• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Princess Cadance 198 stories
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Shining Armor's life is pretty good. He's an excellent guardspony, he has a loving family, and he's even pretty sure a certain pink mare likes him. But when he finds out his favorite little sister is still upset over her loss of control at the CSGU entrance exam, there's only one thing to do: share a story about a colt who made a big mistake.

Chapters (1)

King Sombra; having been overwhelmed with so many responsibilities at the Crystal Empire; is currently having a little bit of a breaking point, and is about to lose it. But; when a little filly stepped in to help; he was elated to have some help. However; will this new little helper help King Sombra out? Or will it turn into something more.. sinister???

(Takes place during the season 9 premiere. An alternate universe story where instead of King Sombra ruling the empire on his own; he has some help).

Chapters (6)

Adam is a good friend of Princess Cadance, and has been for the past year.

But when the Crystal Princess finds her request for snuggles denied, her mind breaks and she quickly kidnaps him for nefarious reasons.

He never stood a chance.

Uploaded at 10.20 AM. Written in about twenty minutes for April Fools, Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

What is reality? What is fantasy? Could this all be a dream? Or am I in the presence of a miracle? All these questions run by young Ellis' mind as he tries to piece together fact from fiction when he meets a strange woman with wings and a horn who looked like a princess from a fairy tale that doesn't exist. Who is this woman? Why did she come to him? And the most important question: where did she come from?

(Its a work in progress. I'm currently working on it as we speak and I promise you, the payoff is gonna be great. This story is one I've been piecing together for a while now, with many ideas and careful precision. Hopefully it turns out how I want it, and hopefully you'll like it. Keep up to date.)

Chapters (7)

The foggy feeling like you're wandering through a dream, disconnected from the world around you. Sunset Shimmer experiences that every day. Ponies struggle to remember her, she suffers from random bouts of exhaustion, and at eighteen, she still has no cutie mark.

Despite the claims her mother makes, Sunset knows she is broken in some way. It isn't until her nineteenth birthday that she discovers why.

When her perception of herself and the world around her shatters, Equestria will face the consequences of the villain... or the hero, it was never supposed to have.

Chapters (14)

Cadence and Shinning Armour thought everything was going fine. Then they find out Sombra has raised the umbrum, built an entire empire that's only 20 or so miles away and married one of their own citizens. They don't know how they didn't notice but they certainly feel like complete and utter idiots.

Chapters (1)

A strange and Unusual events happening all over a Equestria with strong earthquakes, sightings says they seen a large creature in the distance but rumor says there could be more than one.

Chapters (5)

For more than a millennium, it was believed that the princesses were immortal. But as time marched ever forward, it become clear that even the alicorns won't live forever.

Princess Celestia is at the end of her life.

While Equestria must find a way to cope with this new reality, those that are truly suffering are those closest to her. None are struggling as much as her sister, Princess Luna. Not only is she forced to handle the duties of ruling Equestria and taking care of the transition, she must also cope with the imminent death of her beloved sister.

Image source.

Warning: comments may contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)

After weeks of dealing with a fussy filly's bedtime ritual, Shining Armor finds the perfect story for his daughter.

Chapters (1)

How hard is it to take care of a baby on your own, right? Cadance quickly finds that motherhood isn't all that it's cracked up to be. And with Shining Armor away, the responsibility falls entirely on her to figure it out. Even if her methods are... a little unorthodox.

This story is for the Cadance is a Terrible Mom Competition! Sorry I got it in so late!

Art by Sugarberry, so go give them some love!!

Chapters (1)