• Member Since 5th Oct, 2020


Just some reader-type human. Obsessed with lists, apparently. Library reconstruction complete...

Background ponies 87 stories
Found 76 stories in 128ms

Total Words: 3,462,234
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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A snowy night.
An empty road.
A Blinding Darkness
Surrounding two ponies.
Two ponies just entering the age of adulthood.
The look towards each other
across the empty chasm of night
and smile as the warmth of a light
blooms between them.

(Coverart from Jamey4 who is an AWESOME GUY. Go check his stuff out)
<Inspired by Coverart>

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Undeliverable

Ten years ago, Ditzy Doo vanished. Ponyville mourned her and sorely felt her absence, but over time, the tragedy lost its sting. Sad as it was, they all accepted Ditzy's disappearance and moved on with their lives.

All but one.

Come Tartarus or tidal surges, Dinky Doo is going to find her mother.

An entry in ocalhoun's Big 250k Contest.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the fanart Dalek
By mysticalpha

With some unexpected guests, his trusty TARDIS, a faithful companion and his witts, the Doctor find himself in a precarious situation on board a ship above the kingdom of Equestria. It's what onboard this ship that makes the Doctor realise that it's a race against time to save the kingdom of Equestria before the ship arrives.

Can he save Equestria from this alien threat?

First crossover experiment for me, but I hope you enjoy it.

Chapters (1)

A collection of letters to Ponyville's Mailmare.

Cover image by huussii.
Proofreading by RaylanKrios.

Based on this story:
Redeliverable | Rerouted | Unimaginable | An Impossible Letter

Chapters (1)

This is a fun, light hearted story.

Twilight bursts into the throne room of Celestia and Luna to tell them the most disturbing news. There's a new Princess, and she doesn't know who it is.

Celestia and Luna, though, aren't too concerned.

Now with an audio reading! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8F-7f_K6Ob8

Chapters (1)

‘Nothing acts that cute without some ulterior motive.’ — Lord Nibbler of the Nibblonians.

Dinky Doo melts ponies hearts and hugs everything wherever she goes. Normally this is limited to scamming sweets from adults and convincing ponies to lose at battleclouds, but It’s only a matter of time before she uses her adorableness to achieve her true destiny: Enslaving Equestria to fulfill her every desire.

By mere chance, Octavia has resisted the filly’s siren song. Together with her old friend Vinyl, they must survive as the only sane ponies in a world gone mad.

Prereaders Include: Chengar Qordath, Luminary, Ponibus, and Web of Hope
Cover Art acquired from Flausch-Katzerl's 'Fitting In'
While peripherally related to the Winningverse, and part of their AU month, this is primarily a standalone story. All you need to know is that Dinky is cute like a baby harp seal.

I'm also pleased to say that this story has been approved by Twilight's Library. I'm quite proud of that.

Chapters (4)

The Spring is Sprung Feast is a yearly tradition in Ponyville, full of food, fun and dancing into the early hours of the morning. Derpy asks Rarity for help 'dressing to impress' when Cloud Kicker sets her sights on Time Turner as her date, but Rarity finds that she gets more from helping the clumsiest pony in town than mere job satisfaction.

Continues in Feast of Love.

Inspired by the fanart 'Bowties' by SketchyVibes, which is also the cover art of this fic.

Chapters (1)

-Alternate events DURING Magical Mystery Cure-

A moment three years in the making, it's at last come time for Princess Celestia to choose the next Princess of Equestria. Everything has been planned out, the planets aligned, the proper paperwork submitted.

It was supposed to be so easy, so simple.

How did things end up like THIS?

Created, Written, Edited and Revised by Lunabrony and Leonhard

Chapters (1)

The global dust storm of a century, the dying message of an indomitable robot, and a unicorn who just can’t let go of a mystery.

(Now with a dramatic reading by Skijaramaz - Tone Shift.)
(Russian translation available at ponyfiction.org.)

Chapters (26)

Equestria is under threat. A group calling itself 'Unicornia' has made itself known, and their intent is to dethrone Celestia and Luna, and return Equestria to its rightful bearers: the three tribes that originally founded it.

Some fight for power, some for justice, some simply to defend their beloved land, where Celestia had failed in recent events. Their reasons bring them together, but the fight will not be easy. Friendships will be formed and tested, and lies will lead to bloodshed and severed ties that can never be reformed.

Trixie Lulamoon fights in the present. Queen Platinum fought in the past. Both of them had unwavering resolve, but where one had fallen, will the other succeed?

Credit to Emkay for the Princess Platinum vector used in the coverart, and to Spaceponies for the Trixie vector.

Note: As much of this story was planned out (and some started) before Season 5, the fic itself will take part before Season 5 of the show and as such may disregard some canon.

Chapters (15)