• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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When Discord doesn't show up to the regular guy's night with his friends Big Macintosh and Spike, the two get curious about what the draconequus could be doing. Turns out he's on a date with Fluttershy! Their relationship is a little rocky though and it seems like it could need a little push to help. Big Macintosh and Spike decide that little push is going to be a risky one that could possibly take either of their lives. Was this the right call or was it reckless and dangerous?

Just a heavily late entry for Fluttercord Week. Enjoy!

Fluttercord Week: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/214010/fluttercord-week

Chapters (1)

Stalwart Drone has been a Night Guard for a little over two years, and now he's being reassigned to the Crystal Empire, forced to leave his home and his talent behind only to have to readjust to living up in the frozen north.

Ruby Swift, conversely, has been in Equestria for most of her life, and recently she's taken a... darker look on life.

Forced to live in the same house as one another, the unlikely duo are going to have to live with what they fear.
At least, for now anyway.

Cover image can be viewed in its full resolution by clicking on it (or right-clicking and opening it in a new tab.) Spent a couple days working on it and I'll be uploading it to my DeviantArt gallery soon.

Chapters (5)

Starlight learns the magic of correspondence with Princess Luna and other friends. She also mourns a candy ship, gets her perks card revoked, and resorts to messages by an owl. She eventually starts dating somepony and freaks out about it.

A fic comprised mostly of letters, but also notes, and diary entries. Some mild fluffy romance with Sunburst later.

Takes liberty with the order of events from the show and the specials.

Cover by CloudyLittleDreams.

My Ko-Fi

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to And He Silently Painted A Rainbow

Hearts & Hooves Day is arriving soon, and Rainbow Dash had prepared many plans to spend time with her new and special coltfriend, Taciturn Bleach. However, a small note soon found its way onto her doorstep, and it wasn't long before she had to be whisked away to attend, much to her disbelief, a funeral: the passing of Taciturn's father.

Sure enough, Rainbow soon found herself at the grand estate of Taciturn's family, despite the colt's slight whimpers. However, behind the luxury of such a wondrous home, the mare quickly realized that there was more to his life than just paintings and his carefree attitude, and beneath the solace of his home slept the skeleton in the cupboard that Taciturn had never wanted her to find.

Every pony has its secrets, but sometimes the silent ones keep the darkest secrets...

Cover art made by me. Yay!
Sequel to And He Silently Painted A Rainbow. You might have to read that first, or you probably won't understand anything from this story.

Chapters (9)

Princess Cadance noticed how lonely Princess Celestia seemed on Hearts and Hooves Day.

She decided to send a small love spell her way, as motivation to help her find a special somepony, even if it's just for a day.

Cadance immediately regretted it upon finding out who it was.

Special thanks to Mickeymonster for allowing me to use the cover image!

Edit: Mickeymonster has made a colored version of the cover image! Original image: http://fav.me/d4mozkh

Chapters (10)

Rumble the young colt always had a secret crush on Silver Spoon, a crush that he always kept a secret, from every-pony even his brother. But when his secret crush finds out what will the gray earth filly do?

Thank you Storm Swirl for the picture.

Chapters (2)

Matthew has a dilemma: either find a way home or find a way to save this world. Maybe a certain pony can help him. (Takes place the day after the movie. Prone to edits, so expect them. Also, please don't be too harsh this is my first attempt.)
Any resemblances between the characters/story here and other pieces of work are completely coincidental. Link to picture-https://dsp2003.deviantart.com/art/MLPFiM-Doing-Loving-Things-to-Tempest-Shadow-709246841

Chapters (9)

Ever since you were born, you and your family have always been through so many hardships in life. Whether it would be people being total jerks, things not going your way, or some other mysterious reason why. Because of this, you've never experienced any other emotion other than sadness. Until you move to a town with people who were actually nice to you. That’s when you began to attend the local school called Canterlot High. The students there were really nice and you finally felt relief after all this time. You then began to feel something else when you meet a certain girl. A girl who could possibly make your life even better.

Cover image by https://www.deviantart.com/the-butcher-x

"I'd like to introduce you to the very first story that I've ever written on this site. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I was while writing it. I know most people start off with only one chapter when they post a story and my original plan was to post the whole story once I’m done, but I felt like posting the first four to see if you guys would like it.”

Chapters (10)

A spider scares Fluttershy in the middle of the night, and Discord shows up to seek revenge.
A parody fanfic of "Eight Legs of Love" by Quiet2885 on Fanfiction.
cover art by discordlyconduct on tumblr.
DrWolf001 Dramatic Reading: [embed]

Chapters (1)

Not many legends involving the Lord of Chaos have happy endings. However, in the time since he befriended the Element of Kindness, more and more of them are concluding that way.

Written for Day Five of #FluttercordWeek 2020 - Wedding.

Chapters (1)