• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2019


More of a reader than a writer.

memorable 238 stories
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Estimated Reading: 4 days



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Twilight is a learned soul, and a learned soul is a busy soul, and a busy soul might have forgotten that it's Mother's Day this weekend.

Thankfully, Celestia comes to the rescue.

Proofread by, you'll never guess, Undome Tinwe, many thanks to them for the help and all the help they've provided over the years.

Written at the behest of my patrons for their June Project, consider joining my Patreon to influence future votes!

Now with a Russian translation by NovemberDragon.

Chapters (1)

At the end of the world, Twilight must convince Celestia to let go.

(Originally written for the Twilestia is Bestia Lightning Round, expanded upon and made into a one shot.)

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle may be a brilliant scientist, a flawless engineer, and a wielder of otherworldly magic—but she's not infallible. Sometimes, she isn't okay. Pinkie knows this.

Warning for slight mentions of self-harm/suicide

Edited by my good friend RustyWarhead

Music by Inquisitive_Duck

Chapters (1)

Twilight was ecstatic when she became the personal protégé of Princess Celestia herself. But even a young filly's excitement and curiosity has its limits, and several months into her tutelage Twilight begins to feel homesick.

Princess Celestia does her best to help.

Now with a dramatic reading by DRWolf

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Chocolate Talk

One warm summer night on the castle balcony, Twilight Sparkle must ask Princess Celestia a very important question; the pony she trusts with all her heart. Surely the thick book from the past can't be true.

Dedicated to Nordryd, an amazing friend

Edited by chillbook1 and zdaysavior

Review by Titanium Dragon

Reading Chocolate Talk is not required to understand this story.

Chapters (1)

In an effort to get to know her reserved little student better, Celestia invites the young Twilight Sparkle over for a cup of hot chocolate. Who knew lavender unicorns were so cute?

Warning: Contains Cuteness

Review by Titanium Dragon

Another Review by PresentPerfect

Amazing Reading by: CaptainBron3y

Chapters (1)

What does it mean to be Celestia? What does it mean to be "at the top"?

Celestia knows.

And soon, Twilight will too.

Now on Equestria Daily!

Winner of the Second Twilestia Contest.

Now in Russian! Courtesy of Nogood.

Chapters (1)

Endings come to everything, even for the unending. At the threshold of change, two ponies search for the way forward, and for what waits beyond goodbye.

Cover art by Hollow. Find them here and here!

Chapters (1)