• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

King Sombra 180 stories
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Lately, Princess Cadance has been feeling inadequate. She's spoken of this briefly to Twilight Sparkle at the Starswirl the Bearded Traveling Museum, but her longing for a grand adventure is really starting to get to her, as are the thoughts that she isn't doing her best.

When help comes in the unlikeliest of places, Cadance finds herself getting more than she bargained for, starting with her companion of circumstance: King Sombra.

Book One of Sombra's Odyssey. Takes place in between seasons 4 and 5 of MLP:FiM canon. Proofread by: NorrisThePony and ElderXelpud Spoilers in the comments. The cover art is assembled from a piece by sugarberryart, plainoasis, and Pedro Hander. This story is a rewrite of Crystalline. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (15)

The Crystal Empire was saved. Sombra was cast away via the Crystal Heart's bright light. The battle had been won, however, there were some unfinished business between the King and the Princess of the Night. She wished to see him. Speak to him one last time. She wanted to finally let go and speak what was in her heart. Though perhaps, it was already too late.

Chapters (1)

It was the night of the first Hearthswarming Eve. With the end of the world closing in, Clover the Clever leaves the Cave of Friendship to meet her special somepony, a young Windigo. Will the world's last true love prove enough to save everypony?

Contains straight shipping with canon characters. No OCs.

Cover Art: Poniponi now with 100% more full-body shots and backgrounds, oh my!

Like it? There's a sequel - The Windigo Peacekeepers and the Frostfire Crystal Emperor

Chapters (1)

The spell to change Fluttershy back to normal worked! But she reverses back to Flutterbat during a full moon. How? Why? Not even Twilight really knows why.

What's more Sombra seems interested in her and the others catch them having a...strange and interesting conversation...by hissing. And no pony knows what the heck they're saying.

{Story based off the art C: Hiss by Evehly...also it's just a short random story}

Chapters (3)

(Humanized AU) Luna is trying to rule a kingdom on the brink of collapse. Sombra has all but given up on his dreams of becoming a magician. Chrissy clings onto hope for love, for happiness. Meanwhile, Equestria is in a state of war against the bloodthirsty vampires (batponies) . Eight character's lives will cross paths in a game of survival, betrayal, and love.

Chapters (6)

Awkwardness tends to happen. Especially if you keep running into somepony you don't know well. Especially if that somepony is the mare who controls the moon.

Written for the Lunbra group's writing contest.

Chapters (2)

With his dark past heavy on his mind, Sombra is put to the test as he begins a reformation process. Though his thoughts are clearer and no longer crowded with the influence of dark magic, his heart is none the lighter. Will Pinkie's motto of "Giggle at the Ghosties" be enough to turn a tyrant good? Or Will Sombra succumb to the power of dark magic once more? But more importantly, will the reason for his tyrannical rule finally come to light?

Inspired by a series of one shots and the very popular "Feeling Pinkie Mean", though with a more serious undertone.

Warning: comments section on the last chapter contain some spoilers.

Chapters (48)

After their defeat at the hands of the Rainbooms, Adagio, Aria and Sonata search for a new motive. Anything to keep them alive. Their aimless wanderings bring them to the home of two people, who themselves have learned from past mistakes.

Chapters (1)

Luna is many things: a goddess, princess, and wife. What happens when she has a secret that threatens to unravel every one of those things? Her secret weighs heavily upon her, but can she bear to tell it, knowing it is the only thing that will set her free?

Sombra is caught up in all that reformation entails. His wife's turmoil isn't lost on him, but he has yet to piece together just what it is that has her waning.

The third place winner of the Right Back At It Again contest. Highly Recommended in PresentPerfect's spoiler-filled review! Also a submission for the Pride and Positivity charity event. The cover art is a gift drawn by MayhemMoth. The new version has been edited and preread by Cynewulf and Pascoite.

Chapters (6)