• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

King Sombra 180 stories
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"My little ponies, it is with great relief that I can finally tell you: The Crystal Wars are over. With the end of hostilities, my daughter --your hero-- Sunset Shimmer, is coming home."

After twelve long years, Sunset Shimmer is coming home. To Canterlot. Through twelve years of hard, bloody campaigning, Sunset had finally ground the Crystal Empire, and by extension the tyrant, Sombra to dust under her hooves. And she's coming back to Canterlot, the place of her birth.

As for Princess Celestia, The Celestial Monarch. She has waited for her daughter to come back so that she may impart one final lesson. But Sunset Shimmer has a lesson of her own:

War. War never changes. But ponies do.

Chapters (1)

When the sky over the Crystal Empire is split open by a dark tear, Celestia, Cadance, Luna and Twilight must figure out a way to stop it. But in order to defeat darkness, sometimes you NEED darkness. And that leaves only one option; Sombra.

With his powers under lock down, and a growing connection to the strange darkness, can Sombra learn what it really takes to earn an empires respect, or will he abandon them to the darkness from another world?

UPDATED: Chapter one re-formatted, extra bits added, general tidying.

Edited by Dream Seeker!
Further helped into readableness by Hail King Sombra!

Chapters (14)

Twilight Sparkle is Princess Celestia's number one student. She is thought to be the smartest unicorn alive. A close second to Star Swirl the Bearded. Twilight is given a test. No ordinary one. Her test is to go to the Crystal Empire and protect it. This place is to be protected from an unholy threat. A demon made of pure malice that feeds off the fear of those it approaches, is attempting to reclaim the Crystal Empire.
It is Twilight's job to stop it.

She fails in doing so.

This is an interactive (Comment driven.) story!
Cover image done by the amazing Novipopple. Go check him out.

I've got an entire group dedicated to this universe, all side stories and basic universe organization will be there. Please do consider joining.

Chapters (20)

Pinkie never really considered herself to be beautiful. At least, not until Sombra told her so.

But, when she still doubts her own worth, she looks to Sombra for consolation and asks for something that just might tip the balance of how things are between the reformer and the reformee.

Takes place between chapters Four and Five of The Not-So-Normal Adventures of King Sombra and Pinkie Pie.

Chapters (1)

Sombra didn't know that he would miss her. When she left his world, he didn't think anything would change. But, things did change; he just found out too late.

This is dedicated to a recently lost classmate who touched not only my life, but everyone around her. I hope you smile, smile, smile up in Heaven, sweetheart.

Chapters (1)

Some sexual reference and the picture made by me

The tyrants of the Crystal Empire King Sombra & Queen Twilight talked about how they manaegd to conquer the empire!

Chapters (1)

The Crystal War is getting more dangerous day by day, the fights becoming bloodier and more fierce. Rainbow isn't one to give up, even in the most hopeless situations, but she doesn't know, the world is about to crumble down on her.

Inspired by the cover art and written for Dragonfoxgirl's SoarinDash/QuibbleDash Contest

Chapters (1)

A new god, worlds-between-worlds, and tons of sass from a certain somepony are only a few things that have made Luna's life all the more interesting. Now, she finds that every day is more of an adventure than it used to be with somepony worthy of sharing it with.

Her relationship may be nothing but a disaster waiting to happen in the eyes of nearly everypony in Equestria, but Luna and her special somepony know otherwise.

This is a side story to Favorable Alignment as much as it is a stand-alone story. You can read this all on its own. The original version of this story scored Highly Recommended in PresentPerfect's spoiler-filled review! Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (3)

When rogue FBI agent Sombra steals an experimental weapon and flees into a manmade portal into Equestria, the agency decides to enlist the help of somebody with knowledge and experience of the foreign world to chase after him. Or rather, somepony.

Chapters (20)

A fan-made sequel to the "Reflections" story arc of the IDW comics. In the aftermath of the Mirror World Incident, as Celestia struggles to heal her broken heart and the denizens of the other world rebuild and search for their missing king, an old enemy has returned, with plans that could spell the doom for both worlds. Reviews are greatly appreciated.

(Cover art by JazzyTyfighter, used with permission of the original artist.)

Chapters (11)