• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Romance 828 stories
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There's an old saying that all it takes is one bad day to drive the sanest guy around to lunacy. Or in this case, one happy, expectant, formerly villainous unicorn into a seething, barely-held-together dam of fury and death ready to burst. What happens when somepony leaves the peanut butter open for the umpteenth time? Somepony is gonna get it and get it good.

Proofread by Bok.

Featured: 11/11/18

Chapters (1)

Once, Ford was just a human who led a boring and lonely life. But suddenly, his life is turned upside down as a mysterious golden light not only transported him to the magical world of Equestria, but has also transformed him into a Pegasus Pony without a Cutie Mark! Despite how much of a fan he is of MLP:FIM, he can't help but feel concern on what kind of consequences his presence might bring on account of his knowledge of a fictional cartoon show.

Now, under the identity of "Ford Mustang", he must face many trials ahead of him. Will he be able to blend in with the rest of the pony community? Will he ever be able to earn his Cutie Mark? Can he make it back home in time before the ponies learn the truth about him? And what happens when he starts to fall in love with a certain cyan Pegasus with the spectrum-colored mane? Find out on the incredible journey of Ford Mustang!

Chapters (29)

Fluttershy and Sombra have been together for a while. And she has often commented on the soft fluffiness of her colt friend’s rump. After a long and exhausting day, she uses Sombra’s rump for a while.

Chapters (1)

Everyone wears a mask. For the rulers of Equestria, that mask must be impeccable for their subjects. Only around their guards can the two Princesses relax ever so slightly, occasionally showing that they are just as fallible as any other creature. For one Princess, the burdens of her own mind begin to make the mask crack. However, when Private Steel Heart notices that it is, in fact, the pony underneath the mask that is beginning to splinter, he offers to help.

He had no idea such help would first involve getting attacked with a large brush.

Warning: Involves slow-burn romances, lots of feelings, comforting moments, adorable affectionate gestures, lethal amounts of fluff, feel-good auras, and a deadly combing implement.
Takes place around Season 8-9 (ish)

Cover art used with permission by the talented Yakovlev-Vad, seriously, check out his art. He's fantastic!
*Edit. Featured on the first day? WHAT IS HAPPENING?

Chapters (8)

Midnight Affection, known to most as the soothing ASMR pon, doesn't seem cut out for the day to day life in Canterlot. She's nothing like the more uptight ponies or Elitists that roam the streets of her city. And she's as timid as a filly on their first day of school. But she is also a very beautiful unicorn, though she never asserted herself to find a special somepony because she wasn’t interested So of course, she's the last pony you'd believe would fall for a Lunar guard named Mystic Night.

Art done by StellarDusk

Chapters (1)

Pharynx while visiting Ponyville as an ambassador for the reformed changelings, finds out that not everything is as boring or annoying as he had thought at first.

This story is a reward to one of my contest winners, The Blessed One

Edited by: Tombstone

Chapters (1)

John’s life had taken a turn for the worse since he moved from the bustling city of Los Angeles to a quiet mountain town named Dewford. He had expected a change of scenery and a calmer state of living.
That was not the case, as he’s had to deal with racist citizens, money problems, and several people who won’t get off his back. Life had gone wrong so far. Now he has to deal with a strange hippie girl with a butterfly tattoo. John just hopes this new addition doesn’t complicate things further.
Edited by:
A Dumb Door [chapter 1-2}
Sqarishoctagon [chapter 3-40]

Chapters (40)

For anypony who has a special somepony on Hearts and Hooves Day; this holiday is the happiest time for them. For singles like Princess Luna; it's the complete opposite.

Being immortal severely affects the Royal Sister's choices of courtship since they will outlive any mortal pony they choose to marry. Celestia has accepted this fact and has chosen not to marry while Luna has not, and it makes her miserable whenever the holiday comes around, or is even mentioned.

One night though there is a glimmer of hope when she receives a letter from a secret admirer that doesn't care about mortality, or her checkered past. Instead they accept her for who and what she is.

Hopefully this will be what Luna needs in order to get into the holiday spirit.

Cover artwork by JohnJoseco and W0lflicious

Chapters (1)

A new stallion comes into Ponyville, but will his charisma and fiery personality win the heart of a rainbow maned pegasus?

Blaze is a determined, and athletic pegasus. He moved out of his old town because of the horrors and terrible memories it contains. He left to find a better life in Ponyville, but when he got there, he fell in love. How will he handle it? Will things turn out well? Will his past come back to haunt him? Will the mare of his dreams love him back? Why is Derpy so bucking adorable? Read and find out!
(This story has comedy in it, therefore it has slight language. Nothing serious at all though)

P.S. Yes, I understand this has a cliché story-line, but don't let that turn you off about it, I tried making it as unique as possible
This is out of topic but if you enjoy this story, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. I'm better with stories than videos
the link is here: http://www.youtube.com/user/NeonThePegasus?feature=mhee

Chapters (11)

It has been eight years since Buttonmash and the CMC have graduated school and moved on with their lives. Button is a famous videogame designer, Sweetiebelle is on tour, Scootaloo is a stuntspony, and Applebloom is working on real estate while expanding the CMC. The CMC are still helping others, but have jobs as well, leaving almost no time to be free. Button, under the pressure of designing a new game, has become anti-social, and has blocked everypony out to focus. Rarity, worried for Button, calls the CMC for help to bring the Buttonmash, that Ponyville knows, back.

Chapters (9)