• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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Hearths Warming Day is almost upon the village of Ponyville and no two ponies are more excited then Sweetie Belle and Button Mash. For the energetic gamer, it's a chance to get as many new games as he wants, but for Sweetie Belle she's excited because she'll be living a dream. After a year of saving their money, she and her sister are going to the Manehatten Hearths Warming Show where all the best actors, musicians, and performers play for one night only.

However, when disaster strikes leaving Sweetie Belle's dreams shatterd, Button resolves to help his best friend.

Check out the next story over here!

Chapters (1)

Button Mash has never been the most popular boy in Canterlot High. He's always been a bit of a loner. So, what can he do to try and meet new people?

He creates an after school gaming club!

However, unfortunately for the young man, the gaming club is not a big hit with his schoolmates. It's the third week, and nobody has shown up. Button is about to give up on the club when someone unexpected suddenly shows up at the club. What hijinks will Button Mash go through? Tune in to find out!

(Currently a one shot, but can become a series if people enjoy it. So be sure to let me know!)

(Also, this story is set in the EG universe, but EG art of Button Mash really just doesn't exist, so pic isn't strictly related)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Going Through the Motions

No pony said that pregnancy was easy, still the whole ordeal catches them both by surprise.

Chapters (11)

Ziggy Stardust was never good at talking. A bouncer didn’t have to be. He wasn’t expecting that to change when he moved to ponyville. He wasn’t expecting the DJ either. Sometimes it just takes somepony else to get you started – all you need is a little feedback.

Chapters (1)

The night can be an amazing thing. It can reveal mysteries and house the most beautiful music, and the night that Scratch and Ziggy shared on the hill was no exception. A single night can do amazing things for two ponies, even if they don't realize it.

Chapters (1)

Sequel to Judge Luna!
Princess Celestia allows a radio show to broadcast court cases from the Noon Day Court. At the same time, her baliff Noble Cause has... caught her eye. Dusting off one's courting skills and ruling a nation with a gentle hoof at the same time certainly won't be easy.

Chapters (14)

Rainbow Dash is Leaving to go to the Wonderbolts Academy, the best College for Athletics. 12 of her teammates from CHS are joining her and have obtained a house for them to share nearby. As nervous as she is, an old friend is going to make things interesting!

Image by Sparkling-Sunset on DeviantArt

Chapters (10)

As the leader of the Changelings, it's important to Thorax that he has allies within Equestria.

And which better place than the Crystal Empire itself? Where he was first accepted and allowed to roam freely within the land.

All he'd like is for his subjects to be able to rely on the Crystal Empire for friendship and love.

Unfortunately for him, his meeting with Princess Flurry Heart on the matter quickly spins into something a lot less professional then he had initially expected.

Author Notes:
Taken place several years after the current show-time. When Princess Flurry Heart is old enough to handle the bigger meetings regarding the Empire.
Please disregard obvious disbelief suspensions when reading. This story was not written from the show's point of view, meaning there will be minor plot adjustments made for the purpose of the storyline.

Cover art by NorthernLights8.

Chapters (1)

After finishing her portion of the day's harvest in record time, Applejack heads home early to check on how Apple Bloom's doing alone in their house. What she discovers once she gets there shocks her right to her core, and what happens afterwards changes the way she sees her little sister forever.

First runner-up in Obselescence's The Most Dangerous Game contest, using the prompt "An OC and a major canon character (in this case, Apple Bloom) fall in love with each other."

Chapters (1)

It’s been a long time since Sandbar and Yona became close creatures in Equestria. Even when Starlight took over the School Of Friendship, the students have always gotten better. She decides to throw the first ever Hearts And Hooves dance for her students to enjoy the music and do the activities available.

Sandbar took the time he need for his feelings to come out but at the same time, it could backfire. He refuses to wait any longer and gives Yona the special gift he kelp to himself.

Thanks to Daniyel099 for editing this.

An entry in The Discovery / Young Six Writing Contest

Chapters (1)