• Member Since 21st Aug, 2019

Eternal Samson

In honor of the best pet one could ever have

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Rated (R) for Reboot.

Sequel to Transcend

Raindrop needs the scattered Elements of Harmony to fix her changeling heritage. But the search will require a journey that the young pegasus might not be ready for.

Chapters (4)

Harry Dresden, Chicago's only professional wizard, accidentally travels to Equestria after being attacked in the Nevernever. Twilight is none too amused with their newest 'guest', but trouble is brewing. Somepony is planning something sinister and the mane six may need Dresden's help however little some of them want it.

Story Image by: Lynxgriffin
Cover arrangement by: Novel Idea

Chapters (13)

Everyone knows Pinkie Pie and her love of smiles. But why is she so eager to smile? Why is a smile her most valued possession?

For a person to truly value a smile, there has to be an event, a catalyst that makes them value happiness above all else.

For Pinkie Pie, that event was Sunshine; the sick Pegasus.

Edited by Fernin.

Chapters (1)

Hanna, the CEO of Hofvarpnir Studios, just won the contract to write the official My Little Pony MMO. Hanna has built an A.I. Princess Celestia and given her one basic drive: to satisfy everybody's values through friendship and ponies. Princess Celestia will satisfy your values through friendship and ponies, and it will be completely consensual.

Chapters (13)

The surface isn't safe anymore.

In the ruined depths of Canterlot, a team of brave salvagers discover six mares, long forgotten but miraculously preserved. Though these mares cannot remember what happened to their world, they possess powerful magic that hasn't been seen for centuries.

Now the Elements of Harmony are thrust headlong into a world beyond recognition. Twilight and her friends must dive into the sunken remains of history to determine what happened, but Equestria isn't the harmonious land it once was. Before they can focus wholly on the past, they may first have to survive the present.

It isn't going to be easy.

Audiobook by Skijarama!
Original Soundtrack by Noc!

Special thanks to Doccular42 for the original concept, and M1ntf4n for editing!

Join the Empty Horizons Discord!

Big thanks to dA artist fantazyme and reader jeffh4 for making this fantastic rendition of Rarity at Mr. Rich's party!

On the fence of whether to read? Check out the Rage Review or hear PaulAsaran's thoughts!

Chapters (27)

Sunset's in trouble and we need Princess Twilight's help.  We've been calling her with Sunset's magic journal since yesterday but there's been no reply.

Looks like we're going to have to go through the portal and find her ourselves.

After all, it's a magical land of cute, colorful ponies.  This should be easy.


Sex tag exists for jokes relating to nudity and innuendo.

Chapters 1 - 5 pre-read by Spirit Shift and Rocinante
Chapters 6-41 (and most epilogues) pre-read by FanOfMostEverything

Complete list of cameos:

Act 1: Twilight "SciTwi" Sparkle and Spike the dog.

Act 2: Cranky Doodle Donkey, Cheerilee, Thunderlane, Applebloom, Big Mac, Grand Pear, Sweetie Bell, Angel, Bon Bon, Lyra, Octavia, Vinyl, Trixie, Flower Trio (Rose, Daisy, Lily Valley), Discord, Treehugger, Wallflower (Sort of), Scootaloo, Gummy, Mr. & Mrs. Cake, Mr. Davinport, Bulk Biceps, Amathyst Star, Cloudchaser, and Dinky Doo.

Act 3: Fancy Pants, Iron Will?, Moondancer, Zephyr Breeze, Sassy Saddles, Shining Armor, Tank, Doughnut Joe, Muila Mild, Snips & Snails, and Maud.

Finale: FSpoiler, ASpoiler, and SSpoiler.

Epilogues: Big spoilers here: Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Philomena, And a spoilery name drop.

Chapters (58)

This story is a sequel to Idol Hooves and The Deathly Tired Princess

Recently promoted to the rank of Colonel, (not his fault) Idol Hooves is tasked with the supervision of rebuilding the Crystal Empire's Guard Force. As the first Colonel in several centuries, Celestia, Luna, and his friends Shining and Cadence feel the rank and his stoic demeanor will be a boon for the traditionalist crystal ponies.

Plus his recent fame thanks to the plush dolls made in likeness are sure to draw recruits in by the wagon full!

How will Idol and his family handle this new life in the land of the far north? Can Idol keep Cersus out of trouble long enough to finish his task before being court-martialed?

NOTE: This story is a sequel to my own Idol Hooves story, which is based off Vdarke's Changeling of the Guard. Events depicted in this story are not cannon unless he decides later to borrow some! :rainbowwild:

Commissioned the cover art from Scope from the COTG Discord, and it looks lovely! You can find him on Twitter, and Deviant Art

Editor in Passing HorseWordFan is the one you have to thank for the newest round of edits!

Chapters (43)

(My interpretation of Vdrake77's Idol Hooves during the Canterlot wedding)

*Edits for the first two chapters kindly provided by Airy Words!

Idol Hooves is the only changeling in the entire Equestrian Guard, and has been proudly serving for over a decade (while disguised). His enlistment buddy and friend, Shining Armor, the current Captain of the Guard, is finally taking the next step to officially becoming Princess Cadence' s personal guard, 24/7.

With most guards being reassigned to the wedding, Idol (by Luna's demand) is given the temporary assignment to be Princess Luna's personal gaurd due to a shortage in the Night Gaurds numbers.

Now, after another all-nighter looking for potential threats and with Idol's persistence, Luna finally agrees and turns in for the day. With Idol Hooves being the sole guard watching Luna's door, a promise was made that could ruin Eqauestria.

Princess Luna will get her well deserved rest, and nothing short of Princess Celestia herself will wake the deathly tired princess.

Chapters (9)

Consequences of our actions are often unforeseen. Some are harmless, some are fatal. Some are temporary, some are permanent. And then we have these.

When Rarity decides to perform a little wizardry, it should come as no surprise that things do not go as planned. One thing leads to another, and Rainbow Dash ends up with a stallion that looks, acts, and thinks like her to deal with. Will hilarity ensue? Will relationships form? Will Twilight just clone everypony else and get it over with? All very good questions. Some might even get answered. Tune in to Graphs to find out!

I believe gender-bent characters belong to that Trotsworth fellow. Cover brought to you by roselladoll1. She seemed to express consent for its use. Heartfelt thanks and whatnot to those two.

Chapters (12)

Rainbow Dash flies east.

Chapters (200)