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Starlight Glimmer vows to go back in time to save Twilight from being assassinated. Before all that, she explains what happened after Twilight reformed her, before Twilight was assassinated, and after the assassination.

This story is considered a flashback of what happened to Starlight Glimmer before she was reunited with Twilight Sparkle in twotonedearly's Equestrian Civil War: An Alternate Universe.

Chapters (8)

A AU take based on Rated Ponystar's fanfic series The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle and it's sequel Aftermath of a Fallen Star.

Twilight Sparkle has been assassinated in a conspiracy started by power hungry nobles, Princess Celestia attempts to revive her but fails, but what if her spell worked? What if Twilight Sparkle awoke just before the Civil War begins?

all OCs featured from the original story (c) their respective owners.

Chapters (10)

Scootaloo is depressed with the events of past days. Felling like no one cares about her, she makes a decision that will affect not only her, but everyone she knows.

Those we love may not know it if we fail to show it. Those we hurt may hurt us back out of pain and loneliness.

Don't neglect those closest to you.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to "I'm so... so sorry..."


What if someone's pain is our fault, but they don't know it? What if we are the cause of one's sorrow, yet we fail to tell them so? What if we are rejected for our mistakes?

How can we respond, when our loved ones reject us? When we have the guilt of a thousand sins on our backs, and no one will help? How do we survive?

Maybe this is our reason for living. To have a long, hard life, only to die in sorrow. Are we really going to live in happiness? Will we find peace in life? Or will we find death?

Will we survive?

Or will we give up?

For best effect, listen to this music while reading the story. If it stops while you are still reading, play it again. It really helps add to the effect.

This is the second installment of my Heaven's Tears series.

Chapters (1)


How is one to react to one's world being changed? How should one react to losing what one holds dear? How do we cope? How do we move on?

Maybe we don't. Maybe we are meant to stay in our grief, and mourn for what was, and what never will be. Maybe we aren't meant to rise up, but to fall down.

What do we do? We stop. We don't try. We don't think. We grieve. We mourn. We break. We apologize. We cry.

We are so sorry...

Yet we have no control.

For best effect, listen to this while reading. If it stops while you are still reading, play it again. It really helps add to the emotions.

This is the first installment of my Heaven's Tears series.

Chapters (1)

I wanted to do better than the original story I wrote. It will be a little different this time, hopefully. (This might have a sequel if you chose the right choice.) Click here to see the original .

Rainbow Dash tried to prank the entire town but Pinkie had an idea to prank her back. A lot of things go wrong, just because of a lesson Rainbows' friends tried to teach her.

Edit: Sequel on hiatus.

Chapters (2)

This is my opinion on what could have happened in the episode '28 pranks later '... (this is my very first story so there might be some mistakes)

Rainbow Dash has turned the entire town into cookie-eating zombies who want to teach her a lesson. Rainbow can't help but feel guilty, she basically killed everypony. But the problem is, she pays for a tragedy that didn't even happen...

Note: rated teen for Death only. And if you don't like character deaths, please don't read it.

Chapters (1)

This story is based off of the new Legend of Everfree Sneak Peak #3
I got the idea when Flash was talking to Twilight and seemingly pointed at Sunset and said "And we don't know each other very well."
I know he was probably just saying that to Twilight, addressing the fact that she doesn't in fact know him very well, but whatever, LOL, let's just pretend, for the sake of this story, that he was addressing Sunset.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie and the girls are worried about Sunset being sick. They have no idea about what a human sickness would do to an ex-pony. Since Pinkie has been clamouring for Sunset's love and affection, she takes it upon herself to nurse Sunset back to health.

Written for Oroboros' Sunset Shipping Contest. This is my attempt at writing romance and attempting a shipfic between Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer. Be warned, I wrote this while I, myself, was sick.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight and her new friends from another world used the Elements of Harmony against Sunset Shimmer, the result was not what they expected. Now Sunset has to suffer with the consequences. How will she cope and who will come to her aid?

(this is a alternate ending to Equestria Girls, although I did enjoy the movie even with its flaws. I also want to thank Shadow Bolt for the cover and with the story.)

All rights belong to Hasbro

Chapters (1)