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This story is a sequel to Beating Yourself Up Over It

When Twilight’s friends had gone through the portal to ‘talk’ with their counterparts, things ended up going in a direction that was not quite what they had intended. Okay, it went mostly the way some of them had expected, but there were exceptions in a few cases.

They thought that it was all planned out perfectly. Twilight gets distracted by, as Rainbow put it, the super nerd project of the century. Then, they sneak over, teach them a lesson, and sneak back before she’s ever done having the time of her life, and they sit there as she says words that would fly entirely over their heads in her excitement. They even timed it so that it was during a time Twilight would be preoccupied with princess work and would want to jump into the project even more.

As they came back through one by one, however, her friend's all soon learned that they weren’t as sneaky going into the portal as the five thought they were.

This little story was written as a Sequel/Side Story to "Beating Yourself Up Over It," and originally intended only to be a single chapter. However, I found that putting all of them into just one section would make a massive info dump. Not wanting to intimidate anyone who likes to read casually, or dwarf the other side chapters I planned on writing, I decided to move them to a separate story entirely. I still plan on releasing that collection at a later date, and it will probably have a similar title to the original.

So please, enjoy the side of the story taking place on the other side of the portal, and this one as well.

And remember, comments usually fuel my writing.

5/24/18 Edit: I thought I finally escaped you Feature Box... but no, you have claimed yet another story of mine.

Chapters (6)

-This story takes place after Rainbow Rocks, and does not take into account Frienship Games.-

-It is an idea widely used ? yes.
but I wanted to do it anyway.-

A few weeks have passed since that night.

Since her jewels were destroyed, the Dazzlings not been able to feed themselves.

Hungry and weak, they ask for help from Sunset and her friends.

But it is difficult to help those who were your enemies.

Can the magic of friendship , help the sirens?

And most importantly, it is good idea to do?

Chapters (10)

After Twilight leaves the human world, a familiar face comes around CHS searching for the source of weird energy readings. But when confronted by Sunset Shimmer, something arises that nobody is prepared for.

Chapters (2)

It started off with a little invitation. Trixie was to play a simple game of Poker with Sunset Shimmer. Her initial thoughts were that the two of them would be gossiping about things. Well that and trying to prove to Sunset that the Great and Powerful Trixie is a master of the art of Poker.

However, Sunset's little "Rules" are what gives this game its' spicy flair and turns an otherwise normal game of poker into a rather exciting game of cards, lipstick and kissing.

It was gonna be one heck of a night...

Note: I literally just made this the second I saw this picture. Sorry if it feels rushed out the door in certain areas. This isn't how I usually write. I just saw this picture, and wanted to do a story off of it.

Chapters (1)

Summer vacations. When your friends are close, it's one of the best things in the world. However, when all of Sunset's friends but one are unavailable, she turns to the one friend she can: Twilight Sparkle.
After Princess Twilight left, she met this Twilight, and after some time, they became best friends. But could this summer day at her friend's house change how Sunset feels?

Proofread by jackwhitesmemefarm.
Cover art by Riouku, check out her DeviantArt.

Chapters (3)

Shortly after becoming Twilight Sparkle's student and Trixie's friend, Starlight Glimmer is reunited with her mother, Aurora Glimmer. But, Twilight and Trixie must team up and find a way to help repair the bad blood between the both of them.

*Chapters Edited once again by SuperPinkBrony12.

Chapters (12)

Sunset Shimmer never intended to hurt anyone. She simply had a dream of who she wanted to be. And nothing's more gut-wrenching than realizing real life simply doesn't include your life-long dream...

An origin story for Sunset Shimmer, as a basis for her episode of the Not Exactly Friends series. (Note: I treat the comics backstory as helpful guidance here, rather than canon.)

For more in this timeline, see: Sunset -- Part II

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sunset -- Part I

On the other side of the mirror, Sunset unexpectedly discovers a world that offers everything she could have hoped for and more... if only she could see the answer that's standing right in front of her...

An origin story for Sunset Shimmer, as a basis for her episode of the Not Exactly Friends series: Saving Sunset Shimmer

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Never Any Doubt

Needing advice on an important project, Twilight, Tempest, and their friends work to reopen the mirror portal, and rescue a former student of Celestia's... Sunset Shimmer.

Note: This story assumes the backstory for Sunset presented in: Sunset -- Part I and Part II.

For more of this AU, see: By the Light of the Moon

And also check out the series, beginning with Not Exactly Friends.

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle has always been a mare with a plan, and tonight that is going to be tested. The three most important mares in her life are all in town. They of course know of each other, and are happily accepting of Twilight's polygamous nature. However, Trixie has never met Sunset in person. Will they get along, or will there be tension which could possibly ruin a nice evening at the carnival?

This fic would have been a garbled mess if it were not for my close friend and great editor: Autumn Bramble

"This fic is cotton candy..." - DrakeyC

Chapters (1)