• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Celestia and Luna 790 stories
  • Celestia and Luna 790 stories Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stories all kept under one library
    Created by Skyblazer9
    - December, 2019
Found 789 stories in 98ms

Total Words: 28,096,385
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

When Princess Celestia faces a harsh choice to execute an innocent and virtually harmless changeling, will she be able to go through with the notion of taking the filly's life, or will sympathy overtake her moral alignment?

*In this story, the changelings are based off of Season 2, so it's as if they've never given love freely. Sept 4th, 2017

Chapters (9)

(Second Person Fanfic)

You recently joined the royal guard in Canterlot when you are assigned to a special task involving a certain Princess of Night. At first you just see this as a job and so does Luna. But then things change as the true feelings for each other are revealed!

Chapters (17)

"Everything scared me. The thunder, the twisted trees, and the darkness. The darkness was the worst. Everywhere I ran, it followed. No matter how fast or in what direction it was there....I cried out for my mother, but there was no response. Every cry was ignored, until she came."

While on her way back to Canterlot, Princess Celestia must stop in Ponyville for the night while a storm blows over. She finds a young colt crying for his mother in the Everfree Forest. He only remembers some basic spells and his age. She takes him back to Ponyville, only to learn that no one has even seen him before. The Princess takes him back to Canterlot and tries to find him a home, but something happens that changes all of that.

This is my first story so please be honest with me and help me become a better writer.

Featured on 7/2/2014 and 10/17/2014 and 6/17/2015 WE DID IT! Thanks to everyone who's been reading since the beginning and to everyone who has even glanced at the story.

Chapters (39)

Anonymous is Princess Celestia's royal bodyguard, serving to protect her at any and all instances. While always close to the Princess, events may conspire to test his convictions as threats both old and new rise to attempt to swallow Equestria.

-My second AiE fic, put in loving prose for all you FiMfictioners.

Chapters (23)

It’s the middle of the night and Luna’s got the munchies. Thankfully, Canterlot Castle just acquired a vending machine for such occasions.

What could possibly go wrong?

This was written for the Luna (is BEST Pone) Contest hosted by PixelMoon, based on the prompt: “Luna’s chips get stuck in a vending machine.”

Celestia's heavenly body! Featured 05/08/18 through 05/10/18!

Also read by Forrest McGilvray and Winged T. Spears.

Chapters (1)

Celestia has often looked to the furthest edges of her kingdom when watching for dangers. Sometimes, she may even journey there, just to make sure things are on the up and up. Today, she goes to, of all places, the former village of Starlight Glimmer. But it is not the mare herself she has come to see, but the village's newest resident, who is not as unfamiliar to her as might first appear.

Chapters (2)

Stan was one of the lucky ones to make it out of the Canterlot disaster unscathed, unfortunately for him that means he now has to deliver a treaty to the princess.
Who happens to be one of his most deepest darkest fears.

Chapters (10)

Featured on October 3rd, 2013.

Princess Luna has returned to the Nightmare Night celebration and wishes everypony to have a good time. Unfortunately, nopony seems to want to be around her. It's only when she explains her concerns to Twilight Sparkle that she finds out the real reason why this is happening.

Not even the best dentist in all of Equestria will find it easy to freshen up the breath of a pony who hasn't brushed their teeth in 1000 years.

Done for Oneshotober, even though this idea's been floating around in my head for *way* longer than that.

Chapters (1)

After Celestia banished Nightmare Moon to the moon, the Elements put her daughter into a coma. She wakes up centuries later with little recollection to what happened. Everything goes down in the Summer Sun Celebration but will she be able to stop her mother’s madness?

Chapters (8)

Time is a neutral party. It takes no sides, only proceeding without a care for those caught in its trap. That is how it should be...
But not all traps are foolproof.

When a pony seeking the Night Princess's counsel intervenes during an assassination attempt, Luna knew there was more to this stallion than met the eye.
However, even her expectations had limits. That, Luna discovered, was a mistake.

One question troubles her thoughts as a new problem presents itself in the form of this stallion; how does a heart and mind cope when one escapes the trap of time? What happens to a good heart when it is worn away, year after year, all stemming from a single mistake, no matter how good the intentions?

Equestria Daily seal of approval: https://www.equestriadaily.com/2019/11/fanfiction-timeless.html

Takes place during/after Season 9.
Sequel: Sunspots

Chapters (13)