• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

King Sombra 180 stories
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King Sombra, after being blasted by the Elements of Harmony in his original world, finds himself in a slightly different world than the one he just died in.

Kinderquestria vs. Regular Equestria. Which one is worse for otherworldly villains?

Audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio.

Chapters (1)

Turns out, Sombra is back, wow. Discord takes it upon himself, as a FRIENDSHIP EXPERT to help reform Sombra. How the heck will he pull this off? Sombra is a stubborn guy, he likes crystals, hates not-being a king. So it's not going to be an easy task to reform him. Well, it's going to go much worse than expected.

Coverart: https://www.deviantart.com/assassin-or-shadow/art/Help-Me-461682268

Chapters (1)

Lock Light wasn't always an alicorn. He wasn't always King Sombra's son. He didn't always have White Lightning as a brother. But Lock Light was always true to himself.

Come dear reader, and step into a story of trust. A story of love. A story of betrayal, Step into the story of Lock Light, the Liberator of the Crystal Empire!

Long Description from Nanashi_Jones

Original artwork by Fantazyme from Devian Art

Chapters (16)

King Sombra has been reduced to a foal along with Queen Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon, and Discord. While they hate princess Celestia for turning them to foals and cause her nothing but trouble. They will have to learn to accept their new predicement and learn to love their new mothers.

Please note that this Fic has alot of diaper usage and nursing.

Editor: SuperPinkBrony12

Chapters (16)

At the height of the Dark Crystal Empire, the King of Shadows sits down to do his accounts, because even a totalitarian dictatorship cannot suppress taxponies.

But as he tries desperately to get through the impenetrable paperwork, Sombra finds himself the victim of a magically manifesting bird. Because of course he does.

I have no idea why I wrote this.

Made as a birthday present for the magnificent Evehly.

Chapters (1)

In the war against King Sombra and The Crystal Empire, there have been a great many ponies who have earned the title of hero. Some have shown toughness and a relentless spirit. One such hero is Rainbow Dash. Not even the loss of her wing or her best friend could stop her from fighting for Celestia and Equestria.

But how far is she willing to go? How much is one pony willing to sacrifice if it means an end to the war?

(Based on the Crystal Empire war universe of Cutie Re-Mark. Also shows one possibility of what may have happened to Twilight Sparkle in this universe.)

Chapters (2)

Mr.Sombra never thought that he'd get into a situation like this. After being transferred from Crystal Empire Academy to Canterlot High School, he figured his life would be the same, more or less.

Of course, when a pink haired student with the intention to make him feel welcome introduces herself, "same' is the furthest thing his life has become. Now he must fight his ever-growing feelings for her and contain his urge to act on them. And it was supposed to be over for him when she graduated that year.

But, what's he going to do when she drops in for a visit to bid him farewell?

Chapters (1)

Dusty Armor, though he prefers Dusk Armor. Only thirteen years old but full of adventure and even showing a talent for magic...today is his fourteenth birthday and Princess Twilight is pulling out all the stops to make it the best yet, but when a gift sparks questions she doesn't want to answer, he seeks out the answers on his own. Learning more and more about his father takes him down a path that Twilight can only pray he rejects....

( Little something I made for Dusty Armor because I like the idea of Dark Magic and punk ...)

Sequel based off of Kiss of the Dark by Soothing Stone

Art by Izeer

Chapters (10)

King Sombra survived his defeat, but just. By the time he returned to form, Twilight became the newest princess of Equestria and the Crystal Empire was restored to its former glory.

He cannot take over Equestria the same way he tried before, but he has a card up his sleeve. Twilight won't see it coming, and Sombra might gain a powerful ally in the process.

And it will all begin...with a book.

Edits on Chapter 1 done with the help of TempesttheDragnix.

Major props to InuHoshi-to-DarkPen for letting me use this. That artist is really good.

Chapters (20)

Ghosts of the past continue to haunt Cozy Glow in more ways than one. Not only does she have to adjust to her fate with her newly adopted mother, Princess Twilight, but she also has to rescue her human counterpart from a coma, thus repaying an old debt. As she investigates why this is happening, she gradually realizes that she isn’t the only one who is recovering from a tragic history.

Note: This story can be viewed as a follow up to my earlier stories "Sky Dancer, the First Flying Unicorn", "The Shadow Queen", and "Here I Am" can even be considered an outright prologue to this story. None of these stories are required reading but be warned that this new story has major spoilers for those earlier stories as early as chapter 1.

Chapters (35)