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"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" has been canceled. Sunset Shimmer has worries about what this means for her show, what it means when a fictional character's story ends, and why Princess Twilight seems to be taking this so calmly.

Maybe a heart-to-heart in the Green Room can help.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Look In The Mirror To Find the Truth

Featured August 18, 2019

After her six week suspension, Sunset returns to Canterlot High School. Applejack's forgiveness and friendship have given her a new lease on life and a new mission: to try and make it up to the students of CHS.

But to say that her return to CHS isn't well-received is an understatement. Everywhere she walks, Sunset is treated with hostility, scorn, and quite a bit of torment.

Even Applejack's friends are somewhat divided by her return. While Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy are convinced that Sunset has changed by Applejack, Rainbow Dash chooses to avoid Sunset entirely. She even starts hanging out with the members of CHS' track team rather then her own friends. The very team that harassed Sunset during her community service.

However, one mysterious student holds an especially severe grudge against Sunset. With his/her attacks on Sunset being sadistic, cruel, and threatening to her physical and mental well-being.

Will Sunset escape her predicament? Could her salvation lie with the least likely person?

This story is a sequel to Look In The Mirror To Find The Truth, and the second part of my Sunset's Steps series.

WARNING: This story features blackmail, offensive language, sexual assault, fights, and heavy drama.

You can read the other stories in chronological order.

Look In The Mirror To Find the Truth-Completed.

Live By The Sword-Completed.

Working Girl Sunny-Ongoing.

The Downfall of Sunset Shimmer: An Anon-A-Miss Story-Ongoing.

What Happened to Sunset's Family?-Ongoing.

Chapters (31)

Featured from 8/9/2019 to 8/10/2019.

After the Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer's reign over the school had come to a shattering end.

Everyone at school no longer feared the cruel girl, and some chose to torment her at every opportunity.

Even the Rainbooms, despite the orders given to them by the Princess of Friendship, were reluctant to befriend the former bully.

While delivering her goods one early morning, Applejack encounters Sunset doing her community service. Despite her own anger toward the former Queen Bee, Applejack can't help but notice the complete shift in Sunset's demeanor: her pride and arrogance have been replaced by sorrow and shame.

Driven by her own curiosity, paranoia, her promise to the Princess of Friendship, and a small desire to extend an olive branch, Applejack approaches Sunset during her community service, asking her why she's acting so broken up. Sunset tells her that she went through the most painful thing imaginable: being forced to see oneself with objective clarity.

Will Applejack befriend Sunset, or will her anger toward Sunset overwhelm her compassion?

This fanfic is my own take about how the Elements of Harmony work, and why they managed to change Sunset so quickly. This is partly inspired by Fallowsthorn's Time.

This is the beginning of a series I call Sunset's Steps. I wanted to explore Sunset's redemption a bit, and use the series to see how she got to where she was by Rainbow Rocks.

Here are the rest of the stories, in chronological order.

Look In The Mirror To Find the Truth-Completed.

Live By The Sword...-Completed.

Working Girl Sunny-Ongoing.

The Downfall of Sunset Shimmer: An Anon-A-Miss Story-Ongoing

What Happened to Sunset's Family?-Ongoing

Rated T for language and depictions of bullying.

Chapters (4)

When Spike comes back from Royal Business he finds the castle attacked and his friends missing. With some help from a special Doctor and Mailmare, he'll take back his home and go through the many ghosts that have taken over his home to get back his friends.

Obviously a Luigi's Mansion like story in honor of the third game being released and Halloween just passing.

Chapters (2)

Celestia had just declared that Sunset Shimmer is no longer her student. In retribution, Sunset tried to use the mirror to find a new destiny. Instead, she somehow ended up at the Crystal Empire a thousand years ago. Turns out, it just might be what she's really looking for.

Note: Characters shown in story are based on mlp comic fiendship is magic #1! Also, this is a crackship fic of SunsetXSombra.

Chapters (1)

Celestia had been looking for the one who would wield 'The Key'. For years she had tried to find the one who would open the door to the light, the one that could save Equestria from darkness. What she found was Twilight Sparkle.

A mlpxKingdom Hearts crossover. This crossover is a mlp story that uses a lot of Kingdom Hearts elements.

Chapters (28)

Sunset Shimmer was Celestia's top student until she betrayed her. Now she has escaped to the world through the mirror. However, instead of her becoming the tyrant queen of Canterlot High, an accident happens on the first day there, causing her to lose her memories. Now an amnesic Sunset Shimmer is alive in the human world, not knowing what her goal in life is or where's she from. The question is: Is this a good thing or will she still become a demon anyways?

First featured on Fimfiction's main page on 8/18/2015!

Cover image by the awesome: MixMassBasher

Note: There will be spoilers in the comments! You have been warned!!!

Also, this story is old. The early chapters are very low quality! You have been warned!!!

Chapters (47)

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!


Twilight: The Brains and Leader. Specialty: Making plans and inventions.

Rainbow Dash: The Sneaky Thief. Specialty: High speed escapes and excellent stunt flyer.

Pinkie Pie: The Distraction Maker. Specialty: Making Distractions and Decoys.

Fluttershy: The Shy Doctor. Specialty: Healing ponies if they get hurt, and being shy.

Rarity: The Smooth Talker. Specialty: Making disguises and seducing stallions.

Applejack: The Muscle. Specialty: Heavy Lifting and driving carriages.

Together, they are the ultimate thieving team!

Cover art by the amazing Pumpkin Spice Unicorn!

There is also an audio drama of the first chapter by the wonderful CMC13: The audio drama is right here.

Featured on Fimfiction's main page on 6/13/2015 and 6/26/2015!

Also, this story is old. The early chapters are very low quality! You have been warned!!!

Chapters (94)

(Cover art by CrimsonRose97)

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle have different flavors of inner struggle. Sunset with her tendency to act on her anger, and Twilight with her fear of losing control of her powers. Neither of them have had the life experience to properly deal with these things, leading to both of them having been consumed by their Inner Demons once before. Now that they're back on track, neither of them want it to happen again.

Their friendship is will keep them going.

This story takes place in the same universe as Sun Never Sets, though it doesn't require knowledge of said story to understand. This is just a short story that gives a small bit of background on the versions of Sunset and SciTwi introduced in that universe. That being said, I guess this can still be enjoyed as a cute little friendship story if you go in blind.

Chapters (1)

Warning: The following story is currently unedited.

Based on the short story by CreepyCrabs, Cinnamon Stick, a student at the School of Friendship seeks help from the counselor. After telling her about the way his parents treat him, the counselor promises him that she will do what she can to fix their relationship. All he has to do was to come to her office again without telling anyone.

Author's Note: This story is the result of a vote I held in which is technically my spin on a creepypasta that already exists.

Chapters (1)