• Member Since 5th Oct, 2020


Just some reader-type human. Obsessed with lists, apparently. Library reconstruction complete...

Background ponies 87 stories
Found 76 stories in 50ms

Total Words: 3,462,234
Estimated Reading: 1 week



  • Featured 23558 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Leave it to Twilight Sparkle to create the greatest spell of the past century – and then want to destroy it.

It's too dangerous to use, she says. It's too tempting. It can't help you the way you think it can.

Well, Starlight Glimmer knows a thing or three about temptation. She'll prove to Twilight that this spell – this magnificent book – is too important to destroy. That it can help ponies.

She just has to survive using it, first.

Second place in the May 2018 WriteOff.

Cover art is "Reformed" by Okaces.

Chapters (1)

Never did Cadance expect her tainted marriage with Shining Armor to come crumbling apart upon visiting Hope Hollow, where a certain fashionable pegasus sweeps him off his hooves and away from his family. What happens when as it turns out, she isn't the only pony searching for the two runaway ponies?

Entry for the Season 10 Bingo Writing Contest. Contains cheating perceived in a romanticized way to the ponies involved, abandoning family, rightfully devastated wives, and grey morality.
Editor: totallynotabrony

Chapters (6)

It's a tale long forgotten, and lost to time. How a filly who was all forgotten about until the end of days was rediscovered, and given a chance to redo her choices. But old tendencies die hard, and the future of Equestria is put at risk by Cozy Glow and her plan to rewrite history according to her desires.

Submission for Cozy Glow Contest 3

Prompt: Cozy Glow vs. the first ever Hearth's Warming Eve

Cover art by ginmaruxx

Special thanks to Wild Stallion and Venomous Pie for feedback and suggestions.

Chapters (4)

The horror, the horror... They were on the search for new and amazing flowers and they found them! Why isn't this good news? They arrive in a strange city filled with colorful creatures they do not understand and no way home.

Come, welcome to Prisma, home of flutterponies. Don't know what those are? Learn with our flowery trio. No pre-reading is required for this story, so dive on in! Done for a lovely patron, to update once a week.

Chapters (29)

This story is a sequel to A Song of Storms: Of Skies Long Forgotten

It has been twenty years since the fall of the Cirran Empire, and Commander Hurricane has led the pegasus pony tribe into a comfortable role in accordance with the Tri-Pony Compact. But a supernatural blizzard without end brings forth the suppressed hatreds that have festered among the three tribes, and the resulting famine threatens to eradicate all; earth pony, unicorn, and pegasus alike. With a bloody war looming on the horizon and the fate of their ponies at stake, the three tribes must find a way to survive together, or they will assuredly die alone.

Sequel to "Of Skies Long Forgotten." Reading of that story is not absolutely necessary to understand what is going on, but it is strongly recommended for you to understand the references.

Officially part of "The Price of Loyalty" storyverse, in collaboration with LoyalLiar

Editing by LoyalLiar and Ruirik
Cover art provided by Ruirik

Chapters (22)


A hypothetical mare hypothetically has a hypothetical choice to make.

The clock is ticking.

Won gold medal in Bicyclette's "A Thousand Words" contest in category "Angst."

Dramatic reading by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan.
Dramatic reading by Pony&Wolf Productions.

Thanks to Equimorto and various Anons for proofreading and feedback.

Chapters (1)

Having known her for her full time in Ponyville, Berry Punch could say a lot of things about Twilight Sparkle, starting with how enough booze to loosen her up would be irresponsible to give to a unicorn that powerful. But Berry had to admit, Twilight always learned from her mistakes. Sometimes that meant making daring new ones, but she learned.

Berry's own mistakes, well, nopony's perfect. And apparently the same goes for kirin. You can't blame a mare for being curious.

An entry in the 2021 May Pairing Contest. Rated Teen for substances that S&P wouldn't allow into Equestria. (Remember, Faust wanted to call Berry "Pinot Noir.") Contains incidental comic references.

Chapters (1)

Bright Mac and Pear Butter. It’s no secret that these two were missed and nopony knows this better than Applejack.  She missed them, and would do anything to be wrapped onto their hooves again. But something unexpected happened on the day before their parent’s anniversary. She, and her family, find Pear Butter wandering the streets of Ponyville. The sight of her mother both excites and disheartens Applejack. Is that pony really her mother? And if it is, can she finally let go of her?

Featured on 12/22/17 and 2/1/17. Thank you all.
Special Thanks to Jarvey Jared and PeerImagination for editing my story.

Chapters (22)

Cheerilee dwells alone in sterile white rooms. The disembodied voice that calls itself the Chancellor tells her she has an important task - a duty to her students. Come what may, Cheerilee is a teacher. She will do what she must.

Second place winner in the Quills and Sofas 'Cheerilee' character contest.

Chapters (1)

Tracy Maxwell is in a desperate situation: find somewhere to live, or lose the internship he needs to survive. After exhausting every property in the city, one last option appears the day before his deadline. Sure the agent selling the place is a little weird, and more than a little overeager to get the property signed off. At the worst, maybe there's a little mold in the bathroom somewhere, and he has to make do until the lease is up.

But then he steps inside and discovers things can be much worse. The property is in another universe, and while he's there he'll have to play by its rules. He's free to continue working his dream job, so long as he keeps to the contract. Even worse, he's got a roommate who has no intention of leaving him alone.

If he ever wants to escape, he'll have to read the Fine Print.

This story now has a hardcover! If you'd like one of your own, you can grab it here: https://starscribe.net/

This story is a commission by _Kenzu_!

Chapters (68)