• Member Since 5th Oct, 2020


Just some reader-type human. Obsessed with lists, apparently. Library reconstruction complete...

Background ponies 87 stories
Found 76 stories in 95ms

Total Words: 3,462,234
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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Lyra Heartstrings is a up-and-coming musician living in the quiet town of Ponyville. Her marefriend Bon Bon owns and operates Canter Candies, the town's specialty sweets shop. They've been together for years, and everypony around knows what a happy couple they are. But any relationship has its ups and downs, and it's hard to ignore every awkward moment.

Like when Lyra's ex arrives in town.
Because she thinks Lyra still has a thing for her.
Because someone's been impersonating her for the past few years.

...Bon Bon might be in trouble here.

Thanks to Einhander for pre-reading and Exuno for editing!

Now with a reading by Goombasa!

Chapters (5)

The plan, he thought, was perfect. Instead of returning to the mortal world as a shade of his former self, King Sombra would transmute his soul into the body of his greatest foe, using her influence and power to destroy Equestria from the inside and take vengeance on the Princesses that stole his beloved empire.

There's just one problem: after her fight with Tirek, Twilight Sparkle changed her address. This turns out to be a much bigger problem than Sombra thought. A Dinky-Doo-sized problem, to be precise.

5th-place finalist in the More Most Dangerous Game contest.

Cover art crudely Photoshopped by me from this and this. I am art and so can you.

Reading by Neighrator Pony

Chapters (5)

When Ditzy Doo loses her job at Cloudsdale Mail and Freight, she gets a job at another shipping company... only to find out their definition of shipping has nothing to do with delivering packages! Desperate for income to support herself and Dinky, will Ditzy be able to make it as a pony matchmaker?

(Occurs between Seasons 2 and 3 of the show.)

Chapters (19)

There's something strange and unnatural living in Bon-Bon's house.

Something other than Lyra.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Shipping and Handling

Magic is limited only by the strength of the mind and the passion of the heart.

After the events of "Shipping and Handling", young Dinky Doo sets off to begin her first term of study at the most prestigious magic school in Equestria, Celestia's Academy for Gifted Unicorns. The adventures that await her there will exceed even her wildest expectations, and a cast of colorful new characters will be by her side to share in them.

(This story is the sequel to "Shipping and Handling". It's highly recommended you read that one first!
Occurs during Season 3 of the show: After the Crystal Empire but before Alicorn Twilight.)

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Hocus Pocus

A few years have passed since the events of Hocus Pocus, and the lives of Ditzy Doo and her daughter Dinky have never been more exciting. Dinky's final year of study at Celestia's Academy for Gifted Unicorns is about to begin, and Ditzy's relationship with her coworker, Autumn Breeze, has blossomed into a beautiful partnership.

But when a figure from both ponies' past reappears, events quickly escalate out of control, and soon, Ditzy and Dinky find themselves wrapped up in what may be the greatest crisis Equestria has ever faced.

In this final chapter of the Shipping and Handling trilogy, two ponies learn about the greatest magic of all.

(Excluding the prologue and epilogue, takes place 3+ years after Hocus Pocus, and between seasons 8 and 9 of canon MLP.)

Chapters (22)

"The historians had slipped up. In addition to the five supporting Elements that accompanied Twilight to the Everfree Forest, there was also a Sixth Element... and it wasn't Magic!"

A combination of a backstory for Derpy and Dinky, and a look at the events that took place in Ponyville during Nightmare Moon's return. Also answers the question of why everyone in Ponyville so readily puts up with the wonderfully klutzy Derpy, no matter how much damage she does.

Chapters (11)

RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse spin on Story of the Blanks. When Dinky Doo sees a mysterious gray foal in the Everfree, she chases after her and is split off from the other Ponyville foals. She soons winds up in a strange town called Moonville, where no pony has a cutie mark and the parties go on forever. Although the village at first appears idyllic, Dinky soon realizes that something is very wrong and that the town hides a terrible secret. Can Dinky escape? And, more importantly, can she help save the benighted citizens of Moonville?

Note: this story does not assume prior knowledge of Story of the Blanks.

Chapters (10)

Cheerilee wants to teach. Ditzy Doo wants her family to stop thinking she's crazy. Lyra just wants Cheerilee. During their first semester in college a sheltered rich girl, a budding engineer, and a street musician will each have to face the decisions that affects the rest of their lives. Will they be able to stay friends? A School Daze/Three Whooves standalone prequel, and the perfect place to start.

Labelled 'Crossover' for Doctor Whooves as a cast member.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to School Daze

Cheerilee and Screwball expected a quiet Ponyville vacation. But Discord's back, and he's come for the children. Can Screwball and the Ponyville teens overcome the Lord of Misrule in their worst nightmares?

Chapters (7)