Writing Contest.

Cover art belongs to viwrastupr

Chapters (1)

The County of Longsword is a battlefield. Ruled by a mad griffon count obsessed with "purifying" his lands of ponies, it is caught in between his loyal Reformisten and the Partisan resistance.

A small village deep in Longswordian woods is caught in the crossfire, as much as they, and the young Morning Boop, would want to be as far away from the fighting as possible.

Entry for the 4th Equestria at War Writing Contest, 2021.

Chapters (1)

Kale Crunch only wanted to start a new life as a farmer, but the growing darkness in the world seeps into his life and the lives on those around him. All he can do is strive to carry forward, and hope for when Sunday comes.

Chapters (1)

No film productions are perfect on the first try. Some aren’t perfect at all.

See the behind the scenes of all the episodes of MLP, and let’s hope we can make you laugh!

Chapters (4)


Has been republished ((again)) so I can submit other stories without waiting for the dreaded approval waiting time. Or I'm delusional, and that's not a thing. I was not. It really does work like that.

If you want to know why it was originally taken down, read the blog. ((Also my profile's comments. This shit is cringe))

244 likes 17 dislikes before the shameful snap I made ratings visible again 'cause ppl are still reading this for some reason.

New story of similar theme coming soon, so hold 'yer horses. But this time without the cringe. Hopefully.

Takes place in an alternate universe where princess Platinum, commander Hurricane and chancellor Puddinghead begrudgingly works together in threat of annihilation by the windigos to form Equestria without their advisor's intervention. However, not everything is sunshine and rainbows, as the desperate union continues to be plagued by ethnic strife between the three tribes, and constant border raids/skirmishes from their new neighbours begin to breed a culture of mistrust and paranoia.

One such raiders were the 'savage' eastern griffons; whose origins were hidden by the impassable eastern mountain ranges which cut the Equus continent into two. Wild tales and speculations came out of the mysterious eastern lands, as even the coasts were lined with mountains; seemingly to protect its vast riches from outsiders. Little did they know, the eastern lands did not hold vast riches nor fertile lands, but was a chaotic and violent collection of warlords, counties, dukedoms and kingdoms; all fighting for so long to the point that their original casus belli had been lost or forgotten due to time.

There was no creature in Equestria who could stabilise the isolated region; many griffons having fallen attempting to unite the vast lands. Luckily, the next ones wouldn't be Equestrian. (Yeah, you know where this is going)

Enter Bismarck and Mauser; the former having been forced into retirement by the boisterous Kaiser Wilhelm II, and the latter continuing to refine his rifle designs, and eventually witnessing his Gewehr 98 becoming the standard issued German rifle. The latter was a realist and an extremely gifted statesman; whilst the former was an inventor whose name would label the infamous "Mauser" small-arms company.

Can they unite the fractured eastern lands? Can they create a unifying identity to rally the apethtic citizenry? Can they fix the agricultural and economic strife? Can they turn their divided lands into a unified superpower? Of course they can.

Added Characters: (Permanent & Non-permanent)

* Erwin Rommel (Griffon)
* Winston Churchill (Changeling)
* Franklin D Roosevelt (Changeling)
* Queen Victoria (Changeling)

Disclaimer: First time writing. Writing on a phone. Harsh criticism is fine, just don't be unreasonable. Historical accuracy is thrown out the window to fit the narrative. Realism is also thrown out the window (goodbye immersion). Totally not a Gary Stu story with all the modern weapons (pretty much just a 'civilised' vs 'uncivilised' situation). The pony civilisation is not a fairy tale utopia. Lots of death. Research_all and add_equipment are used liberally. Victoria 2 (and hopefully soon Victoria 3) are referenced frequently (mostly in comments).

Cover art link: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Otto_von_Bismarck_by_N.Repik.jpg
(The image is free to use, and requires no permission nor request to use) (If you're a dum-dum and asking if I made the cover art, "ofc I didn't make the covert art.")

Featured 06/27/21 ("The world must've gone terribly wrong for something like this to happen...")

Chapters (60)

When English teacher Connie Hayden is told by a mysterious new friend that there is a way to travel from the human world to Equestria, she doesn't believe her. But what if the legend of Pinkamena is true?

Illustration by the talented BambooDog.

Chapters (6)

After years of putting it off and literally running whenever he asked about it, Twilight Sparkle finally decided to tell Spike where foals come from. Luckily for her, it turned out it was no longer necessary.

However, the good news ended there. Once Twilight and Spike were summoned to Canterlot by the Cutie Map, the duo found themselves giving "the talk" to two ponies Twilight thought long had it.

Spike, not understanding the awkwardness of the conversation, was okay with it. Twilight on the other hoof...let's just say she wanted to reevaluate her life once it was all over.

Despite its name, this story is unrelated to my story Rarity Gives "The Talk".

EDIT: featured through 06/13/21-06/15/21!

#1 on the feature list on 06/14/21!

Chapters (3)

For a thousand years, there was just Celestia. Then Cadance appeared, Luna returned -- and now Twilight has ascended. There are ponies who are very curious about just what happened, why -- and how. Especially the how. Twilight herself is on that list, a freshly-minted princess with far more questions than answers, about to face a brand new one: what truly makes an alicorn?

And what happens if it goes wrong?

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Cover art by Harwick.

Chapters (56)