• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


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Starlight, anxious at her friends moving on with their lives, becomes insecure and confused. She turns to Trixie, and then to magic, to help herself find closure on the matter.

Chapters (1)

A year has passed since Twilight's coronation as princess, and the only pony who isn't happy during the anniversary party, is Twilight.

Perhaps what she needs is a night to herself, to reflect on why she's afraid to break free from her chains and find happiness.

Or perhaps what she needs is an escape. A way to run away and forget her problems... just for the night.

Luckily, the perfect escape comes to her in the form of a stranger.

Or perhaps this escape is just her next set of chains.

Sex is discussed and reflected on, but not shown.

Part of the How We Lost It series, inspired by Fluttershy's Night Out

Proofread by Schattendrache

Other Stories in the How We Lost It series:
Applejack: A Simple Pony
Rarity: What is a Worthy Man?
Rainbow Dash: Deathbed Thoughts
Pinkie Pie: What is a Smile Worth?
Fluttershy: Coming soon!

Chapters (1)

A broken-spirited Spike waits for news of Twilight after an accident lands her in the hospital, dancing on the fine line between recovery and the unspeakable.

Chapters (1)

A perfect mother. A shining example of how to raise your kids right. An unfailing beacon of hope.

These are some of the words Twilight Velvet has heard ponies use when talking about her. But she only wishes they knew that she is not perfect. She is still a pony, who has her regrets and has made her mistakes.

Night Light is not listed as a character but is mentioned quite a lot.

Chapters (1)

Rarity often visits the Friendship Castle, hoping to see Twilight despite the many responsibilities pulling them apart. Time may stretch relationships but Rarity keeps the flame ablaze her own way—a very special book she's distractedly left behind.

Proofreaders: ARockRaider, Flashgen, GaraTheAuthor, Petrichord, Pocketbot, R5h, Shortmane, The Hat Man
Thanks to Lofty Withers for the short description.

Chapters (1)

She just wanted to cast a new spell. But when it takes a friend away forever...

She'd do anything to atone.

This is a side story dedicated to Zephysonas' orchestral Hour of Twilight.

Chapters (1)

After seeing Rarity's new boyfriend, Spike realizes that he's too ugly to ever date her.

But what scares him the most is the realization that he might not ever be attractive enough to date anypony. It takes a conversation with Twilight to help him realize just how special he is.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's caught a special type of flu, and it's up to none other than Princess Celestia to nurse her through it. A special, tender little moment follows in this most unexpected of circumstances.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is seven years old, and she already knows a lot about the world. What she doesn't understand is her mother: Why does she work so hard when she could be home with her family? Her teacher, Princess Celestia, explains it as best she can.

Chapters (2)

Celestia is once again forced to endure the Summer Sun Celebration, for the 990th year in a row. Realizing that while she may be just 10 more years away, it'll still be a short while before she can see her sister again, she finally gives in. Realizing that she's been content for too long, she finally decides to seclude herself from the rest of Equestria, finding out that almost a thousand years is far longer than she can endure, and the time for her to let it out has finally arrived. However, she finds some comfort with the help of a little filly.

Chapters (1)