• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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Effective communication is important in any friendship.

Unfortunately for Twilight, Tempest Shadow and Pharynx communicate almost exclusively in overwhelming force.

Chapters (5)

After a freak solar eclipse, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance are whisked away to the human world, where they are taken in by a happily lonely young musician. This young man and the ponies quickly become friends as the two adapt to living in a world different from their own.

Heavily Inspired by My Little Dashie and Rarity and I, along with the films of Alexander Payne and more specifically, the movie Beginners.

Chapters (11)

Soarin has liked Rainbow Dash for some time, but unfortunately, she's really bad at picking up romantic hints, which pretty much annoys everyone.

Gift for Nordryd

Chapters (1)

Before King Sombra enslaved the ponies of the Crystal Empire; before Nightmare Moon attempted to block out the sun forever; there were only Luna and Sombra. In a time when Equestria’s peace after Discord’s defeat is shaken, and when alicorns once again come under attack, two unlikely ponies come together beneath the pale moonlight. In the darkness their love blossoms, but so does an ethereal evil that bides its time, waiting to strike before the dawn.

Shadow of the Moon
In Your Dreams: Luna's Farewell

Cover art done by the amazing Nalesia on Deviantart. Please check out the artist's gallery. I couldn't be happier with this piece.

Chapters (27)

Princess Luna fell in love with Prince Sombra. When she was on the moon, she missed him more than anything. The hope of seeing him again when she returns is what keeps her alive. Then, after a thousand years, she returned to find that he is gone. Depression overtakes her. Then, he returns. Luna is pulled from the dark abyss she was in and is reunited with Sombra. What would Celestia say?

Special thanks to:
RainbowDash73 for being so darn awesome,
Paintednote13 for showing me the song that inspired me,
And extra special thanks to... I don't know. My cat.

Chapters (6)

Long before Sunset Shimmer went to the human world, Star Swirl the Bearded and Princess Celestia traveled across the multiverse in search of knowledge. Now, a thousand years on, the consequences of those travels have come back to haunt Celestia and threaten Equestria. Twilight Sparkle and her friends must venture to another world and face an all-too-familiar evil, all while considering the road not traveled and past mistakes.

This story is adapted from IDW's "Reflections" story, written by Katie Cook and illustrated by Andy Price. Additional inspiration is taken from the first issue of the FIENDship is Magic mini-series, written by Jeremy Whitley and drawn by Brenda Hickey. Cover art by Johesy - used with permission.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (6)

A quick romantic story, something I've been writing on and off for a while now. It was all written on my phone so hopefully not many errors but let me know if there is.

Chapters (1)

After a teasing comment from her sister, Princess Luna starts to think her relationship with Gothic is deeper then she believed it was.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy and Discord have been through a lot, in their friendship and their romance. But finally, they're married, and things can settle down now...right?

Fluttershy should have known that things aren't that easy when Discord's involved.

A collection of random, fluffy drabbles. Not much of a plot here.

Amazing cover art made by Eveeka!

Chapters (100)

Most changelings only want to feed on love and serve their queen, defending her with their lives. But Scales the changeling has never seen eye-to-eye with the others. All he wanted to do was cook. He leaves the hive and finds himself in Ponyville as a baker. He finds peace, but will that peace stay?

((Being rewritten starting from chapter twelve))

Chapters (12)