• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Fluttershy 231 stories
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Cross Hair, a grey unicorn stallion is badly injured in a Timber wolf encounter. He wakes up days later to find that he is being cared for by a yellow pegasus mare. What will happen when this hunter falls prey to his emotions? What is the secret he is keeping from his hostess and her friends and why does a certain purple dragon not trust him?

Fluttershy X O.C.

Chapters (21)

Ever since she was a little girl, Fluttershy wanted to be a vampire. Strong, independent, majestic and graceful. For years, she kept her wish a secret, drowning herself in vampire lore; books, movies, and cosplaying. But deep down, she still wished that all the costumes and tales were real, and that one day... She'd become one with her dream.

But when she accidentily blurts out her secret at a sleep-over, to everyones dismay or gloating, the whole idea seems to vanish into thin air. And in that moment, when everything hit rock bottom... opportunity seems to knock on her door.

But maybe, just maybe, there are some wishes that is best kept unfulfilled...

Takes place in the EqG-universe, some six months after Rainbow Rocks.

The poor thing that has to deal with my bad spelling and non-existing grammar is Nopony Important, Proofreader and multi-instrumentalist.

Cover pic by Quizia. A bit misleading I know, no fruit bats in this one! But I just loved that picture.

Chapters (1)

Many fall into darkness, from fear, from anger, from the the darkest emotions that can be experienced in a being's soul. In this case, what can make a good girl turn away from the light and back into the dark?

00000 ----- 00000

Second one on the second day WITH cover art I made. Damn, I can't stop all the pent up fanfiction man. :twilightblush:

But yeah, this is a concept for Sunset Shimmer I wanted to explore and as far as I know I haven't quite seen it broached in this way here. It can open up to bigger things maybe but for now I'mma just leave this here and I hope y'all enjoy my second fanfiction ever made and I hope it's up to snuff after my first one.

Chapters (5)

Everypony assumes Bulk Biceps enjoys nothing more than to exercise and lift weights. But he is a pony that finds pleasure in many things; including nature. One day, as he is in the meadow, he finds Fluttershy crying by herself. He wants to help, and knows just the way to do it.

A very quick little one shot I wrote for the Crack Ships Inc. April Contest. I hope it brings you some measure of enjoyment.

Cover art is a screenshot from Rainbow Falls. Not sure if I need to cite it, but there it is.

Chapters (1)

Equestria. On the surface, it is a kingdom of harmony where pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies live together in peace; a place where griffons, minotaurs, and many other creatures are welcome. However, few know that another race lives among them in hiding.

Fluttershy, the decades old pureblood thestral known as Mistress Flutterbat, was living with her family in Cloudsdale where her parents had done their best to lead the local clan of vamponies in peace for centuries.

While the Princess of the Sun kept a watchful eye on her kingdom, pureblood thestral clans across Equestria went into hiding, disguised as common ponies, for none had the power to challenge the alicorn’s might.

Will a vampony with a good heart and kind nature survive in a world that sees her as a threat?

This story takes place years before Nightmare Moon’s return. The story itself went through restructuring alongside many improvements to increase its quality.

Special thanks to MykeGreywolf for permission to use his art as cover for this story.

List of editors:
Top editor - ShipIsLove ShipIsLife
Secondary editor - Mikemeisers

This story takes place years before Nightmare Moon’s return. The story itself went through restructurization alongside many improvements to increase it’s quality. Special thanks to MykeGreywolf for permission to use his art as cover for this story.

List of editors:
Top proofreaders: ShipIsLove ShipIsLife

Editors: Mikemeisers
Seether00 F

Chapters (12)

Angel receives a startling letter from a distant cousin. That's right, Bugs Bunny is coming to town.

Tagged Alternate Universe for violating MLP physics (and any physics). Repeatedly.
Bugs Bunny is anthropomorphic but the ponies aren't. Still doesn't qualify for anthro tag... I think.

Edited by: The wonderful and talented Word Worthy!

AN: ROBCakeran53 originally had this idea. To both of our knowledge this hasn't been done before so... flips tables You are currently reading trash I'm making for my writer's block. Comments with constructive criticism appreciated. Oh the nostalgia!

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash is unquestionably the bravest pony in Equestria. But that doesn't mean she isn't afraid. After a tragic accident with her friend Fluttershy, who is still traumatized by her flight school experiences, Dash is forced to face another side of herself... one that she hoped she'd never have to.

Chapters (2)

Fluttershy remembers every world that Starlight created, and that is why she can never forgive her.

Chapters (1)

This story takes place during Season 4 before Episode 8.

A famous fashion designer takes an interest in Rarity’s work and she ends up paying a very high price for his patronage.

How can she keep up the high workload he demands with a foal on the way and how will she manage once it arrives?

This can be read as a stand-alone story or continued to its sequel A Dish Best Served Cold

Chapters (3)

With a date already unprepared, your mother and father barge in and invite you and Fluttershy to dinner. Even though you deny the chance, Fluttershy relentlessly wants to know them. As it would seem, it would turn out to be nice at first, but may take a turn for the worse.

Chapters (2)