• Member Since 5th Oct, 2020


Just some reader-type human. Obsessed with lists, apparently. Library reconstruction complete...

Background ponies 87 stories
Found 76 stories in 44ms

Total Words: 3,462,234
Estimated Reading: 1 week



  • Featured 23572 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Ruby Pinch has had enough, her mother's drinking had become out of control and so has she. One night after passing out drunk again, Ruby slips out into the night. With nowhere to go, she winds up in the Everfree Forest, only to be found by one of Equestria's greatest enemies...

...or are they?

This Fic contains the following ingredients:
Nice happy changelings
Happy endings
Possible sequel

Chapters (1)

Cheerilee was thrilled when she became an alicorn and the Princess of Dawn and Dusk. Her newfound magical prowess has revolutionized her classes, and her students have never been happier. When she decides to help Apple Bloom through a difficult problem, though, she is challenged to the limits of her powers. Fortunately, she has friends who can remind her that, even when spells and strength fail, the magic of friendship can overcome all difficulties.

Chapters (1)

It's no secret that the Flower Sisters are three of the most timid ponies in Equestria. Roseluck, Daisy, and especially Lily Valley are prone to panicking and fainting at the drop of a hat. But while most ponies are familiar with their high-strung personalities, what almost nopony knows is the secret concealed beneath. The true reason for their jittery nature is dark and destructive, and comes from deep inside the underground mountain tunnel on Equestrian Route 15.

Chapters (1)

How far will you go to save your family? Your friends? Your empire? Twenty years before the events of the Hearth's Warming Eve story, long before the pegasi had even met the other two races, Commander Hurricane was a simple farmer in the great Cirran Empire. When the neighboring griffon nation declares war on Cirra and everything it stands for, the young Hurricane finds himself thrown into the middle of a conflict with the fate of his very race put into question. Will he rise to be the pegasus Cirra needs him to be, or will the mighty empire fall to the claws of the griffons?

Officially part of "The Price of Loyalty" storyverse, in collaboration with LoyalLiar.

Now with a side story! Come check out my friend Ruirik's Wind and Stone and follow along with the journey of another legionnaire who struggled through the Red Cloud War at the same time as Hurricane. (*contains references to events in the sequel to OSLF, Snow and Shadows, so be wary*)

Cover art by Ruirik

Chapters (18)

It hurts when the one you love doesn't return your affections. But Daisy has always believed that giving up is for the weak, and she's not weak. Twilight will either love her, or be annoyed by her until she does.

[Takes place very early on in season one, before Twilight knew Daisy's name as seen in the episode where they meet Zecora.]

Chapters (2)

 Life is like picking cherries, but there was so much more to her than just cherries. Cherry Berry found herself losing herself in the beautiful horizon above her, wondering what it would be like to fly away from the troubles of the world.

Prereaders: AuroraDawn

Coverart link: Coverart

This story was written as part of a gift exchange by reviewers from Nailah’s Review Group, as a gift for The Red Parade! Hope you like it!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Frenemies... With Benefits

At the conclusion of the Battle of the Bell, the three villains were incapacitated by a giant cupcake. But when the cupcake was poofed away, the trio of doom were nowhere to be found. For over a year, Equestria has stood sentry against their inevitable attempt at revenge.

Now two retired monarchs are about to discover that somehow, against all odds, the greatest threats in Equestria's history may have found the impossible; a happy ending.


The conclusion of the Frenemies Trilogy, with cover art borrowed from raritylover152.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Lies and Lyres

After the events of Lies and Lyres, Spike is ready to let Rarity know about his relationship with Lyra. She says she's happy for him, but does she really mean it?

Chapters (1)

Not to be confused with the superior and wholly unrelated My Roommate Is a Vampire by Dennis the Menace (which you should go read instead of this if you haven't already!)

Short, silly Octascratch wherein Vinyl Scratch comes home to Octavia in an awesome vampire cape. Has Vinyl become a terrifying creature of dark passions? Will Octavia be amused? (Spoilers: no.) Is there a twist where it's not Vinyl who's the vampire but Octavia instead? (Spoiler: also no.) Or perhaps Vinyl has simply been reading way too many vampire novels recently? (Spoiler: it's that one!)

Cover image from the talented namelesshero2222.

Now with a Youtube reading by the delightful ObabScribbler!

Chapters (2)

Spike is a dragon with mare troubles, and one of those mares just happens to be his mother. When he meets Lyra, who has troubles of her own, he hatches a plot that they think will be mutually beneficial.

Special thanks to Setokaiva for his proofing work.
Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI can be found here

Chapters (1)