Favourites 321 stories



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After losing her parents in a house fire, Rainbow Dash decided to take drastic action and took her in, Scootaloo fears now that Rainbow Dash will die too and she'll be left behind, but Rainbow Dash assures her that nothing will happen to her, and that she will always love her no matter what.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Cats Turned Into Princess Ponies

Four cats. I distinctly remember being the proud owner of four cats. I wanted an explanation about what was in the cardboard boxes that turned them into brightly colored horse creatures. Unfortunately, all I got was a longer string of confusion.

In their blissful ignorance, Puddie, Luau, Katydid, and Tifa released more magic that altered the very world around us. As a precaution to them potentially throwing a tantrum, I left for about twenty minutes to try and find them some bags of food.

Can I get my crazy cat lady life back, please?
Credit for cover goes to Jeatz-Axl.
Story contains some instant transformations.
(I'm surprised people wanted a sequel.)

Chapters (1)

It's the biggest baseball game of the season for CHS and Spitfire is coaching the team. Everything seems to be going well except for one thing; Soarin won't get on the bag.

Cover art by baekgup

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Living In A Van Down By The River

After agreeing to be motivational speakers at CHS, The Dazzlings are no longer living in a van down by the river. However, once they start dealing with the various problems of some of the CHS students, they may wish they'd stayed in said van down by the river.

A series of stories chronicling the Dazzlings as motivational speakers at CHS.

Chapters (33)

Prom is just around the corner for Canterlot High School, but Sunset Shimmer just can't get excited for it. She doesn't know the reason why, but no matter what she does or who she talks to, she's just not feeling it. She wants to be excited, but she can't conjure up the feeling.

While her friends party and have the time of her life, she goes through the motions, struggling to find herself. But as the night progresses, she begins to discover what she really wants.

A story about anxiety and expectations. Partially inspired by true events. Written as part of a personal 24-hour writing challenge to get my creative juices flowing.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sunset's Despair

Sunset Shimmer continues to feel depressed and won't admit it to anyone. However, Twilight Sparkle begins to take notice of Sunset's unusual behavior. Not knowing what to do, she and her friends try to figure out how to help their troubled friend.

Can Sunset admit she needs help?

Chapters (1)

(Story idea inspired and suggested by Chronicler06.)

Sunset Shimmer and her fellow Rainbooms are almost ready to graduate from Canterlot High and move on to the next chapter of their lives. And Sunset's life couldn't be better.

However, just days before graduation, Sunset is called to a meeting where she meets the superintendent of Canterlot High, Neighsay. And the superintendent reveals that he's been keeping tabs on Equestrian Magic.

With graduation lurking over the horizon, Sunset must face the fact that Equestrian magic and her involvement with it can't stay secret for much longer. Now shes faces a dilemma as she must decide not only how to break the news to her friends, but what she'll do when her actions can't stay hidden from the public.

Chapters (3)

Sometimes, all that having an empathetic talk between two friends requires is cool heads and a quiet moment.

And sometimes, it takes a killer robot attack.

Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry just needed a bit more of a push than most... because they have more to talk about.

A follow up to the "Cheer You On" short. Part of the Montage Cinematic Universe.
Cover art by Bevin Brand.

This was not written in the slightest for Oroboro's Super Sunset Shippers Brawl, but after looking over it again... meh, what the hell.

Chapters (3)

Sunset Shimmer shouldn't be here. She knows that and Twilight Sparkle knows that, but the latter won't admit it, resorting to ancient, dark magic to make life fair. Sunset must make Twilight see how much she is hurting herself by refusing to let Sunset Shimmer go and move on.

An entry into Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Endings.

Cover art revised by the generous and awesome Shortmane.

Chapters (1)

One night, Sunset Shimmer falls into despair. She feels an overwhelming sense of nothingness and doesn't know what to do. Even when she goes to school the next day, she doesn't feel like herself.

Chapters (1)