• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Rainbow Dash 453 stories
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Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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(Takes place sometime after "Rainbow Falls".)

The Wonderbolts have qualified for the Equestria Games and it seems like all is well. But that all changes when a newspaper begins to publish an account of what happened at Rainbow Falls while the qualifier was being held. Suddenly, the reputation of the Wonderbolts begins to take a nosedive.

Spitfire, now racked with guilt for the decision to cut Soarin from the team, decides that there's only one way to salvage the Wonderbolts' reputation and make things right. She announces her desire to resign and hoof the reigns to somepony, which shocks her entire team.

Rainbow Dash is equally shocked, and becomes determined to talk some sense into Spitfire. But is Spitfire in a mood to be reasoned with? Or perhaps it'll take something extreme to make her reconsider?

Chapters (1)

After being told about it by her friends, Fluttershy decides to try out ASMR. She's actually really good at it.

Chapters (1)

*** Special shout-out and thanks to my editor, Schadenponi! ***

*Important!*Patch 1.89 Notes*
-Overwatch is awesome!
-Still planning the contents for the next chapter.
-The Slice of Life tag has been removed and replaced with the Adventure tag because I say so.
-Added the Alternate Universe tag because, without it, this story might confuse people.
-Once the upcoming chapter, 'One Small Step For Man' is published, this story will officially be considered a HiE (Human in Equestria).
-Description has been changed and updated.
-Bacon is awesome

The hero of this story, Creme Fraiche, had just finished moving his stuff into his new apartment --- after being told that he was to be transferred. Everything in his apartment seemed to be in working order at first, until he discovered the broken bathroom mirror.

During his search for a replacement, an old lady from a mystical-looking Chinese antique shop gave Creme exactly what he needed: a mirror. But the hero soon discovers that not only does the mirror doesn't show his reflection, it shows something else entirely: a cerulean-coloured pony with a rainbow-coloured mane --- with wings, too.

And it can talk.

*Author Notes*
-Twilight Sparkle is an alicorn in this alternate universe, however she has never been to the human world, nor has she met any humans before. To put it in more simpler terms: the events of all MLP: EqG movies never took place in this AU. Deal with it.

-As of the chapter 'Beyond Earth'. I quickly realized that the direction that my story is heading for will no longer be considered as a Slice of Life. Therefore, (since the two tags are counted as 'conflicting categories') I had it removed, and replaced (Adventure) to avoid any further complications, confusion and complaining.

-Bacon is awesome.

-This adorable cover art is done by the amazing DShou from deviantart! Do check out the dude's other works!

Chapters (20)

“We're flying high,/We're watching the world pass us by./Never want to come down,/Never want to put my feet back down on the ground.” –Depeche Mode, ‘Never Let Me Down Again’

Rainbow Dash is given a chance of a lifetime, to fly with her favorite Wonderbolt, Soarin. However, as she spends time with him, she begins to like him more and more. But how does he feel?

Art done by DespisedAndBeloved on deviantArt.

Chapters (4)

Soarin' has Rainbow Dash on his mind...what better way than to express his feelings than to write them down. Thanks to My-Magic-Dream for letting me use their pic as cover-art.

Chapters (1)

In order to make sure her class knows a little more about the world, Cheerilee has them exchanging letters with children in other nations. This allows her students to learn about truly foreign concepts, like 'snow day'. And the mere concept of having a random storm grant an unexpected holiday has taught the Crusaders something big: that Equestria is the worst place in the whole world, because the weather schedule means that's never gonna happen.

Surely there has to be a way to get a snow day of their very own. Surely...

...so what's the fastest way to summon a windigo?

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Cover art from an image created by LunaticDawn.

Chapters (1)

The engagement of Big Mac and Rainbow Dash is the talk of Ponyville! Everypony wants to know how the proposal happened, when the date is, and how Rainbow Dash reacted! There is only one problem, Big Mac never proposed. Now Rainbow Dash has to try to get through a normal day with everypony trying to find out how the proposal happened and how she is planning her wedding.

This is a very late Valentines Day story dedicated to the one and only Jake the Army Guy. I wanted to have this story done before he came back, but that didn't go as planned. So here you go brother, a large MacDash story just for you!

Big shout outs goes out to Arbarano and The Masked Ferret for all the edits and idea bouncing. I am sure both of them have gone a bit insane because of it.

Art is done by KeyLimePie, go check them out on Facebook!

New cover image belongs to honeyheart23

Chapters (7)

Based on a true story. Kinda. Not really.
A man named Jason previously led a rather melancholy life before he died violently. No surprise there. But as he wakes up in Equestria and is thrown into a foreign body, he is forced to survive with the guise of a changeling. Taking place shortly after the failed changeling invasion of Canterlot, how can he keep from being revealed by new security measures, and blend into this new world, while making use of the most unlikely of allies? But of course, avoiding ponies only turns out to be the easy part when trouble has a habit of reading its ugly head. Really though, what could go wrong?

Props to the ever epic Zubafa for his cover art.

Chapters (52)

After she winds up inside the wrong cake, Spitfire needs to reclaim her honor as a Wonderbolt. What better way than by showing Ponyville's wealthiest resident -- and most eligible bachelor -- a night on the town? With maybe a little revenge on the side.

Part of the Crack Pairing Circleship Collab. Also a standalone story of the Whiskverse! (Familiarity with Whiskverse or CPCSC not necessary.)

Cover art by C-Puff!

Chapters (1)

The Canterlot Exchange, ten thousand humans and ponies pass through its doors every day, on their way to destinations all across Earth and throughout Equestria. Some are wide eyed migrants, others are only passing through, or on their way to find the most exotic holiday of their lives. They are mavericks, heroes or just everyday travellers, but every one has a story to tell. These are just a few of the tales I've gathered from the Canterlot Exchange.

With thanks to Luna-tic Scientist, Lord of Dorkness and docontra for their help pre-reading.

Winner of the Transformation group 3000 Member Celebration Contest!

Chapters (10)