• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Rainbow Dash 453 stories
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Total Words: 9,857,340
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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"You know... I am a fool. Some blinding fool flying around, pretending not to stop for anyone. Tough ponies like me can't be affectionate. I can't give in to feelings, and I can't say them out loud. But you know... You too are a fool. Acting as if you never needed anypony. So, we are both stupid."

Description at first person, but story at the third person. Can potentially be viewed as a sequel of Bound To You

Chapters (1)

When Twilight makes a bet with Rainbow Dash to ride a dragon into Canterlot Central Station, Rainbow becomes determined to do so. Of course, if it wasn't because of the reward, she might've never even considered attempting such a dangerous trial.

Proofread by Sorren.

Chapters (4)

Diamond Tiara enters the Running of the Leaves. She wants Rainbow Dash to coach her. She gets Discord instead.

Set a year or two after the main series, but contains no spoilers. An entry to the Season 10 Bingo Contest. Prompt is in the author's note at the end.

Big thanks to RCharge for editing and Gingerquill for a pre-read!

Awarded a "Judge's Choice" in the contest! Hype!

Out Of The Running really expands on The Running Of The Leaves... Add that with kirin beginning to mingle in Ponyville, Diamond Tiara wanting to run, a drought, and Discord, and you have a winning formula... Overall, I absolutely adored this story and I'm glad that it was entered in this contest.


Cover art: https://derpibooru.org/images/1944253

Chapters (1)

A chance meeting with a cute young dragoness puts Spike on top of the world. However, it quickly becomes clear he may be forced to chose between his pony friends or the girl who captured his heart.

Chapters (9)

When Scootaloo crashes into twilight during a magic experiment they get teleported to an unknown city that's burning and has weird creatures scattered in the streets. As the two separated stranded ponies roam around the city separately trying to figure out where they ended up, will they try to make it home as fast as possible or will they stay to help a species that's being systematically eradicated?

I'll try to upload chapters whenever I finish them. :twilightsmile:

Cover art by myself

23-12-18: I got featured!:rainbowderp:
2 - 1 - 19: Again :rainbowlaugh:

Edit: This entire thing is going to be edited and partially re-written somewhere in the future.

Chapters (28)

Twilight obtains a strange package one morning: A NIV Bible. What could this strange book,which speaks of strange creatures, different worlds, and an all-powerful being called God, possibly mean? With the help of an adventurer (OC), Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash go on an epic quest around Equestria, trying to solve the mystery of this other worldly book. As strange events occur and even stranger beings arrive, Twilight must figure out how other worlds apply to the one she knows and loves: her own.

Chapters (16)

I'm Rainbow Dash and it has been three years since I became a pony from a little girls show (Yes, I was originally a human). Many people ask how a human can become a pony, now I'm just going to tell them to go read this. Honestly, I have no idea why my DNA decided to go nuts, it just happened. A lot has happened in three years, I've had strange dreams about being a pony, my body has decided wants to be equine in nature, and gone on tons of adventures with my five best friends. Now stop looking at the description and get on with it.

This is pretty popular for being my first story. Thanks guys!

Thanks to DeepThought for being my editor.

Wow. Its been one year since I posted this. Looking back...yeah ok I was a newbie when I wrote this and it shows. Geez I have improved a lot. I cringe every time I reread it. I mean just...UGHHHH *shudders*GOD I was so bad its embarrassing. I could rewrite it but I think I'll leave it the way it is as a way to show myself how much better I've gotten. Anyway thanks for reading!

Chapters (14)

It's Sisterhooves Social time again. This year, Dash catches wind of two new competitors and gets Spike to bet on the race. When her team is revealed to be a rather famous set of siblings, it looks like poor Spike will be her slave for a week! However, due to a team of masseurs, a minor invasion, unfortunate addictions, and dubious barrel components, victory might not be as near as she thinks...

Chapters (2)

It’s flu season and everypony in town has to get a flu shot. Unfortunately for Nurse Redheart, sometimes the most macho ponies are the most afraid of needles. How on Equestria is she going to trick Dash into getting her shot?

Story prompt/Requested by: Abcron
Edited by: Selbi
Part of my one-shot week.

Chapters (1)

"Pencil Pad" writes an article about the secret relationship between Spitfire and Rainbow Dash, only one problem, it isn't at all true... and Rainbow Dash isn't too happy about it.

Chapters (1)