• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Princess Cadance 198 stories
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How hard is it to take care of a baby on your own, right? Cadance quickly finds that motherhood isn't all that it's cracked up to be. And with Shining Armor away, the responsibility falls entirely on her to figure it out. Even if her methods are... a little unorthodox.

This story is for the Cadance is a Terrible Mom Competition! Sorry I got it in so late!

Art by Sugarberry, so go give them some love!!

Chapters (1)

If there's one thing Cadence prides herself above love magic and matchmaking, it's her hobby of practicing calligraphy.

Now, if only the little filly in front of her actually liked any of it.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Golden Trail

When a daddy Unicorn and a mommy Alicorn get together and love each other very much, they get a rambunctious little Flurry Heart. When a daddy Siren and a mommy Windigo get together and love each other very much they get...a very lonely creature. But maybe Flurry can change that.

Chapters (17)

Exiled from Equestria, you flee to the last place in the world left for you to go: the exalted Crystal Empire. After many months of searching for a means to support yourself, you end up both homeless and jobless in the dead of winter in the frozen north. Then, on one of the coldest and harshest days of the year, Princess Cadence finds you, alone and huddling around a small fire, and she’s more than happy to take you in.

So come, share a tender moment with the princess of the Crystal Empire.

Featured on October 2, 2013
Edited by The Abyss

Chapters (1)

None of this is my fault. I was excited for you to get here. You're the one who ruined it.

I need you to understand that... before I send you away.

Chapters (1)

A new born foal causes an uproar in the Crystal Empire, when it is discovered that he bears the horn of King Sombra. Princess Cadence wants to raise the foal as her own, but Shining Armor is weary of the baby colt.

Chapters (24)

The smallest things can make the biggest changes in our lives.

A routine medical procedure reveals a previously unknown link between the King of the Changelings and the Prince of the Crystal Empire. With this knowledge now revealed to them both, will they find a way to contend with the change?

Or is it simply easier to keep things the way they are?


Rated Teen for mentions and discussions of conception and paternity.

Thanks to happytime27 for the pre-read.

My entry in the My Little Pony Renaissance Contest.

Cover Art Borrowed from racingwolf.

Featured From 6-29-2021 to 7-4-2021. Thank you all.

Chapters (3)

Pregnant with twins, Queen Chrysalis is trying to save her race.

Is the father going to help care for his children?

Will the changelings ever be accepted by ponies?

I was trying to write a one-shot, somewhere along the lines it turned into something greater.
I am going to work on the sequel when I feel like it.

Cover art by Midnight Sonare. Middy is amazing at his art, so check him out.

Chapters (4)

Kicked out of her Brother's wedding and betrayed by her friends, Twilight Sparkle is offered a chance by Arceus to go to the world of pokemon and start her life over. As she arrives, she is found by Ash Ketchum and his partner Pikachu and together they will travel through the Hoenn Region to become the very best like no one ever was.


This story will be based on both the anime and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. So there will be Mega Evolution and some Pokémon from all the regions will be shown.

Cover Art created by: Mr Tech

Chapters (24)

Ponies get drunk, right? Some of them wake up with a hangover or even next to somepony and then proceed to run for the hills. This may go double if you end up in Las Pegasus...weird things happen there.

Our dear human, Jason is one such being, but his drunk mistake has upped the ante by being with none other than Princess Celestia and by that action alone they are forced to marry soon by a law long forgotten from Celestia's teenage years. But that's not the only surprise in store for the pair of them as many conflicts will be coming over the months ahead.

Whether the two like it or not, they must be together until Jason's mortal life ends and there is no way of getting out of that but to live with it.

Chapters (24)