• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

King Sombra 180 stories
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Luna seeks her own place in the world. Her sister is the sun in more ways than one and she's grown tired of always being eclipsed by that light, so she makes a decision. She will go on sabbatical, see the nation she was exiled from, participate in it, and what better place to start than an empire as timelost as herself. But stepping out of the light of the sun can lead to places full of shadows, and not even the Mare of the Moon commands all darkness.

Written for Ice Star
Cover Art by the Illustrious SilverWolf

Chapters (9)

After his violent defeat, the former tyrant King Sombra has managed to claw his way back from the land of the dead and has returned to Equestria to seek revenge on Princess Celestia and the Elements of Harmony. However, the Emperor of Darkness is no fool. He knows that he cannot simply seek retribution on the Main Six or the Princess of Day, so he waits, gathering intel on his foes, learning of their weaknesses. When the time is right, he will strike. Can our heroes overcome King Sombra's plot for vengeance?

Sequel: The Return of the King

*Note: This story takes place in my official headcanon universe, not in the one for Shattering a Heart of Darkness

Chapters (20)

King Sombra’s dark influence was obliterated by the Crystal Heart, and the villain is well and truly dead. But when he attempts to steal the afterlife of an innocent victim, a human spirit is left hurtling towards Equestria, where this unfortunate soul is revived into the only vessel available: the reconstituted body of King Sombra himself.

Thus, a cheerfully oblivious alien is crammed into the form of the most evil and malicious being Equestria has ever known. Not that Shining Armor and Cadence know this, of course. As far as they are concerned, the King is back and he’s lost his fricking mind.

Click here for the TV Tropes page!

Chapters (4)

Introducing Hero's Day! A day where Equestria's worst villains dress up as their favorite heroes and go door to door demanding treats.

Treats or death, that is.

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor and Cadence; having been through so much work at Crystal Prep; needed a break from work, and from parenting their daughter Flurry Heart as well. So, when an old colleague from Canterlot High showed up, they’ve got their opportunity for a break, and went for it. But, will their old colleague handle the responsibility? Or will it all fall down in shambles? This is a story, that not even the author will forget.

Chapters (6)

Princess Celestia has an objective she wants to do. It involves a villain, one she thought to never see again or will possibly have to deal with later. Going to King Sombra's land she finds him and deliver's him to Canterlot. Or does she really have him?

Chapters (1)

'To whoever gets this message, we're in desperate need of help.'

'Equestria...Equestria is on the brink of being destroyed. Sombra, Tirek and many other villains are taking over our world. The Ambassadors of Harmony are nowhere to be found and Celestia and Luna...Faust, Celestia and Luna. I don't know who you are and I don't care, just as long as you can save us. And if you can't do that, then at the very least...'

'Avenge us.'

Chapters (34)

After the Umbrum's defeat, Sombra and Radiant Hope set out to find the shards of Princess Amore, but the former King is still tormented by guilt. Along the way, he and Hope grow closer - even starting a family. Along the way, Sombra discovers that the journey of redemption is never easy, but that the destination makes it worth it.

(Picture belongs to Eeveewhite97 on DeviantArt, who gave me the inspiration for this.)

EDIT: Now with a sequel!

Chapters (16)

In the space of a few minutes, Chrysalis' home is taken over, she is exiled from everything she ever knew, and her son is severely wounded. She has only one option to save her son, and her kingdom - joining forces with her old enemy, Twilight Sparkle. Understandably, the princess of friendship is reluctant - but will both leaders learn they have more in common than they imagined? Of course they will, that was rhetorical question.

(Image by Conicer http://conicer.deviantart.com/)

Chapters (11)

Once upon a time, a Princess was alone in her crystal palace, and she sang to the wind in her sorrow. But when the wind is a Windigo, the wind sings back.

** This story was written when I was 16, and the quality and content reflect that. Please be aware that my position on topics contained within may have changed in the time between publishing and now, and I apologize for any offensive material that I may have condoned in my younger years. **

Chapters (6)