Favourites 321 stories



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Flash Sentry knows his friends are superheroes. He loves that about them. But when he gets the call that they've gotten hurt fighting the forces of evil magic, he doesn't know how to cope. He doesn't know how to help. He probably would've gotten a speeding ticket if his dad wasn't the chief of police.

To make matters worse, Timber Spruce shows up.

Art by the magical and maniacal Bevin Brand, who this story is dedicated to along with the appropriately delightful and bookish Bookish Delight. I did it to see you scream.

Featured on Equestria Daily as of November 12th, 2019!
Recommendsday Shoutout from the Completely Lovely TCC56

Chapters (5)

The Memory Stone has been destroyed just in time and everyone's memories restored. At least those stolen within the last three days.

In the aftermath, Wallflower confesses to Sunset that some of what wasn't recovered was Sunset's previous memories of Wallflower - and the relationship they had together.

Reviewed by Nailah with an 8/10!

Reviewed by PresentPerfect with a rating of Recommended for Shippers!

Chapters (1)

The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony failed to stop Sombra in time from getting into the Crystal Empire and acquiring the Crystal Heart. Now the Crystal Empire is ruled over by a tyrannical unicorn, that will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

Equestria is on the brink of war, and the only ones who can stop the evil king of the Crystal Empire, are six mares. Those six mares are the Element Bearers, but can they use the elements while one of their own is missing and in fact within their enemy's grasp?
This story is a pickup from Pat_Hoof_5000, with his generous permission of course. I aim to finish what he started.

Collab with the awesome pony known as LightningBass94

That Romance tag isn't there for the reason you probably think it is.
Also, this story was added into groups that it no longer fits into. It was added to these groups by the previous author.

Chapters (2)

When the Crystal Heart is not recovered, all the element bearers manage to flee the Crystal Empire... except one. With time running against them and Sombra's power growing, can Twilight's friends save her from the evil king before she breaks?

Chapters (8)

Flurry Heart may be an alicorn, but she is just like any other pony, even going as far as angering or even disappointing her parents and especially her Aunt Twilight Sparkle. Now, after being scolded by Twilight, Flurry Heart realizes that she must never anger her Aunt Twilight ever again.

Author's Note: This is my first attempt at writing a Flurry Heart story. Thank you for your understanding.

*Written at Trotcon 2017 in Columbus, OH

Chapters (1)

Lately, things have been different in Scootaloo's life. Her parents have been too busy to give her the love and attention that she needs, and she feels that maybe they simply don't love her anymore. Well, there's only one way to find out for sure, right?

Written for and set in Mattricole's Mother-verse.

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Big Macintosh both have dates for the evening, but Apple Bloom isn't about to let them out of the house until her curiosity is satisfied. . .

This could be a while.

(If you are against fillyfooling or coltcuddling, this is not the fic for you.)

Chapters (1)

Unaware of the consequences, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle introduce Apple Bloom to a musician she's never heard of before.

It probably wasn't the best idea.

Chapters (5)

Applebloom wants to go to with Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash to a club tonight, because Rainbow Dash has three tickets to see a metalcore band, but Applejack and Big Macintosh won't let her go. So she decides to do the unthinkable!

Chapters (3)

After months and months throughout the school year with bullying and being teased by the most hated filly in the show, Applebloom finally has enough and faces up to her.

(This is a spoof of A Christmas Story, where Ralphie beats the snot outta Scut Farkus. Rated Teen for language and blood. Photo credit goes to Thekaijunerd deviantart.)

Chapters (2)